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Occupational Stress and its Relation to Innovative Work Behavior among Staff Nurses /
Abayzed, Esraa Ashor Abdelrehem.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إسراء عاشور عبد الرحيم أبايزيد
مشرف / سامية محمد ادم
مشرف / سماح محمد السيد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
186 p. :
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - إدارة التمريض
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The effect of occupational stress on innovative behavior among nurses has been a subject of increasing interest in recent research. Occupational stress, stemming from factors such as high workload, time pressure, and interpersonal conflicts, has been found to significantly hinder nurses’ ability to engage in innovative behavior. Studies have highlighted that high levels of stress can impair cognitive functions, decrease motivation, and limit creative thinking, all of which are essential for generating and implementing innovative ideas (Kim and Kang, 2020).
This study was aimed to assess occupational stress and its relation to innovative work behavior among staff nurses through: Assessing level of occupational stress among staff nurses, assessing level of innovative work behavior among staff nurses and finding out the relation between occupational stress and innovative work behavior among staff nurses.
A descriptive correlational design was used to carry out this study. The study was conducted in critical and non-critical unit at Dar El-Salam Oncology Center which affiliated to the Ministry of Health & population. The subject of this study included 132 staff nurses out of 139 staff nurses. Data were collected using two tools namely; Occupational Stress Questionnaire and an Innovative Work Behavior Questionnaire.
The main study finding were as follows:
• More than half (59.1%) of the studied staff nurses have high occupational stress levels. While less than two-fifths (40.9%) of them have a low occupational stress levels.
• The result indicated that one-quarter (25%) of the studied staff nurses have high innovative work behavior levels. As well as more than one-third (33.3%) of them have moderate innovative work behavior level. While less than two-fifths (41.7%) of them have a low innovative work behavior level
• There significant correlations between different stress dimensions. Additionally, there is a negative relation between occupational stress and innovative work behavior.
• There is a strong negative correlation between occupational stress dimensions and innovative work behavior dimensions, with correlation coefficients ranging from -0.276 to -0.784, all statistically significant at p < 0.001.
• There was a highly significant negative correlation between total staff nurses’ occupational stress levels, and their innovative behavior levels (P= < 0.001).
• There were highly statistically significant relations between total staff nurses’ innovative work behavior and age, gender, educational qualification, marital status, years of experience, Working unit (P= < 0.001).  
• There were highly statistically significant relations between total staff nurses’ occupational stress levels and age, gender, educational qualification, marital status, years of experience, Working unit (P= < 0.001).
In the light of study finding, it be concluded that: More than half of the studied nurses had high occupational stress levels. Also, less than two fifth of staff nurses had low innovative work behavior, finally there was a statistically significant negative correlation between occupational stress and innovative work behavior.
Based on the results of this study, it was recommended the following:
• Nursing administrators should assess factors that affecting occupational stress and give each other support in order to improve performance and nursing care to their patients.
• Use appropriate coping strategies and provide clear and specific job description, flexible work schedule, fair treatment and regular meeting between supervisors and their staff nurses to discuss and solve their problems.
• Providing nurses the time and resources to carry out innovative efforts.
• Identifying barriers of innovation among staff nurses and ensure empowering factors at organization.
• Designing strategies to improve and facilitate innovation behavior among nurses.
Further studies
• Assessing the Relationship between Innovative work behavior and Organizational Climate among staff nurses.
• Effect of occupational stress on staff nurses performance.
• Identifying Factors enhancing Innovative work behavior among staff nurses.