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تطبيقات تقنية البلوك تشين Blockchain في دورة النشر العلمي :
حسن ، طه محمد طه.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / طه محمد طه حسن
مشرف / عزة فاروق عبد المعبود جوهري
مشرف / أحمد عبد الرحمن النجار
مناقش / رحاب فايز أحمد سيد
مناقش / رؤوف عبد الحفيظ هلال
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
267 ص. :
علوم المكتبات والمعلومات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية الآداب - علوم المعلومات
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 302

from 302


Recent developments in communication and information technologies have led to the emergence of several new trends in scientific publishing to address the challenges and obstacles facing researchers in academic circles. Blockchain technology is one of the most prominent of these trends, due to its many benefits; most importantly, increasing transparency in scientific publishing stages because it provides a decentralized distributed ledger for transactions that securely stores information in interconnected blocks with secure and encrypted chains, making it immutable.
Therefore, the study focused on the stages of scientific publishing development and the obstacles it faces, its forms and classifications, in addition to the most prominent recent trends in scientific publishing at present. It also focused on the characteristics of intellectual production related to blockchain technology and its properties, and ways to invest it in scientific publishing. Alongside studying a sample of scientific platforms specialized in blockchain-based scientific publishing and analyzing them; to come up with proposed mechanisms for establishing an Arab platform based on that technology.
The study relied on using the descriptive analytical approach to achieve the set objectives. Data was collected and a systematic review was conducted using content analysis to inventory intellectual production published in Arabic and English about scientific publishing and blockchain technology and its study, and ways to invest it in scientific publishing, which represents 68 titles. The study also relied on a checklist as a main tool for evaluating the platforms of the study sample and analyzing them, which represented 25 platforms.
Accordingly, the study concluded that 68% of the platforms obtained a very good percentage in which they provided 75% or more of the evaluation elements. 32% of the platforms came with a percentage ranging from good to acceptable, where they provided 59% or more. The Open Science Framework (OSF) platform ranked first with a percentage of 88.3%, where it provided 91 elements, while DamaHub platform represented the last ranking with a percentage of 59.2%, providing 61 evaluation elements. Therefore, the study proposed mechanisms for establishing an Arab platform called ETAChain and recommended that more rigorous scientific studies in Arabic language related to blockchain technology and ways to invest it in research and scientific publishing be conducted and building an Arab platform for blockchain-based scientific publishing on objective and executive foundations and specifications to be suitable for the needs of scientific publishing in the Arab world.
Blockchain Technology - Digital Scientific Publishing - Scientific Publishing Cycle - Scientific Publishing Platforms – ETAChain.