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The Role of Social Media Content in Customer Engagement :
Abu Hantash, Lina Shawkat Deeb.
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تاريخ النشر
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الإدارة والأعمال الدولية
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Social media is known as a contemporary innovation introduced to enhance collaboration and communication on a large scale (Yu & Schweisfurth, 2020). Since its launch, social media reach has grown rapidly, with the volume of users increasing daily Moreover, social media has become an essential component of individuals’ professional and personal aspects. Social media are considered by (Kaplan and Haenlein; 2010) “a set of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological underpinnings of the Web, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content.” However, social media as a term is viewed as a set of tools consisting of wikis, bookmarking services, discussion forums, and blogging services. Accordingly, Chugh and Ruhi (2018) point out that social networking sites are implicitly integrated within the basic concept of social media and are described as “an online service that allows a customer (user) to create a public or private profile to communicate and interact with its users.” Social ties” (Kaplan and Haenlein; 2010).
Also,(Sudarsanam;2017) defined social media as a platform that allows individuals to design content, share or disseminate information, professional interests, and images/videos through practical connections and networks. According to (Dolan et al., 2015), social media has contributed to customer empowerment, flexibility, and visibility regarding marketing content that characterizes the interconnectedness between the customer and the organization.
Social media has transformed customers from passive recipients of marketing content into active collaborators in the organization’s mission. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, podcasts and Instagram provide dialogue between organizations and customers. (Ashley and Totten; 2015). Facebook is the most popular social media platform, recording an average monthly active user of 2,958 billion in January 2023 (statista:2023), and platforms like Podcast and tiktok, one of the social media platforms. It allows users to post texts or photos and videos on their account page to interact with their followers/visitors and customers can express their opinion about the platform content or ask a question about it. A social media marketer can answer the question and provide insight on how to improve a company’s social media content strategies to stimulate customer response (Barnes &rutter;2019).
The challenge is how to achieve the advantage of social media marketing to improve customer relationship and boost revenues, companies must and Small and large organizations highlight successful marketing efforts to achieve a high level of customer engagement, and understanding the factors that influence customer engagement on social media leads to increased brand community engagement on social media. This will modify customer attitudes towards engagement and responsiveness and increase company revenue (Ashley & Tuten, 2015; Dolan, Conduit, Frethey-Bentham, Fahy, & Goodman, 2019; Dolan, Seo, & Kemper, 2019).
Businesses are realizing this and are increasingly investing in content creation and distribution within the social space. However, such marketing investments will not succeed unless marketers understand how to effectively create and distribute their content within these platforms to drive desired outcomes, where one of the most common desired outcomes is customer engagement (Lee, Hosanagar, & Nair, 2018).
Early researchers used broadly defined and narrow types of social media content, such as informational versus entertainment content (De Vries et al., 2012) and used a unique social media platform to test engagement with social media, for example, Facebook or Instagram (Gavilanes et al. al., 2018; Kim, Spiller, and Hitchie, 2015; Also, despite numerous insights from previous work on the role of content type in user engagement, very few studies have addressed the role of content format, e.g., image, video, etc. and the relationship to social media platform choice (e.g., Facebook vs. Instagram ) to predict engagement.
Research problem
The social media sector has grown significantly in recent years and users are increasingly exposed to online marketing technologies that often become very important for both the user and the company, so marketing investments will not succeed unless marketers understand how to create and distribute their content effectively within these technologies. . platforms to enhance desired outcomes, and one of the most frequently listed desired outcomes is customer engagement (Lee, Hosanagar, & Nair, 2018).
A previous study (Gavilanes, Flatten, & Brettel, 2018) has drawn attention to the relationship between social media content and resulting customer engagement. However, the relevant literature is limited in several ways. For example, much prior research has been largely conceptual (e.g., Ashley & Tuten, 2015; Dolan, Conduit, Frethey-Bentham, Fahy, & Goodman, 2019; Dolan, Seo, & Kemper, 2019), or It offered a limited conceptualization of engagement behavior in social media, mainly through the number of likes, shares, or comments (Cvijikj & Michahelles, 2013; De Vries, Gensler, & Leeflang, 2012). With previous researchers using broadly and narrowly defined content types, such as informational versus entertainment content (De Vries et al., 2012) and using a single social media platform to test social media engagement, e.g., Facebook or Instagram (e.g. , Gavilanes et al., 2018; Kim, Spiller, & Hettche, 2015; Lee et al., 2018). Also, despite numerous insights from previous work on the role of content type in user engagement, very few studies have addressed the role of content format, e.g., image, video, etc. and the relationship to social media platform choice (e.g., Facebook vs. Instagram).
To predict users’ interaction behavior rather than with another platform (tiktok, podcast, link, for example). Most relevant studies also use survey methods to collect primary data (see Voorveld, Van Noort, Muntinga, & Bronner, 2018), but this cannot be compared with actual secondary data. In only one theory (e.g. Uses and Gratifications Theory or Media Richness Theory (Shahbaznehad .et .al; 2021: Dolan, 2019) and in technologies (Al-Adwan, 2020; Al-Adwan and Khadour, 2020; Al-Adwan et al., 2018), the factors that motivate Jordanian students’ use of social media for educational purposes in higher education is insufficient in Jordan, while many studies have examined the adoption of various educational explorers. Additionally, there is a limited amount of research examining the impact of social media use on academic performance For students.
Therefore, the research problem identified based on previous studies and the explaratory study conducted by the researcher, which are:
1. Most previous studies take Facebook and Twitter and Instagram ,as most used platforms in the world (static,2023) researcher study will apply other platforms likeYoutube,Instgram,Pintrest,Tiktok,Podcast,Linkedin,
Snapchat, Whats App, Telegram.
2. Few studies use one theory for applying but the researcher study will use both theories (Uses and gratifications theory and Media Richness Theory).
3. Very few studies have considered the role of content format (video and pictures) researcher will use content type (rational, interactional and transactional) and content context (format and platform) in this study.
4. This study will give indicator, Extent to how social media can be used in the educational sector in general and higher education in particular.
Research Objectives :
Technology has changed how teachers and students learn, and as a result, it may help students learn communication skills more effectively (Glover et al., 2016).Higher education cannot ignore this progress since these technology improvements have the potential to significantly improve the field of education and provide new insights. Higher education is not exempt from these fast changing technological advancements. It is acknowledged that today’s students are tech-savvy and proactive social media users (Dumpit & Fernandez, 2017).
According to (McLoughlin and Lee, 2008), since students are taking more initiative and control over their education, they are seen as ”active users of content.” Therefore, higher education institutions must address any questions that students may have about their educational process and find innovative approaches and strategies to increase student learning satisfaction, engagement, and performance through the use of social media. Hence, this research attempts to achieve the following objectives:
1. Investigate the role of social media content context (format and platform) in customer engagement.
a. Find out the role of social media format in customer engagement.
b. Determine the role of social media platform in customer engagement.
2. Analyze the role of social media content type in customer engagement.
a. Find out the role of social media rational type in customer engagement.
b. Investigate role of social media interactional type in customer engagement.
c. Research the role of social media transactional type in customer engagement.
3. Examine how is a post scheduling as a moderator variable affect the relationship between social media content (context and type) and customer engagement.
4. Find out how is a time lag as a moderator variable affect the relationship between social media content (context and type) and customer engagement.
5. Investigate how is a previous engagement as a moderator variable affect the relationship between social media content (context and type) and current customer engagement.
6. Research how is net sentiment as a moderator variable affect the relationship between social media content (context and type) and customer engagement.
7. Analyze how are demographic factors (gender ,university type,age,educational level and academic school)as a moderator variable affect the relationship between social media content (context and type) and customer engagement.
Research Hypotheses
This research contains one independent variable, which is the social media content , which is divided into two dimensions: context and type. In addition to 5 variables (format, platform type, rational type, interactive type, and transactional type)and one dependent variable (customer engagement )which contains three variables (consumption-use, contribution ,and creation . Moreover, the researcher took the scheduling, time lag effect, engagement effect, net sentiments , and demographic factors into account as modifying variables. Accordingly, the researcher proposed the following seven hypotheses:
H1: There is a significant role of social media content context (format and platform) in customer engagement.
H1a:There is a significant role of social media format in customer engagement.
H1b:There is a significant role of social media platform in customer engagement.
H2: There is a significant role of social media content type in customer engagement.
H2a: There is a significant role of social media rational type in customer engagement.
H2b: There is a significant role of social media interactional type in customer engagement.
H2c: There is a significant role of social media transactional type in customer engagement.
H3: Post scheduling as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.
H4: Time lag as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.
H5: previous Engagement as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and current customer engagement.
H6: Net sentiment as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.
H7: Demographic factors as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.
H7a:Gender as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.
H7b: Type of university as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.
H7c: Age as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.
H7d: Educational level as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.
H7e: Academic school as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.
research results
After conducting a statistical analysis of the research hypotheses, the researcher concluded the following results:
Accepting all study hypotheses, which are as follows:
H1: There is a significant role of social media content context (format and platform) in customer engagement. (accepted)
H1a:There is a significant role of social media format in customer engagement. (accepted)
H1b:There is a significant role of social media platform in customer engagement. (accepted)
H2: There is a significant role of social media content type in customer engagement. (accepted)
H2a: There is a significant role of social media rational type in customer engagement. (accepted)
H2b: There is a significant role of social media interactional type in customer engagement. (accepted)
H2c: There is a significant role of social media transactional type in customer engagement. (accepted)
H3: Post scheduling as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement. (accepted)
H4: Time lag as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement. (accepted)
H5: previous Engagement as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and current customer engagement. (accepted)
H6: Net sentiment as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement. (accepted)
H7: Demographic factors as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement. (accepted)
H7a:Gender as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.(accepted )
H7b: Type of university as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.
( accepted )
H7c: Age as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.( accepted )
H7d: Educational level as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.
( accepted )
H7e: Academic school as a moderator variable affect positively the relationship between social media content and customer engagement.
( accepted )
1. Universities Marketers should pay more attention to new marketing concepts and be aware of any up-to-date trends. The media department must also have at least 4 different formats and platforms affiliated with the university as the demand for new and innovative ways to reach customers (students) such as podcast, instagram, telegram, youtube, In addition to Facebook.also they should pay attention to readable and pictures content more than other contents.
2. Social media Practitioners planner should focus more on how consumers react to different digital content type platforms strategies, since this will effect in the student positive or negative likes, comments, posts, reposts, share behavior.
3. Practitioners for social media content in jordan universities should generalize the term ‘social media content’ as they have to take care of post scheduling, time lag effect, engagement effect, net sentiment, and demographic factors with creative marketing.