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Effect of Self-Care Strategy on Life Style Modification among Patients with Hypothyroidism /
Abo Shosha, Amira Ashraf Attia.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أميرة أشرف عطية أبو شوشة
مشرف / حنان رمزي أحمد عطا الله
مشرف / سميرة أبراهيم أبو العزم
مشرف / أم الهنا كامل شحاته
Medical-Surgical Nursing. Hypothyroidism- Treatment.
عدد الصفحات
154 p. :
التمريض الطبية والجراحية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية التمريض - التمريض الباطني الجراحي
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Hypothyroidism is one of the most common chronic endocrine conditions. However, as symptoms of hypothyroidism are non-specific, up to 60% of those with thyroid dysfunction are unaware of their condition. Left untreated, hypothyroidism may contribute to other chronic health conditions (Hughes & Eastman, 2021).Self -care strategy involves adopting lifelong treatment regimens and lifestyle changes, which can only be achieved if underpinned by appropriate skills and support (Hämel et al., 2022). Identifying the lifestyle-related self-care strategies is most effective among patients with hypothyroidism that may help to support them in achieving lifestyle change and tailor future hypothyroidism -specific lifestyle modification to better manage the condition (Ee et al., 2022).The aim of the study was to evaluate effect of self- care strategy on lifestyle modification among patients with hypothyroidism.Setting: the study was conducted at outpatient clinic, internal medical and surgical department, Menoufia University hospital in Shebin El –Kom, Menofia
Governorate, Egypt.Subjects: A convenient sample of 110 adult patients with hypothyroidism from previously mentioned setting then patients were divided randomly and alternatively into two equal groups 55 patients in each group {study and control}.Instruments of the study: Six instruments were used in data collection:• Structured Interviewing Questionnaire Part 1: socio demographic data sheet Part 2: Medical data Part 3: Bio physiological measurement• Patient knowledge assessment sheet• Quick Physical Activity Rating Scale• Morisky Medication Adherence Rating Scale• Mediterranean dietary adherence questionnaire• Home-Based Exercise Program Adherence.The main findings of the present study were:1) There was highly significant improvement in total knowledge score related to disease, medication, diet and exercise among study group than in control group, post intervention (P= 0.0001).2) There was highly significant improvement in biophysiological measurements including BMI and thyroid hormones among study group than in control group, post intervention (p<0.05).3) There was highly significant improvement in mean of physical activity level among study group than in control group, post intervention (P≤0.01).4) There was highly significant improvement in total mean morisky medication adherence among study group than in control group, post intervention (P≤0.01).5) There was highly significant improvement in mean Mediterranean dietary adherence among study group than in control group, post intervention (p≤.001).6) There was highly significant improvement in total Home-Based Exercise Program Adherence scores among study group than in control group, post intervention (p <0.05).Conclusion: Based on the obtained results of this study, Designing and implementing a self-care program based on the needs of the patients with hypothyroidism that modified the patient’s life style and improved the health. Implementing of self-care strategy on patients with hypothyroidism was effective as it improved the knowledge of the patients about disease, medication, diet and exercise. Self-care strategy encouraged the patients to adhere to medication, mediterranean diet and home exercise. Adherence to self-care strategy improved the physical activity levels, thyroid hormones levels and anthropometric measurements.
The overall findings of this study provide evidence to support the value of self-care strategy for patients with hypothyroidism.Recommendations: Based on the findings of the current study, the following recommendations are derived and suggested: Self-care strategy should be developed and available for each patient with hypothyroidism to increase patient’s knowledge, adherence to diet medication and exercise and develop positive patient attitude toward self-management which in turn improve lifestyle modification. In addition, the presence of educator nurses a separate specialty in endocrine department to improve self-care should be considered.Nursers need to fulfill their roles as a health educator for patient with hypothyroidism.