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شعر عبد العزيز عتيق :
أبو زيد, أسامة عبد الرحمن.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أسامة عبد الرحمن أبو زيد
مشرف / السيد فضل
مشرف / السيد فضل
مشرف / السيد فضل
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
400ص. ؛
اللغة واللسانيات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الاداب - اللغة العربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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The most significant of the thesis
After Atiq’s verse had been in the spotlil[ht Cor stylistic scrutiny. The researcher came up with a host of results;
concerDing the first chapter that scrutiDizes the phontical ievel . when having a look at the metres employed by Atiq one can obvioasely observe his most frequent Use of ( AL Khafif metre) rather than other sorts by reason of its vel’Jl” characteristics that permit SOrrowftal implictions , TranqUil lUi.d serene depicti~n , and virgin court : all cUlminating iD its depiction as ( lyrical metre ) as most poets preferred its emploYDlent • specially the roman ticists in our modera time still it hasn’t occupied the prime position with anyone of them.
In Atiq’s quest for novel musieal moulds. he adopted (AI Rami metre) in the form of ( mwashahat) the pyramid mould aDd the l1ke to achieve harmony and diversity through the dual Use of the integrate verse line the incompiete One • the halved, and some times the ryhme mode in a poem. As far as we are concerned with lyrics we are met with ( AI Kamel metre) in the third place. so this kind of metre is current in circulated poems .
Atiq’s usage of ( Tawii metre) is in the fourth place. althOUgh such a usage Ocarred later with romanticism : assUring that Atiq’s beginnings Were SOmehow romantic , as aresuI~. we find classical tequirements in his verse mostly in the . form of ( AI tawil mould) . the rate of this recurrencewhich was once high in his first volume initiated its decline towards romanticim.
” AI Baseet metre ” was of little appearance acCording to Atiq among the poets of Apollo: due to its dreamy musical atmosphere _ atrait missing with Atiq Cor the deceitftlJ natare of his beloved.
While Atiq’s employment to other metres ( AI wafer,Al motoqareb • al mogtath , AI madid , AI sariea - and AI haJU) was mediocre.
The researcher has concluded that there is a Proportiaual relationship between the metre and the length of the breath specially In the first five metres . the more popular the metre is , the longer the breath : this sheds more Ught on Atiq’s intention to employ these metres •• they are of more afnnity to him than other metres.
Atiq’s Use of medium• length metres is crystal clear. in most of his poems. as for the incomplete line it was closely related to the l1ght metre and was always represented as complete except in one part of this p_m ”a night in the boat ” when Atiq wanted to produce lyrics : this certifies that .the artistic forms are delibrate on Atiq’s part and they come to match well with diverse emotions in the poem - AI Rami metre was represented as complete