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Remineralizing Effect of NovaMin and
Nano-hydroxyapatite Toothpastes on Initial
Enamel Carious Lesions in Primary Teeth /
Elmancy, Eman Mohamed Abd-elmottleb.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ايمان محمد عبد المطلب المنسي
مشرف / عمرو محمود عبدالعزيز
مشرف / بسمة جمال عوض
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
124 P. :
Dentistry (miscellaneous)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية طب الأسنان - قسم أسنان الأطفال و الصحة العامة للأسنان
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The primary goal of modern dentistry is to minimize invasive approach in caries management as caries is considered as an infectious disease, deferring operative intervention with maximum tooth conservation as long as possible by taking advantage of the tooth’s capacity to remineralize in non cavitated early caries lesions. This can be achieved by altering the oral environment, to tip the balance in favor of remineralization rather than demineralization.
The purpose of this study was to compare in vitro the effectiveness of NovaMin powered technology toothpaste SHY-NM and HAP-NP containing toothpaste (Apagard M-Plus) in comparison with fluoridated toothpaste (signal cavity fighter) in remineralizing ability of early carious lesions.
Eighty seven extracted primary anterior teeth were used in this study. The extracted teeth were cleaned using distilled water then the remaining roots were removed by low speed a double coated diamond disc, the teeth were embedded in acrylic resin molds with the labial enamel surface exposed. For baseline data, the enamel SMH of specimens were measured using a Vickers microhardness tester and surface roughness was measured using SJ-210 Portable Surface Roughness Tester, (Mitutoyo, Japan).
All specimens were subjected to demineralization for 96 hours then microhardness and roughness values were re-measured. Specimens were randomly allocated into three groups. group (1) treated with fluoridated toothpaste (control group), group (2) treated with NovaMin toothpaste and group (3) treated with HAP-NP toothpaste.
A ten days PH-cycling model was performed, each cycle involved three hours of demineralization twice a day with a two hours immersion in a remineralizing solution in between, a one minute treatment with a toothpaste solution of 3:1 distilled water to toothpaste was given before the first demineralizing cycle and both before and after the second demineralizing cycle and specimens were placed in a remineralizing solution overnight to act as artificial saliva. Between steps, samples were washed thoroughly with distilled water. SMH and surface roughness were re-evaluated after completing the 10 days PH cycling model.
In each group, SMH results showed that there was a significant decrease in microhardness values after demineralization followed by a significant increase after remineralization but with no significant differences between the studied groups. This might indicate the ability of the three toothpastes used to remineralize early caries lesions.
Also, surface roughness results showed that there was a significant increase in surface roughness values after demineralization followed by a significant decrease after remineralization. However, there was no significant differences between the three studied groups. This means that the three studied toothpastes have remineralization potential.
It was concluded that NovaMin and HAP-NP are as effective as fluoride for remineralization of caries-like lesions of primary teeth.
Based on this study’s results, the following conclusions can be made:
• Both NovaMin or HAP-NP are as effective as fluoride in preventing the demineralization of enamel and promoting remineralization of caries-like lesions in primary anterior teeth.
• NovaMin give the highest value for SMH after remineralization.
• HAP-NP give the lowest value for the surface roughness after remineralization.
• There was a negative correlation between micro-hardness and surface roughness

Within the limitation of the this study, the following can be recommended:
• Conducting in vivo trials to measure the remineralizing potential of the tested materials in natural oral environment.
• More studies are recommended to investigate remineralizing effect of NovaMin or HAP-NP in comparison to other remineralizing agents as fluoride.
• A 15 days PH cycling model is recommended to provide sufficient time for detecting significant changes in surface roughness