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Family Caregivers Awareness toward Home Accident Prevention
for Older Adults/
Ahmed,Mervat Gamal.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Mervat Gamal Ahmed
مشرف / Hanaa Abdelhakim Ahmed
مشرف / Hanaa Abdelhakim Ahmed
مشرف / Mona Abo-Bakr Abdellatef
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
283 p. :
المجتمع والرعاية المنزلية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - Community Health Nursing Department.
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The aging of the population, increased longevity of older adults with significant chronic disease and disability, and an underfunded and fragmented health and social support system have all contributed to placing the major burden of care on family members. Caregivers provide a valued service to family members and society, but sometimes at great cost to themselves (Schulz et al., 2020).
Homes are considered an important setting for non-fatal unintentional injuries as well as the majority of older adults wish to live longer at home as 83%-86% of people over 65 wishes to go on living in their own homes. However, living at home involves a number of problems, including poor wellbeing, dependent living and fall risk (Abhilash et al, 2019; Aidsemark and Askenäs, 2019).
An accident is unexpected event which occurs suddenly anywhere at any time and causes injury and loss. The consequence of unintentional accident can be life threatening (Mohammed, 2021).
Older adults’ risk for home accidents more frequently than other age groups as they spend most of their time at home. Home accidents are the second most frequently type of accident after traffic accidents, constituting 18% to 25% of all accidents all over the world (Moncatar et al., 2020).
Therefore, Family health nurse can play a major role in prevention of home accident among older adults by educating older adults’ caregivers and provide basic first aids education. They can recognize risk factors of home accident through assessing the accident environment and help to decrease the number and severity of these accidents by environmental modification and safety education. This way, older adults’ caregivers could perform first aids in a more awake and fast manner (Mohammed, 2021).
Aim of the Study
The aim of this study is to assess family caregiver awareness toward home accident prevention among older adults through:
 Assessing the family caregiver knowledge toward home accident prevention among older adults.
 Assessing the family caregiver practices toward home accident prevention among older adults.
 Assessing the family caregiver attitude toward home accident prevention among older adults.
 Assessing the safety of home environment for home accident prevention among older adults.
Research Questions
 What is the family caregivers’ knowledge toward home accident prevention among older adult?
 What are the family caregivers’ practices toward home accident prevention among older adult?
 What is the family caregivers’ Attitude toward home accident prevention among older adult?
 Is the home environment for older adults safe for home accident prevention?
Subjects and Methods
A- Research design:
A descriptive analytical design was utilized to achieve the aim of this study.
B- Research Setting:
This study was conducted in outpatient clinic, Al-shahid Engineer Ahmed Shawky hospital for Elderly Medicine at Ain Shams University.
C-Subjects of study:
Sample type:
 Purposive sample of family caregivers for older adults was used.
Sample Size:
 The sample included 184 from the total number of client attended in the outpatient clinic.
D-Tools of Data Collection:
-The Following tools for data collection was used:
Tool (1): An older adult interviewing questionnaire was including the following parts:
• Part (1): Older adults’ socio-demographic characteristics
• Part (2):Assessment of health status for older adults (previous accidents, health status).
A- Home accidents history :
B-The current state of heath of the older adults:
Tool (2): A family caregiver interviewing questionnaire was including the following parts:
• Part (3): Family caregiver sociodemographic characteristics
• Part (4): Assessment of family caregiver’s knowledge toward home accidents prevention for older adults.
Tool (3): Self-reported family caregiver’s practices checklist toward home accident prevention for older adults.
Tool (4): Family caregiver’s attitude: This tool was use Likert Scale to assess home accidents prevention for older adults.
Tool 5: Standardized Environmental Checklist

 The current study result showed that (57.1%) of the studied older adults have ages from 65-<75 years. concerning gender (46.2%) of them are male. Regarding marital status (52.7%) of them are married. (40.3%) of older adults not read or write. Concerning current job, (63.0%) of them were retirement. Regarding monthly income, (70.1%) of them reported that the income was sufficient. Concerning number of family member, (95.1%) of older adults have son.
 And revealed that (37.0%) of the studied caregivers had an age from 30-<40 years,. concerning caregivers’ gender (57.1%) of them are females, (75.0%) of them are married, (50.0%) of caregivers read and write. Concerning job, (54.9%) of them have no work, (92.9%) of them are in the first-degree relative.
 Also showed that, (72.3%) of the studied caregiver had a satisfactory knowledge regarding preventing home accidents, and (27.7%) of them have unsatisfactory knowledge.
 And (67.4%) of the studied caregiver were good practices of preventive home accidents.
 Additionally, (57.6%) of the studied caregivers have negative attitude for the older adults.
In the light of the current study findings, and answering the research questions, it can be concluded that,
Less than three quarters of the studied caregiver had a satisfactory knowledge regarding preventing home accidents, and more than two thirds of the studied caregivers were good practices of preventive home accidents. Also, more than half of the studied caregivers have negative attitude for the older adults.
Regarding home environment for older adults safe for home accident prevention, about front door entrance and front yard, more than half of the studied caregivers reported there are no wheelchair ramp (environment is not safe). About corridors and roads, more than one sixth of them reported there are uneven or slippery floors (is not safe). Regarding living room, more than one quarter of them reports there is not enough space to move around(is not safe). About kitchen, more than one quarter of them reported there are using a ladder or chair to reach things and too high or low cabinet (are not safe). About bedroom, more than quarter of them reported that there is no phone near the bed(is not safe). As regard bathrooms, half of them reported there is no grab bars near the toilet (is not safe). More than two fifths of them reported there are no toilet seat in the shower area and incorrect position of the support rails (is not safe). Additionally about stairs, more than one sixth of them reported there are poor lighting, no handrail, and slippery steps without treads/carpets respectively (are not safe).
There were positive statistically significant correlation between caregivers’ total knowledge, total practices and total attitude. Also there are positive statistically significant correlation between potential household hazards and caregivers’ total knowledge, total practices and total attitude.