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النظام القانوني لعقود الغاز:دراسة مقارنة.
أيمن محمد نصر عبد الهادي ,
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أيمن محمد نصر عبد الهادي ,
مشرف / رأفــــت إبراهيـــم فـودة.
مناقش / خالـد سـعد زغلول حلمـى
مناقش / ســـامى عــبد الباقـــــى.
القانون العام
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
617 ص. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة القاهرة - كلية الحقوق - القانون العام
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 551

from 551


Oil and gas enjoy great importance and a high position in the global
energy market, especially in light of the growth in global demand for oil and its
products; This is due to his high contribution in several vital sectors, and his use
in many services and humanitarian purposes, until it was said about him, “If
human life is indispensable to air, then its progress is indispensable to it than oil.”
The Arab countries have occupied - since the past decades - the center
of the world’s energy sources; Due to its possession of huge and proven reserves of
oil and natural gas in the world; Which makes it a major and influential partner
in the global economy for decades to come. The petroleum contracts concluded
between Arab countries and major foreign oil companies for the exploitation of
oil and gas are among the oldest contracts concluded in this regard, some of
which date back more than a century.
This is due to the many advantages that Arab oil and natural gas enjoy
over others, the most important of which is the abundance of its production, ease
of extraction, and low production costs. Therefore, it was the subject of a global
struggle between the major powers in order to exploit and dominate it.
And if it is not possible to ignore or ignore the impact of all the
economic, social and legislative conditions - and in particular the political
conditions - that the Arab countries have experienced on legal behavior, especially
in the petroleum field; The oil industry in the Arab countries has gone through
different stages according to the prevailing conditions in those countries, which
was reflected in the form of the petroleum agreements concluded by the Arab
countries with these major petroleum companies