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Environmental monitoring and assessment of groundwater quality in Abu Rawash Electric Generation Plant, Egypt /
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هحوىد عبذالعزيز حس يٌي حسب الله
مشرف / مبارك حسانى على
مشرف / محمد جاد احمد
مشرف / محمد جاد احمد
التنمية المستدامة.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
87 ص. ؛
الكيمياء الحيوية ، علم الوراثة والبيولوجيا الجزيئية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة مدينة السادات - المكتبة المركزية بالسادات - قسم تقويم الموارد الطبيعية والتخطيط لتنميتها
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Groundwater is considered one of the main sources of both rural and agricultural water supplies in many areas in Egypt, especially in the desert regions. Over recent years, increasing abstraction to meet the rising demand for domestic supplies and expansion in reclamation in desert fringes has raised concerns for the sustainability of the groundwater resource and the livelihoods it supports. The shortage of irrigation water sources in Egypt brings out the issue of using non-conventional water resources including agricultural drainage water, desalinization of brackish groundwater, and municipal wastewater.
The study area lies to the west of the Nile Delta and Cairo City, especially in Abu Rawash area, it’s located on Kilometer 23 to the east and extends parallel to the Cairo-Alexandria desert road. The area of the site is approximately 71,171 m2. The site is part of the fenced area of the high voltage research center which is under the authority of the Ministry of Electricity.
Hydrogeologically Abu Rawash Electric Generation Plant (AEGP) site is a groundwater low productive area due to its location on a complex geological structure (Abu Rawash uplifted fold) at the border of the highly productive delta aquifer, on the eastern limit of a medium productive Eocene Carbonate Aquifer and south of the overexploited West Delta alluvial aquifer. The study area is found hydro geologically in low productive aquifer area, consisting of tertiary coarse sand and gravels with limestone beds, recharge from adjacent aquifers with insignificant surface recharge.
The main objective of this study is to measure the continuity of the groundwater flow rate and water quality of the study area. The hydrochemistry of the groundwater is discussed in order to estimate the water quality variation and to shed the light on the important indications about the history of various concentrations of major elements as well as groundwater recharge, discharge, and movement of groundwater in the studied area.
According, the study plan was made to include:
1. Perform groundwater sampling and estimate the water type to recommend the groundwater suitability.
2. Reviewing the previous studies carried out in the study area including Collecting the geological, topographic, and hydrogeological maps.
3. Construction of database for entry collected As well as field data.
4. Collecting groundwater samples and making the chemical analysis includes physicochemical parameters (major anions, major cations, and trace metals) for the groundwater samples.
5. The environmental assessment of the groundwater aquifer in the study area using geochemical monitoring of the analyzed heavy and toxic elements of the collected groundwater samples.
The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter provides a complete description of the study area and monitors its characteristics Geomorphologic and geological settings of the study area, Stratigraphic setting, and Hydrogeological setting of the study area. In addition to the aim of the study in full and what will be accomplished for the success of the study.
While the second chapter provides a complete description of all devices and methods of analysis used in the study area, including Sampling and analyses, data analysis, graphical approach, and Indices approach.
The third chapter: is concerned with discussing all the results obtained regarding the complete assessment of groundwater quality in the study area.
The fourth chapter: is concerned with a summary and conclusions to reduce the risks in the work environment and the ambient environment to maintain the quality of groundwater in the study