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Serum CCL20 level in patients with vitiligo /
Khalil, Amany Saleh Yoseif.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أماني صالح يوسف خليل
مشرف / فوزية أمين علي سعفان
مشرف / مروة زهدى على مبارك
مشرف / شيماء محسن البيه
مناقش / حنان احمد سالم
مناقش / عادل على ابراهيم
Vitiligo. Pigmentation disorders. Skin - Diseases.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
online resource (118 pages) :
الأمراض الجلدية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الطب - قسم الأمراض الجلديه والتناسليه وطب الذكورة
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Vitiligo is an acquired, multifactorial , depigmented skin disorder characterized by well-circumscribed, milky-white depigmented macules and patches with an estimated prevalence of 0.5–2% of the population worldwide. Vitiligo is a melanocyte-specific damage disease having complex pathogenesis. The exact cause of the loss of functional melanocytes in affected skin is not fully understood but different theories are suggested as autoimmune , genetic disorders, toxic metabolites, and oxidative stress theories. CCL20 interacts with its receptor CCR6 to recruit IL-17A-producing cells inside the skin. CCL20 is produced in epithelial cell types and this positive feedback loop of IL-17/CCL20 might perpetuate the inflammatory responses. The CCL20-CCR6 axis is activated in patients with chronic inflammatory conditions, such as psoriasis, arthritic conditions, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) In this study, two groups were included; group A (patient group): includes 50 patients with vitiligo subdivided into 25 active vitiligo and 25 stable vitiligo and group B (control group): includes 30 healthy persons who match the patients in the same age and sex. Cases were recruited from outpatient clinic of Dermatology, Mansoura University Hospitals. Controls were selected from volunteers (in the period from 2019 to 2020) Inclusion criteria were Age; from 20 to 70 years old and Sex( male and female) with Exclusion criteria included were Subjects with a history or clinical evidence of autoimmune disease that can affect IL17 level hence affect CCL20 level e.g. Thyroiditis and Psoriasis and other criteria of Diabetes mellitus ,Pernicious anemia and Atopic dermatitis. All the participants were subjected to Full history taking including (age, duration of disease, family history, comorbidities, and current treatment) , General examination and Dermatological examination by using wood’s lamp Patients were diagnosed(Active and stable vitiligo patients) Stable and active vitiligo are according to VETF score. Assessment of vitiligo by Vitiligo European Task Force (VETF),VETF is a system that incorporates three components of vitiligo: extent, stage and progression of disease. Extent is based on rule of nines. Staging is based on cutaneous and hair pigmentation in vitiligo patches(0-4).Spreading in VETF is (+1: progressive; 0: stable; −1: regressive). Laboratory investigations of three ml of peripheral venous blood was collected from all subjects by venipuncture in a dry tube. This tube was left standing at room temperature for about half an hour and then centrifuged at 3000 round per minute (rpm) for 15 minutes to obtain serum. The sera were harvested and stored at -20°C until analysis. In this study, the serum level of CCL20 in 50 vitiligo patients(16 males and 34 females) was measured. Our result showed that CCL20 level increased significantly in active , severe vitiligo patients with no positive correlation with disease duration.