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Kotb, Esraa Kotb Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / اسساء قطب محمد قطب
مشرف / الحسينى عبد الغفار ابوحسين
مناقش / نسرين حسين احمد ابوبكر
مناقش / الحسينى عبد الغفار ابوحسين
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
101 p. :
علوم التربة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الزراعة - قسم علوم الأراضي
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This work aims to study the effect of poor agricultural practices on the deterioration in soil properties and the availability of some macro and micro nutrients. The study was conducted on the Al-Qasasin area, Ismailia Governorate and 27 soil profiles representing the study area were taken where the first region included sectors 1 to 6, the second region included sectors 7 to 15, the third region included sectors 16 to 20, and the fourth region included sectors 21 to 27 and some physical and chemical properties were studied in it, where the studied physical properties were Soil bulk density, Total soil porosity, Infiltration rate, The saturated hydraulic conductivity and Particle size distribution. The studied chemical properties were Soil pH, Electrical conductivity, Organic matter, available nitrogen and available phosphorus and available K, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu available. The most important results obtained are:
- Based on a general mean of soil EC, the four studied locations take the order: second (5.7 ds m-1) > fourth (4.9 ds m-1) > third (2.2 ds m-1) > first (1.9 ds m-1).
-Based on general mean value of soil pH for each location, these locations takes the order: the second (7.93) >the fourth (7.84) > the first (7.76) >the third location (7.74).
-According to the values of general mean of BD, the four locations representing the studied area arranged as follows: the third (1.65 g/cm3) >the second (1.64 g/cm3) > the first (1.60 g/cm3) > the fourth (1.41 g/cm3).
-Based on the general mean of TP values in the four locations, these locations take the order: the fourth (45.64%) >the first (38.39%)> the second (36.89%) >the third (36.67%).
-Based on the general mean values of their HC was the third (4.747 cm h-1) >the first (4.425 cm h-1) > the second (4.078 cm h-1) > the fourth (3.029 cm h-1).
-Based on the general mean value of IR separately for each location, these locations take the order: the third (7.4 cm h-1) > the first (5.9 cm h-1) > the second (4.3 cm h-1) > the fourth (2.5 cm h-1).
- Based on the general mean of soil OM, the four studied locations take the order:
The fourth region (0.15%) > the second region (0.14%) > the first region (0.10%)
= the third region (0.10%).
-According to the values of general mean of available N, the four locations representing the studied area were arranged as follows: the third region (51.0 mg/kg) > the first region (50.2 mg/kg) > the fourth region (40.4mg/kg) > the second region (36.7 mg/kg).
-Based on the general mean values of available P was the first region (7.99 mg/kg) > the third region (7.95 mg/kg) > the fourth region (5.41 mg/kg) > the second region (4.96 mg/kg).
-Based on the general mean value of available K separately for each location, these location take the order: the third region (220.5 mg/kg) > the first region (167.6 mg/kg) > the fourth region (153.2 mg/kg) > the second region (125.8 mg/kg).
-according to the general mean of available Fe content in each location, these locations were arranged as follows: the fourth location (8.9 mg kg-1 with adequate class) > the second (7.7 mg kg-1 with adequate class) > the first (4.7 mg kg-1 with adequate class) > the third (4.2 mg kg-1 with adequate class).
-Based on the general mean of the content (mg kg-1) of available Mn specialized for each location these locations take the order: the fourth (2.167 mg kg-1 with adequate class) > the second (1.780 mg kg-1 with marginal class) > the first (1.318 mg kg-1 with marginal class) > the third (1.313 mg kg-1 with marginal class).
-Regarding to the differences within the four locations content of available Zn, based on this content as mean values these locations take the order: the first (1.7 mg kg-1 with adequate class) > the third (1.6 mg kg-1 with adequate class) > the fourth (0.8 mg kg-1 appeared low class) >the second location (0.7 mg kg-1 having low class).
- Based on the general mean of available Cu, the four studied locations take the order: the first region (0.242 mg kg-1 with very low class) > the third region (0.240 mg kg-1 with very low class) >the fourth region (0.157 mg kg-1 with very low class) > the second region (0.135 mg kg-1 with very low class).
- These findings should be considered in future research to improve the balanced fertilization programs in these examined areas.