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المشاركة المجتمعية ودورها فى دعم المدارس الحكومية بمحافظات الصعيد /
هريدي، أحمد عبدالرحيم محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد عبدالرحيم محمد هريدي
مشرف / مصطفي محمد رجب
مناقش / نادية يوسف كمال
مناقش / فاروق جعفر عبدالحكيم مرزوق
المدراس الحكومية-المشاركة المجتمعية-محافظات الصعيد.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
158 ص. :
أصول التربية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
اتحاد مكتبات الجامعات المصرية - أصول التربية.
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 174

from 174


Introduction of the Study:
The educational process has become, at the present time, not completely dependent on the school alone, but has evolved and spread to include the family and society in all its categories and elements, and with the introduction of these new elements in the educational and educational process, the concept of community participation appeared.
Participation leads to an integrated understanding, and a great possibility in dealing with problems, because the population is the real stakeholder, and they feel the truth of the problems facing their lives, and then it is logical for them to participate in solving them, as it thus guarantees the continuation and success of change.
Starting from what made participation in supporting public government schools, and its name, however, the researcher is looking at the subject of the study in relation to participation in participation and its role in supporting public schools.
The study Problem:
The problem of the study is represented in answering the following questions
1. What is the concept of community participation? And what is its importance?
2. What is the reality of community participation and its role in supporting public schools?
3. What are the obstacles to community participation that prevent it from performing its role in supporting public schools?
4. What is the proposed scenario for activating community participation and its role in supporting public schools?
Objectives of the study:
1. Recognize the concept of community participation and its importance.
2. Expose the obstacles to community participation that prevent it from performing its role in supporting public schools.
3. Disclose the reality of community participation and its role in supporting public schools.
4. Reaching the proposed vision to activate community participation and its role in supporting public schools.
The importance of studying:
The importance of the study can be determined in the following points:
1. The urgent need for schools for effective community participation to achieve their goals and establish their activities, which improves the quality of education.
2-This study may help school principals in developing their relationship with community institutions and supporting public schools.
3-This study is in line with one of the contemporary global trends prevalent in various countries of the world, which is the need for community participation in supporting public schools.
4-Raising the awareness of officials of the importance of community participation and support for public schools.
Study Curriculum:
The study used the descriptive and analytical approach as the most appropriate method for this study, which depends on describing the current situation of the phenomenon and its interpretation, as the current study is concerned with collecting data and information and giving that scientific explanation to approach the topic and problem of the study and to present a proposed vision to activate community participation and its And its role in supporting public schools
The limits of the study
This study adheres to the following limits:
- Objective boundaries: The current study was limited to activating community participation and its role in supporting public schools.
- Human limits: The current study was restricted to a random sample of teachers and principals of public education schools (elementary, preparatory, and secondary).
- Spatial boundaries: The current study was restricted to a random sample of public education schools (elementary, preparatory, and secondary) in (Assiut - Sohag - Qena)
Steps to walk in the study:
The current study seeks to answer its questions through the following steps:
- Chapter one: deals with the general framework of the study; Which included the introduction to the study, the study problem, the study questions, the importance of the study, the study curriculum, the study tools, the study terminology, and the previous study.
- The first chapter deals with the general framework of the study. Which included the introduction to the study, the study problem, the study questions, the importance of the study, the study method, the study tools, the study terms, and the previous study.
- Chapter Two: To answer the first question, the researcher reviews the concept of community participation and its importance.
- Chapter Three: To answer the third question, the researcher reviews the obstacles to community participation that prevent it from performing its role in supporting public schools.
- Chapter Four: To answer the fourth question, the researcher reviews the reality of community participation and its role in supporting public schools.
- Chapter Five: To answer the fifth question, the researcher reviews the proposed scenario for activating community participation and its role in supporting public schools.
Summary of results:
1. The opinions of the study sample came on all the phrases of the axis ”The school’s role in activating community participation” as being achieved in a weak degree, and the total average response rate on the axis was (0.57), which means that the school’s role in activating community participation is weak and that was according to the opinions of students and teachers. And their consensus on that, and this may be due to the school’s lack of keenness on the school’s administration to activate the role of parent councils, and the lack of training courses for parents and organizations in community participation
2. The views of the study sample on all the expressions of the axis “The reality of the role of civil society organizations in community participation and support in Upper Egypt schools” came to be achieved to a weak degree, and the total average response rate on the axis was (0.49), which means the weak role of civil society organizations in community participation in schools Upper Egypt, which may be due to the weak contribution of community organizations to support schools financially and morally, the lack of civil society organizations’ keenness to consolidate the school’s relationship with its surrounding community, the lack of community organizations for students to provide psychological and social care, and the failure of community organizations to assist in the rehabilitation and training of teachers.
4. There are many obstacles to activating community participation in schools, including the following:
- The absence of community participation programs in teacher training programs.
- The absence of programs to train community and family cadres on community participation.
- Bylaws and laws impede the work of community organizations in the field of education.
- Bureaucracy of educational and administrative decisions related to the process of community partnership in the educational process.
- The lack of interest of officials in civil society institutions to participate in the school in its educational and educational affairs.
- Weak planning to increase the channels of communication between the school and the institutions of community participation.
- The lack of capabilities of civil society organizations impedes them from helping the school.
- The school day is crowded, leaving no time for the administration to work with the community.
- The belief of officials in civil society institutions that the school is responsible for raising and educating students without the need for their cooperation.
- Some school administration officials’ fear of interacting with community participation institutions.
- The school’s relationship with the student is limited to his presence in the school.
5. Among the requirements for developing community participation in schools in Upper Egypt are the following:
- NGOs and civil society organizations organize lectures and meetings inside schools.
- Employing modern technologies to support effective participation between the school and the family through service programs and activities.
- The school implanting the concept of ”educational development” is everyone’s responsibility.
- Achieving an effective community partnership between parents and the school.
- Changing the traditional school structure and replacing the usual routine activities with a variety of flexible activities.
- Emphasizing the role that the houses of worship play in rooting societal values and in influencing and evaluating students ’behavior.
- Allowing parents and others to participate in school activities during working hours.
- Linking the educational system to the needs of the local market.
- Diversity in the methods of communication between the school and the community.