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The Accuracy of Cerebellar Diameter in Detection of the Expected Date of Delivery in Comparison with Femur Length in Third Trimester:
Abo Elnaga, Rehab Essam Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رحاب عصام محمد ابو النجا
مشرف / احمد سمير عبد المالك
مشرف / أيمن محب يوسف
مشرف / أحمد بكر موسى
Gynecology. Obstetrics.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
90 p. :
أمراض النساء والتوليد
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية الطب - أمراض النساء والتوليد
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The cerebellum, the largest part of hind brain, lies in the posterior cranial fossa. In the embryo cerebellum appears at the end of the fifth week as a swelling overriding the fourth ventricle. Assessment of gestational age (G.A.) is important in the management of pregnancy.
The current study was designed with an objective to assess the accuracy of trans-cerebellar diameter (T.C.D.) measurement in estimation of the gestational age during the third trimester compared to the Femur length at third trimester.
This is descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out on one hundred pregnant women with history of reliable menstrual cycles (sure of dates, regular cycles, no history of hormonal contraception at last 6 months, no history of abortion or delivery at last 3 months) and did not suffer from any complications for the mother or fetus, referred for routine ultrasound examination at Feto-maternal Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Minia Maternity University Hospital. FL was used as standard method to estimate gestational age to be compared with the other gestational age that obtained with TCD.
The main results of the current study revealed that, among pregnant women in the GA 28-32, 32-36 and 36-39 weeks, there was non-statistically significant difference between GA as estimated by TCD and as estimated by other assessed fetal biometry (SFH, BPD, HC, AC and FL). According to ROC curve analysis results we found that TCD can correctly predict GA in early 3rd trimester (28-36 weeks) at cut-off point >34.9 mm with a sensitivity of 94%, and in late 3rd trimester (36-39 weeks) at cut-off point >36.6 mm with a sensitivity of 72.4%. BPD was significantly more than TCD in the 36-39 weeks group (p-value <0.001), HC was significantly more than TCD in the 36-39 weeks group (p-value <0.001), FL was significantly more than TCD in the 36-39 weeks group (p-value <0.001), AC was significantly more than TCD in the 36-39 weeks group (p-value <0.001). that indicates that TCD is less accurate in the last 3rd trimester period (36-39 weeks).
In conclusions, the result of the study revealed that the TCD measurement in the third trimester was accurate in calculation of the gestational age in the fetus with no fetal anomalies. The gestational age calculated using the TCD was another standard parameter used in the third trimester to precise measurement of the gestational age. There was no significant difference between the gestational age calculated using the SFH/Fl, FL, HC, AC and BPD, and the TCD.