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Comparison of Propofol versus Midazolam Infusion for Conscious Sedation during Spinal Anaesthesia in Patients Undergoing Inguinal Hernia Repair /
Hussein, Ahmed Yasser Mohammed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أحمد ياسر محمد حسين محمد
مشرف / جلال عادل عبد الرحيم القاضي
مشرف / مايار حسن السرسي
مشرف / عمرو احمد قاسم
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
150 p. :
التخدير و علاج الألم
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - التخدير والعناية المركزة وعلاج الالم
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The design of the present study permitted qualitative assessment of propofol and midazolam as sedative agents in inguinal hernia surgeries. The ideal anesthetic agent should provide rapid onset of action, profound intra operative amnesia while ensuring rapid recovery without much complications.
There were no significant differences in either patient demographics or surgical characteristics between the two groups. Cardiovascular parameters remained stable throughout the procedure in both study groups and no intervention was required. However recovery and onset of action was faster in the propofol group as compared with the midazolam group.
Based on this study the following conclusions have been made
1. Cardiovascular parameters and respiration were well maintained in both the study groups.
2. No incidence of apnea was noticed in both the study groups.
3. Pain during the injection of propofol was a side effect noticed.
4. Onset of action was faster in the propofol group.
5. Propofol group was less co-operative than midazolam group but this was clinically insignificant.
6. Midazolam group showed slower recovery than propofol group restricting and wasting the productive time of the patient.
7. Qualities such as short plasma half-life period, absence of postoperative nausea and vomiting, make propofol a better choice for sedation.
8. Thus propofol is a fast acting, safe and easily controllable sedative with rapid recovery. This offered the advantage of early patient discharge and better patient compliance.