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The Putative Role of Maternal Grape Seed Extract in Alleviating Caffeine-Induced Enamel Hypo-Mineralization in Rat Offspring /
EL-Shenawy, Omnia Shawky Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / امنية شوقي احمد الشناوي
مشرف / نجلاء بهجت ناجي
مشرف / سوزان انور العمي
مناقش / حسناء فؤاد عبد العزيز
Oral Biology.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
142 p. :
Oral Surgery
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية الاسنان - بيولوجيا الفم
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 192


Keywords: enamel, mineralization, caffeine, grape seed extract, rat incisor. Introduction: Mature dental enamel is a unique ectodermal acellular highly mineralized tissue that loses its capacity for in vivo mineral enhancement upon its complete maturation. Thus, improving its genesis or mineralization is one of the main goals of dental biologists to maintain its durable function. Aim of the study: This study aimed to assess the alleviating role of maternal grape seed extract (GSE) in enhancement of caffeine-induced enamel hypo mineralization in rat offspring. Materials and methods: Four equal groups of pregnant rats were used. There was control, caffeine, GSE and combined groups that received daily doses of physiological saline, caffeine, GSE and both caffeine / GSE, respectively during pregnancy and lactation. In each group, four comparable weaning pups from each rat dam were chosen. Their mandibles were cut into halves and their incisors were sectioned mesial to the first molars. The right ones were processed for LM and TEM, whereas the left ones for both EDXA and SEM. Results: EDXA for GSE group recorded the highest mean values for Ca, P and Ca/P ratio whereas those of caffeine group recorded the lowest values. Also, both Ca, P and Ca/P values of GSE group reported a significant increase than those of the caffeine group. Histologically the control group revealed characteristic features of resorptive/ion-transporter RE-maturative ameloblasts with proximal cytoplasmic vacuoles as well as distal multiple endocytotic vesicles and mitochondria whereas those of caffeine group were vacuolated, widely spaced with few endocytotic vesicles and indistinct mitochondria. However, those of GSE and combined groups depicted cytoplasmic vacuoles, endocytotic vesicles together with proximal and distal clustered mitochondria with slight variation in between. Moreover, the nearly mature enamel of the control group exhibited its organized outer and inner layers with perpendicular elongated oval elliptical rod and parallel rows of quadrangle oblong rods with clear decussation pattern,