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Pain After Groin Hernia Repair /
Hasson, Ehab Ali.
Groin - Surgery.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
130 p. :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 136

from 136


1 . Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most common surgical procedures in the world 2. The residual pain after hernia repair more complications and disability harassment in the inguinal region, and that the absence of clinical trials and the nature of the complaint , which relies on the words of the patient , and here lies the difficulty of solving this problem . 3. This study demonstrated the existence of clear differences between some of the traditional surgical procedures performed and the process of inguinal hernia repair by laparoscopy in terms of the evaluation of residual pain after inguinal hernia repair . 4. This study was conducted on thirty male patients aged
between 20-60 years were divided into three groups : group (1) : It comprises ten cases were inguinal hernia repair have a way [Bassini]. Group ( 2) : It comprises ten cases were inguinal hernia repair have a way [Lichtenstien] group (3) : It comprises ten cases were inguinal hernia repair have through the laparoscope . • The first group recorded the highest rates of post-operative pain compared to clusters The second and third . • was laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair in terms of the least pain after the operation, especially the first day after the operation . • rates were high post-operative pain in the first day in three groups and then gradually declined in the fourth week until almost disappeared in The third group , while remained slightly in the two cases in the placebo group and in four cases in the first group . • comparing inguinal hernia repair surgically repaired endoscopic found that the hernia repair laparoscopic best Ntaúja in terms of pain remaining after the operation and in terms of return to the practice of physical activity and work after the operation.