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Evaluation of Serum Procalcitonin as a Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarker for Sepsis in Major Burn Patients :
Fekry, Mohamed Fathy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد فتحي فكري
مشرف / صلاح ناصر محمد
مشرف / محمد عبدالمحسن غانم
مشرف / محمد ممدوح عبدالحليم
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
128 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - جراحة التجميل و الحروق و جراحات الوجه و الفكين
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epsis in burns worsens the patient’s prognosis and increases the risk of organ failure and death. The leading cause of death in burn patients is multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), which is a direct response to sepsis.
Identifying early sepsis is very important, given that every 6 h delay in the diagnosis of sepsis reduces survival by 10%. Difficulty in diagnosing sepsis in burn is due to the systemic response to the burn itself clinically mimics sepsis.
The aim of all interventions is still patient survival. However, the patient has a pre-existing set of morbidity variables that affect his response to burn insult and therefore the result of these interventions may differ from patient to another.
The study was carried out in Burn Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Ain Shams University Hospitals.
Patient details: 30 patients with major burn (more than 20% of TBSA) were included.
The Local Ethics Committee approved the study, and informed consent was obtained from all participants or their guardians.
Out of 30 patients 14 were males and 26 were females. Their median (IQR) of age was 19 years, where the range was from (3-61) years. And the cause of burn in our study was 53.3% flame burn and 46.7%- scald burn. And the median (IQR) of TBSA burn injury of the study population was 22% where the range was from (20%- 60%).
Our study had clarified that the majority of the mortality cases died because of sepsis, the causative organisms were gram negative bacteria which can clearly significant in our results as 80% of the studied patients had bacterial growth according to the blood cultures and 20% of the studied cases has no bacterial growth.
In the present study it has been noticed the non significance role of conventional inflammatory biomarkers, including CRP and TLC in detection of sepsis with Median (IQR) 56.1 mg/L with P-value >0.05.
In the current study it has been found that the first 3 samples that were withdrawn on admission, in the first day and in the third day have no significant increase in PCT levels in relation to sepsis. However, the following 2 samples which had been withdrawn in day 5 shows significant increase in PCT levels and that of day 7 on admission are highly significant with Median (IQR) range 9 ng/dl and Median (IQR) range 13.2 ng/dl respectively.
It was noted in our study that the increase of burned TBSA would increase the mortality rate as the Median (IQR) of the extent in Non survivor cases was 32% which is significant.
It was proved in the current study that the prognosis of death of sepsis patient is highly significant with p-value 0.004 as 9 sepsis cases were died out of 12 cases that had been studied.