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Translucency of Different Compositions of Admixed Zirconia Ceramics /
Salah, Ahmed Abd El-Hamed Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / احمد عبد الحميد محمد صلاح
مشرف / وليد محمد الشهاوي
مشرف / شريف مجدي الشرقاوي
مناقش / خالد محمد محمد حجاج
Fixed Prosthodontics.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
69 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية الاسنان - التركيبات الثابتة
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the translucency of
different compositions of admixed zirconia ceramics.
Materials and methods: One hundred and twenty specimens of different
compositions of zirconia. The specimens will be divided into five equal
groups. Each group will include twenty-four specimens (n=24). High and
low translucent zirconia powders were mixed (TOSOH-ZIRCONIA TZ-
3YSB, TZ-PX-242A) according to the pre-determined ratio corresponding
with each group. Zirconia discs were made using metal mold. Mold was
lathe made with( 20 mm length, 15 mm width and 5 mm thickness).
Before translucency measurements, all of the specimens were ultrasonically
cleaned, the thicknesses of the specimens were controlled with a digital
caliper and the thicknesses of all specimens were set to 0.5 ± 0.05 mm.
Translucency measurements were performed with VITA Easyshade Compact
spectrophotometer after each stage and translucency parameter was
calculated. Data were statistically analyzed with repeated measures ANOVA
and Tukey multiple comparison test.
Results: There was a highly significant difference between each single
group P-value (0.000**). The mean translucency parameter (TP) and
standard deviation value of group5(100% by weight of high translucent
zirconia powder) was (8.66±1.01) which was higher than other groups while
the mean TP value for group4(100% by weight of low translucent zirconia
powder) was (4.63±1.27) the least.
Conclusion: Translucency of tested specimens were(8.66±1.01),
(7.62±1.08), (6.07±1.07), (5.44±0.94), (4.63±1.27).For group5, group2,
group1, group3, group4 respectively.