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Effect of General Anaesthetics on Some Neurotansmitters :
El-Aaser, Heba Mohamed Ali.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
217 p. :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The mechanisms of action of general anaesthesia are not completely understood. Enhancement of inhibitory postsynaptic responses and inhibition of excitatory synaptic transmission are generally thought to be the predominant mode of general anaesthetics action in the centeral nervous system.
Adequate surgical anaesthesia must achieve three goals: immobility, amnesia and absence of awareness. Anaesthetics act on different regions of the nervous system to produce immobilization, amnesia and absence of awarness. Immbolization is very likely mediated by cortex probabily mediate amnesia. A comprehensive explanation of the mechanism by which anaesthetics cause loss of consciousness has not been yet developed. Abundant In vitro and In vivo evidence has been provided of effects of anaesthetics on a wide variety of molecular and cellular processes.
The inhibitory GABAA receptor has been considered a potential target site for anaesthetics. Because clinically relevent concentrations of inhalational anaesthetics potentiate its response, inhibition of neuronal nAcHRs by anaesthetics was also found.
The aim of the present study is to clarify the effects of some intravenous anaesthetics like midazolam, propofol, thiopental and some inhalational anaesthtic as halothane and isoflurane on the level of neurotransmitters