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Comparative Evaluation of Two Different Paediatric Rotary File Systems and Manual K-file in Root Canal Treatment of Primary Teeth
Salem Abd eljabbar ;Huda
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تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
طب الأسنان
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية طب الأسنان - اسنان الاطفال
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Endodontic treatment in primary molars represents a challenge to pediatric because of difficult instrumentation of tortuous canals, time consumption as well as some children related behavioral managment problems. Traditionally, pulpectomy is done by manual K-file which is considered as the gold standard treatment, however several advancement with introduction of rotary files have been achieved.
The present double-blinded randomized controlled trial and in vitro study aimed to evaluate clinical and radiographic success of pulpectomy procedure in primary molars, instrumentation time, quality of obturation as well as amount of apically extruded debris upon use of conventional manual k-file and two different paediatric rotary file systems .
Thirty six mandibular second primary molars with necrotic pulp or with irreversible pulpitis were randomly allocated to three groups (12/each) according to the file system used for mechanical preparation. Group1 was treated by Kedo-S plus file (study group), Group2 was treated by Kidzo file (study group) and Group3 was treated by Manual K-file (control group). Instrumentation time was recorded in seconds which include the instrumentation time of the used file only excluding the in-between irrigation time, using a digital stopwatch.
After canal preparations, Metapex was used as canal obturation material and access cavity was restored by reinforced zinc oxide eugenol and SSC was used as a final coronal restoration. All procedure was finished at a single visit. Immediate postoperative intraoral periapical radiograph was obtained for assessment of obturation quality by assessing the extent of filling and presence of voids based on Coll and Sandrian criteria (1996).
All teeth were evaluated clinically and radiographically at 3,6, 9 and 12 months by the same evaluator, following the clinical parameters (abcess/fistula, pain on palpation , pain on percussion, pathological mobility and pain) and radiographic parameters (pathological root resorption , periapical/furcation radiolucency).
The results of this study revealed that:
1- There was a significant differences in instrumentation time between different groups (p<0.001) ,the longest time was recorded with manual files (100.74±2.92) (seconds), followed by Kidzo files (95.81±1.91) (seconds), while the shortest time was recorded with Kedo S plus files (74.99±1.52) (seconds).
2- There was no statistical significant difference among different groups regarding extent of filling (p=0.665) or presence of voids (p=0.866).
3- Regarding clinical and radiographic success
a. All cases in Kedo-S plus and K-files reported clinical and radiographic success (100%) throughout follow up periods.
b. One case of Kidzo file reported a clinical failure at 3rd month of follow up period which resolved completely at all other follow up periods (6,9,12). While all cases in the same group reported 100% radiographic success throughout the follow up period.
4- In vitro part of the study revealed a significant difference in the amount of extruded apical debri after root canal preparation with different filing system (p=0.017).The highest value was recorded for manual files (0.09±0.04), followed by Kidzo (0.04±0.03), while the lowest value was found in Kedo-S-plus files (0.03±0.01). The debris amount measured with manual files was significantly higher than that of other files (p<0.05).