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Effect of Premarital Counseling on Knowledge and Attitude of Female Technical Students /
EMAM, Esraa Samy Mohammed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إسراء سامي محمد إمام
مشرف / نادية محمد فهمي
مناقش / أم السعد فاروق
مناقش / نعمة عبد الفتاح عبد الجواد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
268 P. :
الأمومة والقبالة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - قسم تمريض صحة الأم وحديثي الولادة
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Premarital counselling is a unique strategy for health prevention and promotion of specific genetic disorders and sexually transmitted diseases. PMC offered to couples intend to get married to reduce the incidence of genetic disorders and sexually transmitted diseases to children. In addition, premarital counseling also considered a vital step toward allowing people to enjoy life and protecting the society, hence minimizing the burden on persons, families and community and increasing knowledge of the community about genetic disorder (Khichadi et al., 2023).
True experimental design was used in this study to evaluate the effectiveness of pre-marital counseling on females’ knowledge and attitude regarding pre-marital counseling The aim was achieved through the following objectives:
1. Assessment of female students’ knowledge toward pre-marital counseling.
2. Assessment of female students’ attitude toward pre-marital counseling.
3. Design & implement of pre-marital counseling for female students regarding premarital education
4. Evaluation the effectiveness of pre-marital counseling on female students’ knowledge and attitude.
Two Research Hypothesis were stated as the following
H1: Pre-marital counseling enhanced female students’ pre-marital knowledge.
H2: female students have positive attitude toward premarital counseling after interventions.
The study was conducted at Technical Secondary Schools at Toukh city one school was selected from (seven) schools (Al-Amar mixed commercial school in Al-Amar village), total number of 158 students were selected according to the following criteria: Female students at the 3rd year at academic year, Unmarried female students And Students who didn’t previously attend pre-marital counseling.
There were two tools of data collection used to achieve the aim as the following: A self-administered questionnaire including two parts: Female students’ general characteristic , and female students’ knowledge about premarital counseling The second tool Female students’ attitude regarding PMC Lickert scale, it included 3 parts Part I: Investigate female students’ attitude regarding importance of pre-marital counseling Part II: Investigate female students’ attitude regarding acceptance of pre- marital counseling. Part III: Investigate female students’ attitude regarding inappropriateness of pre-marital examination.
According to the findings of the present study it can be concluded that:
o The majority of the studied female students had poor level of knowledge regarding premarital counseling at pre- intervention compared to more than three quarters of them had good level knowledge at post intervention with highly statistically significant difference for the studied female students’ total knowledge regarding premarital counseling pre and post intervention. This supported the first hypothesis.
o In addition, more than half of the studied female students had negative attitude regarding premarital counseling pre-intervention compared to the majority of them had positive total attitude at post intervention with a highly statistically significant difference. This supported the second hypothesis. The current study findings also, indicated that, there was highly statistically significant correlation between students’ knowledge and their attitude toward pre-marital counseling consequently, the results of this study reflect the importance of premarital counseling in schools, faculties and through media for improving knowledge & attitude of PMC.
o The instructional supportive guidelines regarding pre-marital counseling have positive effect on female technical students’ knowledge and attitude and this supported the research hypothesis.

Based upon these study findings, the following could be recommended:
Providing continuously health education programs about premarital counseling in every technical school to improve their awareness.
Incorporate premarital counseling curriculum in high school and university education
Broadcasting of information about the premarital programs through official education, different types of mass media and public education program regarding tests of premarital screening, genetic counseling and complication of consanguinity.
Develop educational programs on a large sample to raise the awareness of males and families about the importance of premarital counselling in both secondary schools and universities.
Future studies
Replicate the study in other schools with different sample characteristics to increase the ability to generalize the findings.
Needed to Conduct a comparative study between the children of the couples who receive premarital counseling and the children of the couples not received premarital counseling.