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Detection of Circulating Endothelial Cells and their Progenitors in Patients with Behcet’s Syndrome /
Mohammed, Hebatallah Ashraf.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هبة الله اشرف محمد محمد
مشرف / أمل محمود كمال الدين
مشرف / مصطفي احمد السيد احمد ابو العلا
مشرف / ايات مصطفي محمد
Dermatology. Immunology. Internal medicine. Pharmaceutical technology.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
98 p. :
أمراض الدم
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية الطب - الباثولوجيا الاكلينكية الكيميائية
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Among vasculitis, Behcet’s Syndrome is exceptional as it can affect tiny, medium, and large vessels. The condition seems to be caused by an autoimmune reaction brought on by exposure to triggering risk factors as an infectious pathogen. Most people with BS are between the ages of 20 and 40.
Since there aren’t any specific diagnostic tests available, the diagnosis is made on clinical criteria. The site and degree of involvement have an impact on the prognosis.
The purpose of this study is to assess level of circulating endothelial cells (CECs) and their progenitors (EPCs) using a standardized flowcytometry protocol and correlate level of CECs and EPCs with clinical manifestation, as well as, investigate their diagnostic/prognostic role in patients with BS.
This study was carried out at the Clinical Pathology Department, Rheumatology department, Faculty of Medicine, Minia University, Minia, Egypt. through the period from December 2021 to January 2023.
I. Subjects:
The subjects included in the study were divided as follows:
-group I (Patient group):
It included thirty (30) patients (seventeen males & thirteen Females) suffering from BS attending to out-patient clinic of Rheumatology and rehabilitation in Minia university hospital.
-group II (control group):
It included twenty-five (25) apparently healthy subjects (gender, age and smoking habits) matched with group I.
Inclusion criteria
•BS patients with (oral or genital ulceration, erythema nodosum, acne-like spots, uveitis or arthritis) assessed by Behcet’s disease current disease activity form (BDCAF).
Exclusion criteria
•Patients with any other autoimmune disorders (SLE or RD).
•Patients with any other systemic disease like chronic kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension or chronic liver disease which may cause vasculitis or skin lesions.
All subjects included in the study were subjected to the following:
3)Careful history taking:
with emphasis on disease activity according to (ICBD).
4)Clinical examination:
Complete general, abdominal and local examinations for oral or genital ulceration or uveitis assessed by (BDCAF).
3) Laboratory Investigations:
CBC, ESR, BUN & Cr, ALT & AST, CRP and ANCA C and P,
(B) Special investigations:
Using a standardized flowcytometry protocol assessment of CECs markers (CD 45 negative /CD34 bright /CD146 positive) and EPCs markers (CD 45 negative /CD34 bright /CD309 positive
. The results of this study were summarized as follows:
•There was Positive significant correlation of CRP level comparing the studied groups as it was higher in patients’ group.
•There was Positive significant correlation of ESR comparing the studied groups as it was higher in patients’ group.
•There was Positive significant correlation of ANCA c and ANCA p comparing the studied groups as it was positive in patients’ group.
•Both CECs and EPCs was higher on patients group than healthy control group.
•There was negative non-significant correlation between CECs and EPCs and BDCAF score, eye involvement, skin involvement and joint involvement in BS patients.
•There was no significant correlation of age and sex comparing two groups.
•There was no significant correlation of Hb level, Platelets count, Lymphocytes count, Monocytes count, Neutrophils count comparing both groups.
•There was negative significant correlation between NLR and EPCs % in patients’ group.
•There was no significant correlation of Liver and renal function tests on comparing the studied groups.
•Using ROC curve analysis CECs has statistically Positive Predictive Value (100%) and Negative Predictive Value (100%) with sensitivity (100%) and specificity (100%) .
•Using ROC curve analysis EPCs has statically Positive Predictive Value (96.8%) and Negative Predictive Value (100%) with sensitivity (100%) and specificity (96%).