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Legal and Technical Mechanisms to Reduce Oil Pollution of the
Marine Environment in Kuwait /
Al-zaidy, Omar Zaid Khalif Ghanem.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عمر زيد خليف غانم الذايدى
مشرف / ممدوح محمد الحطبة
مشرف / رزق سعد على
مشرف / رزق سعد على
الدرسات التربوية والانسانية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
263 ص. ؛
الكيمياء الحيوية ، علم الوراثة والبيولوجيا الجزيئية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة مدينة السادات - المكتبة المركزية بالسادات - قسم مسىح المىارد الطبيعية في الىظم البيئية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 263

from 263


The study of legal mechanisms for the protection of the environment is linked to a
general context that affects its effectiveness. This general context includes
multidisciplinary data, including international aspects, internal and technical
aspects, planning, financial policy, organizational and institutional aspects, the
participation of various actors as well as the report of administrative, In the case of
contamination of the environment.
Since any crime related to the pollution of the sea adversely affects the vital
interests of the human being, the existence of an effective legal tool aimed at
preventing the attack on the marine environment and the suppression of the
perpetrators of these crimes in case of aggression is one of the most effective
mechanisms in this area.
Legal mechanisms will be studied as legal protection of the environment requires a
systematic approach to employ the various legal mechanisms available to protect
the environment.
The study also aims to identify the legal rules and standards related to Kuwaiti law
and the law in some Arab Gulf countries, which govern the environment as data to
determine the basis of effective criminal policy for the protection of the
environment and the burden of developing the provisions of criminal protection.
Identify the availability of technical and legal mechanisms in the Kuwaiti legislator
and in some Gulf countries. Knowledge of the marine environment in the Arabian
Gulf Identify the institutions stipulated by the legislator in Kuwait and in some
Gulf countries to implement the technical means stipulated by the law to reduce the
oil pollution of the Gulf waters. Identify the nature of oil pollution and its impact
on the marine environment
Approach: Due to the nature of the problem presented and to achieve the objectives
established, we have seen that the most appropriate for this study is to rely on the
analytical descriptive method mainly, and the method of comparative and historical
The study also pointed to the following results: In this study, we conclude that the
mechanisms available to protect the marine environment at the international level
are still below the required level due to the disparity of the countries in the world
in their economic and technical capabilities, weak coordination among countries,
especially at the regional level, Of the environment. Thus, the first hypothesis,
which states:
- Examination of the availability of technical mechanisms in reducing oil pollution
to protect the marine environment in the Kuwait Environmental Protection Act 42
of 2014 compared to the law in some Arab Gulf countries
It is clear from the previous thesis that all 21 articles lack the hypothesis that the
General Authority for the Environment is to protect the aquatic environment if it
does not mention in any of the articles (21) anything related to the relation of the
General Authority for the Protection of the Environment to the marine environment
from near or far. And that the Kuwaiti government has entrusted this matter as part
of the mandate of the Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine
Environment, and that the terms of reference of the Authority are supervision and
licensing and that this is not a genuine right if it is shared by other bodies as
The second hypothesis was examined:
- The extent of the availability of legal mechanisms in reducing oil pollution to
protect the marine environment in the Kuwait Environmental Protection Act 42 of
2014 compared to the law in some Arab Gulf countries
The study recommends the following recommendations:
1. Activate the role of the Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine
Environment to take a more active coordinating role among its member States.
2- To study the practical means available to limit the establishment of more
industrial and urban activities and to reduce further population growth in the
countries of the region.
3 - Review and update environmental legislation and make it more comprehensive
and follow-up implementation of the provisions.
4 - impose stricter measures on commercial vessels and oil tankers with regard to
discharging their waste for the first and water balance for the second.
5 - The importance of developing a public policy that reflects the government’s
vision to achieve sustainable development of water resources and then develop a
strategic plan with specific objectives and criteria for measuring the performance
rates and setting a time plan and actual programs and projects to achieve the
desired goals and follow them and ensure their success through monitoring
performance indicators and rates in the GCC Gulf in general and Kuwait in
6. The need to consolidate binding legal rules relating to the protection and
pollution of the marine environment at the level of the GCC countries, and even at
the level of the region as a whole, which is necessary and urgent, with emphasis on
the fact that the form and legal form of these rules is not important.
7. We appeal to the media at the Gulf, Kuwaiti, local and international levels to
adopt the issue of environmental protection, to promote environmental awareness,
and to urge all individuals and institutions to preserve the marine environment
from pollution.
8. We stress the importance of building the capacity of developing countries so
that they can benefit from the conservation, sustainable use and use of oceans and
seas and their resources.