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Transvaginal Ultrasonographic Gervical Evalution As Predictor Of Successful Labor Induction /
Madkoor, Nadia Mohammed.
تاريخ النشر
2002 .
عدد الصفحات
113 P. :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 132

from 132


Cervical assessment is essential-in-evaluating the gravidae prior to
labor induction. Digital evaluation of the cervix gives valuable
information but it is subjective and may cause infection in cases with
premature rupture ofthe membrane (PROM). Sonographic assessment of
the cervix is more accurate and more objective than digital assessment .
Transvaginal sonography of the cervix overcome the limitations of
transabdominal sonography and is more precise and objective in
evaluating gravidae prior to labor induction.
This study was carried out in Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Zagazig University Hospital on 30 cases admitted for labor
induction of various causes. The most common indications for induction
were post term pregnancy and hypertension with pregnancy. Induction
was done with application of intravaginal 50 ug misoprostol every -+
hours with a maximum of4 doses.
The cases were divided according to the outcome of induction into
3 groups:
Group I; cases in whom induction was successful i.e. ended by vaginal
delivery within 24 hours, were 22 cases (73.3%).
Group II;, cases in whom induction was ended by vaginal delivery but in
more than 24 hours, were 2 cases (6.7%).
Group III; cases in whom induction was failed i.e ended in cesarean
~_ section were 6 cases (20%), 4 of them due to cervical
dystocia and 2 cases due to fetal distress.