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structural studies of the pars distalstals and tuberalis of the albino rat adenohypo physis/
talaat mostafa ,mohamed,
mohamed,talaat mostafa
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / mohamed ,talaat mostafa
مشرف / mohamed moustafa
مشرف / abd el_waness A l_awdan
مناقش / mohamed ahmed mostafa
مناقش / abd el_aziz,abd el_rehman
تاريخ النشر
1989 .
عدد الصفحات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية طب بشري - تشريح
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Structural studie of the PO and PT of the albino rat
adenohypophys·s in varying endocrine states.
The aim of the present work was to deduce the possible
functional r lationship between PO, PT cells and
the other endocrine glands (thyroid, testis ) . This
could be achieve
changes in the PO a
after suppressing
by studying any ultrastructural
PT cells of the adult al.ino rat,
activities of their respective
target organs eithe by surgical removal, ”orchidectomy”
or using drugs, ’’th roprivic drugs’’.
One hundred an twenty adult albino rats, of both
sexes were used and ivided into 4 groups, two groups
were untreated and t ken as control for the other two.
The third and fou th group was subjected to bilateral
and thyroprivic drug adminstration
The specimens o the pituitary gland with the basal
part of the brain ti sue in paraffin blocks and sectioned
”coronal & sagittal” to be stained with Haemtoxylin
& eosin and xamined by the light microscope.
For E/M examina the pituitary gland will be
ext~acted afte~ its p ~fusion by the fixative, p~epa~ed
~’ • .o”’
by the specific way o be examined with the ElM, 1afte~
selecting the pe~fect thin sections.
The mo~phology o the PO and PT had been studied by
the light mic~oscop , demonst~ating the topog~aphical
~elation of the PT wh ch desc~ibed as cephalic, middle
and caudal ~egion, w ile PO will be identified with its
~elation to the othe~ pa~ts of the pituita~y gland.
Ult~ast~uctu~all seve~al cells of the whole ante~
io~ pituita~y will be distinguished, of these,the~e
we~e g~anulated and n g~anulated cells. The natu~e of
some g~anulated had been studied fu~the~ by testing
the influnce i~ ~espective ta~get o~gans
’ .
Fou~ g~anulated 11 types will be identified in
the ante~io~ pituita~y on the basis of size, shape and
dist~ibution of thei~ ec~eto~y g~anules as well as the
~elative abundance, ocation and mo~phological diffe~
ences of othe~ cyto lasmic o~ganelles. In addition a
non-g~anulated cell t pe have been identified specially
in the PO pa~enchyma.
Somatot~ophs a~e he commonest g~anulated cells encounte~
ed in the ante~-o~ pituita~y and pa~ticula~ily in
the PO whose g~anules ~e la~ge~ than any othe~ cell,
~andomly dist~ibuted and cha~acte~ized by its high
elect~on density.
Gonadot~ophs h ve more abundant cytoplasmic
o~ganelles, thei~ g~
that of the somatot~o
tis p~educed alte~ati
a~e la~ge but smalle~ than
su~gical ~emoval of the tesof
gonadot~ophs with notable
dilation of RER and enla~gment of Golgi appa~atus, these
changes a~e taken to dicate hype~sec~etion of these
cells and suggest a functional ~elationship between
gonadot~ophs and thei~ possible ta~get o~gans ’’testes’’.
Co~ticot~ophs, h ve small g~anules than gonadot~ophs,
mostly dist~ibu ed along the pe~iphe~ay of the
cytoplasm, lining the lasma memb~ane.
Thy~ot~ophs areth least common of all g~anulated
cells, they have the smallest sec~eto~y g~anules among
the PD and PT cells. Supp~ession of the thy~oid gland
by a thy~op~ivic d~ug ’’Ca~bimazole’’ ~esulted in changes
in the cytoplasmi~ o~g nelles (like dilation of the RER,
enla~gment of Golgi
cytoplasm in both PD an
and vscuolation of the
PT thy~ot~ophs. These indicate
a functional ~elation hip between these cells and the
ta~get o~gan ’’thy~oid”.
All the ~esults wi l be discussed.