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Effect of Radiofrequency Irradiation on Testes in Albino Mice and the Prophylactic Effect of Rosemary /
Gab Allah, Diaa Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ضياء محمد جاب الله محمد
مشرف / نبيلة جابر على حسين
مشرف / سهير سعد قراعه
مشرف / نيفين عبدالمنعم حسين
مناقش / سعد عبدالفتاح ابو النعمان احمد
مناقش / نيهال محمد نجيب الجندى
Applied Medical Chemistry. Chemistry.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
118 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - معهد البحوث الطبية - الكيمياء الطبية التطبيقية
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Radiofrequency applications are dramatically developing, and usage of this technology without enough health and safety impacts research or studying is very dangerous. Moreover, the diversity and wide spectrum of frequency and energy for this type of radiations rather than the fluctuation of exposure time makes it hard to be fully studied from all perspectives. In the daily life it is now essential to use one or more application for this technology and come in direct contact with human vital organs and activities on the other hand the occupational continuous exposure for workers working in technology fields makes it worth to be studied deeply. The confirmed impact of those spectrum of non-ionizing radiations is liberation of free radicals inside human body, free radicals is a double-edged weapon where some physiological activities required them however excess of free radicals lead to undesired sever impact and cause serious harm to the body, this what makes the International agency of research on cancer (IARC) categorized RF radiation in class 2B as probable carcinogenic agent.
Rosemary (Salvia Rosmarinus) is kind of evergreen herbs which is of a well-known potential antioxidant effect, free radicals scavenging, potentiation of endogenous antioxidants and electron donation to convert unstable ROS to stable non-harmful compounds. Rosemary extract was studied before against physical and chemical oxidative stress initiators where its antioxidant effect has been confirmed, rosemary oil was found to be composed of many ingredients everyone is of antioxidant effect which makes its extract worth to studied against radiofrequency radiation effect.
This study was designed to study the impact of 1800 MHz at power of 30 dBm long term exposure (10 weeks) on the male reproductive system of albino mice and the prophylactic effect of rosemary extract against its expected adverse effect through assessment of casepas-3 gene expression -as a one of the key role player in apoptotic activity-, Bcl-2 gene expression in testicular tissue-which is a main inhibitor of apoptosis and endogenous antioxidant-, lipid peroxidation via malonaldehyde colorimetric assay in serum, serum TAC, total serum testosterone, total sperm count, progressive sperm percentage, sperm %DFIαt via SCSA technique, micronucleus assay in testicular cells, and testis histological staining and microscopic examination.
The formerly listed parameters were assessed using 4 groups of adult male albino mice, each group was composed of 30 mice, control, rosemary, radiated and radiated treated group.
Control group received no effector all over the study duration (10 weeks), rosemary group mice received 220 mg/kg daily dose by oral gavage for 10 weeks, radiated group received 2hrs of RF radiation as daily dose over the study duration and radiated-treated group received co-administrated rosemary extract 220 mg/kg alongside with RF radiation dose for 2hrs on daily basis for 10 weeks.
Radiofrequency is a well-known ROS generator, which affect the tested groups received it by significant increment of caspase-3, serum lipid peroxidation (MDA), testosterone, DFIαt in sperm cells, total sperm count, progressive sperm percentage and both hyperactivity and cells damage of testicular tissue relative to control group, meanwhile RF reduced Bcl-2 gene expression in testicular tissue and serum TAC relative to control group.
Rosemary as a diterpene and polyphenolic antioxidant showed a potential antioxidant effect defending the adverse effects of ROS generated by RF long term exposure (10 weeks), where it modulates the effect of RF in caspase-3 gene expression elevation, reducing its level more than 3 folds in radiated-treated group compared to Radiated group results. While rosemary possessed no significant contribution to caspase-3 gene expression level in the group received rosemary only relative to control group, which indicates safety of rosemary extract in the given dose. Rosemary group expressed significant increment in Bcl-2 gene expression level when set side by side to results of control group, while in radiated-treated group Bcl-2 gene expression
showed non-significant change when compared to control which indicates that rosemary has an effect in reducing excessive apoptosis instigated by RF radiation and Bcl-2 reduction as antiapoptotic protein recovered to normal level in the subjected group.
Rosemary reduced serum concentration of lipid peroxidation marker MDA in the rosemary group relative to control group concentration while in radiated-treated group MDA level is non-significantly reduced relative to radiated group results, while it was significantly increased when compared to control and rosemary groups.
Serum TAC is markedly showed significant increase in rosemary group relative to all tested groups, while in radiated-treated group it is significantly increased relative to radiated group on the other hand significantly decreased when compared to either control or rosemary groups.
Sperm count was significantly increased in both rosemary and radiated-treated groups compared to control group.
Rosemary increased the progressive sperm % significantly in rosemary group relative to control group, while non-significant increase was recorded relative to control and non-significant decrement compared to both radiated and radiated-treated groups.
Rosemary contributed to increment of total serum testosterone in rosemary group compared to control group, on the other hand non-significant increment noted in radiated-treated group relative to control, which means that rosemary neutralized the effect of RF applied subsiding the serum testosterone concentration to control level.
Rosemary showed non-significant contribution to DFIαt level in sperm in both rosemary and radiated-treated groups, nevertheless a decrement is observed even it was non-significant in radiated-treated group when mean is compared to that of radiated group.
Histological microscopic examination showed the positive effect of rosemary against RF in reducing damage in basement membrane, hyperactivity in Sertoli cells proliferation, desquamation in germinal cells, Disorganization in germinal cells, Interstitial oedema, and Degeneration in germinal cells were observed through the tested groups.
Since ROS produced by RF caused adverse impacts were obviously seen in increasing the DNA fragmentation in sperms upregulating apoptosis, lipid peroxidation and cellular damage in both testis and sperm despite of overproduction of sperm due to hyperactivity in Sertoli cells and increment of progressive sperm percentage which makes the genetic integration and mutations caused in those cells vulnerable for doubt and further discussion.
Rosemary showed potential positive effects in mitigation of those adverse effects caused by RF at the given dose and duration even if some effects may resemble that of RF specially in relative enhancement of both sperm count and motility bit both have different mode of action.