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Spectrophotometric studies of mira ab binary system in the ultra-violet /
Sanad, Magdy Rabie Soliman.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
93 p. :
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The prof <:lund knowledge lind deep insight>;. of both atomic and spectroscopic
I .
lields represent the ~ignif[calll means \0 understand the bellavior of celestial o”’jects.
In this thesis we have used data obtaiacd by lUE satellite (I”lemational UItI3violcl
Ellploret) in its t\IlO ranges of wavelengths • short ~n, long, with low resolving
power 6 ,r and high resolving power 0.2 •••.. Th6se spectroscopic dahl were
lIillIlyzed and interpreted for one of aC’;’reling Binary ~em • Mira AB in the Uttra -
Violel region which revealed marthere Js a good relalion b”,lw’cen physlcal line
parameters (Line flUX, Liae W!<llb, Line Velocity) lIpd the pul.sali<ln of Mira A,
through three ,;Iifkrent ell$, the Chrorll.ospher tbe Clrc ustellar Maltl’r” and
the Ace retion Disk. I
The Chromosphere : I
We·have enalyzed Ill\) Mg II k & h emission lines a ’ish~gfrom the ehrQnl~phe”,
of M:ira A,and deduced Ih”l. InOSO lines are broad emission lines, redshifted ,vjlh
variations ill bOIl! profiles and [lexcs at different pbases. TIle relation between
physical line parameters am! ph3SC was established. F!nally the ratio of Ilexes for
both h & 10: lines were interpreted ;l;mlrevealed ’Ike p~YSies of this chromosphcric
region, I
TheCircum~tcllar Maue~; I .
Due 10 blowing of s!clllln’i’md outwards from the srofs surface, shells ofm.uenal
(dust.molecules, ... etc) are accumelatedaround the Ista.r 1o<r.mjng wh t is called
circumstellsr envelope, The d)’IlDmical evolution Jr AOli (Asymptotic Giani
Brilneh) clecumstellar onvetcpcs is targely controlled b~ Ihe dust component. In the
ciro;Ytllstcllar region of Mira II there art some ~bsr rptlen lines such as Fe II
multiplets at 2600 .<’. Fe 11at 2155 .K’ and Mg I at ~8S2 A”. By cllieulatiog tile
physic I parameters fur Ihe line Fe 27$5 .r, we fO(Jnd II good relation between tile Considerable part of the stellar wind result in acoumulaliJn mass around tile t m companion
shaping what IS known as 811 accretion disk 0.1 stellar IViHd accretion . consequently the
cbara~eristics of (he hot companion wil.l_affect 10 a ,large (XI.tllt Ihe Ph)’iiCSi~VOIVed in the
accretion process, norablythc fooo of ernute<l.spectmm. I~ this <lCGce.ung djsk mere are many
spectral lines I1IJlginS from neutral lipes ·such as H I 10 fourt ionized lines as N V. 8y se.le<;lll1l;
some spectral lines C 11 and applying our rule. il wJs found that the pultiol cycles are
correlated with ’I\e physicel parameters.