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Effect of Septoplasty on Middle Ear Pressure in Patients with Nasal Septal Deviation /
Ahmed, Maha Abo-Elela.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مها ابو العلا احمد عبد العزيز
مشرف / مدحت محمد حشمت منصور
مشرف / احمد سامي الجندي
مشرف / احمد علي النجار
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
70 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية التربية الرياضية - الانف والاذن والحنجرة
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Nasal septal surgery is one of the most common operations performed in Otorhinolaryngology department. Septoplasty corrects structural deformities of the nasal septum to relieve nasal obstruction(1) . ET is a bony and fibrocartilaginous tube extending from the middle ear cleft to the nasopharynx in the lateral wall to equalize pressure on the middle ear with the atmospheric pressure that has a direct impact on middle ear function)2( .we used the tympanometry to evaluation of ET functions when the tympanic membrane is intact(3). Any disease-causing nasal obstruction affects the middle ear pressure, such as allergy, deviated nasal septum, hypertrophied inferior turbinate, mass in nasopharynx plus the ET dysfunction(68) . All of these lesions affect middle ear pressure in the form of effusion, infection, and chronic inflammation in the middle ear (68). This consecutive case series study was carried out on fifty patient with Symptomatic nasal septal deviation and Intact tympanic membrane subjected to A-NOSE scale and tympanometry Pre septoplasty and eight weeks after surgery. selected from the otolaryngology –Head and neck surgery hospital Tanta University Hospitals to analyze the effect of septoplasty on Eustachian tube function in patient with nasal obstruction due to nasal septal deviation The age of patient ranged from 18 to 50 years with a mean of 32.64 ± 8.93 years. All the patients underwent surgery under general anesthesia. All patient with nasal septal deviation and nasal obstruction symptoms and underwent tympanometry before surgery. Our study showed that Nose values were significantly improved after surgery compared to before surgery (P value <0.001) at the end of second postoperative month . The present study proved that the septoplasty procedure has a significant positive impact on Right and left ear tympanometric measurements were significantly improved after surgery compared to before surgery.