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Effect of Teaching Modalities on
Improving the Studying Skills of
Technical Nursing Students /
Roubo, Karima Mansour Hassb.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / كريمة منصور حسب ربه
مشرف / وفاء السيد عبد الجليل عوده
مناقش / صافى صلاح الدين الرافعى
مناقش / هويدا صادق عبد الحميد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
221 P. :
طب الأطفال
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - قسم تمريض الاطفال
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Nursing education is an integrated process through which students gain the knowledge, understanding, and skills necessary to practice nursing. The educational qualifications needed for teaching include, considerations in taking a faculty position, beginning a faculty position and learning about the academic work environment, and faculty development opportunities (Penn et al., 2008). The studying skills specifically for nursing students are based on time management, stress management and test anxiety are important to address. Students need to be made aware of the importance of applying concepts to particular cases, not just memorizing definitions. As well as they need help in reading speed and comprehension and a great majority benefit from test-taking skills and need to study more, study differently, and/or read the test questions more analytically in order to succeed (Sue Wickham Community College, 2011).
Aim of the study
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of teaching modalities on improving the studying skills of technical nursing students.
Research hypothesis
The teaching modalities will result in improving the studying skills of technical nursing students.
Subjects and Methods
Research design
A quasi-experimental design was utilized to achieve the aim of the study.
Research setting
This study was conducted at schools of nursing, affiliated to Ain Shams & Cairo Universities.
Sample size and characteristics:
A purposive sample that consisted of 154 students were selected from the previously mentioned settings during the academic year 2012-2013. The study sample was randomly divided into two equal groups, study (77) and control (77). Both groups were subjected to the same routine learning experience offered by the study setting, while the program was implemented to study group only. The students in study group were divided into subgroups.
Tools of data collection involved:
1- Structured questionnaire sheet pre / post / follow up the implementation of the program that was developed by the researcher (Appendix 4 - A). It was covering the following items:
A. A Socio-demographic characteristics of the studied students and their parents (age, residence, marital status and employment).
B. The studied students’ knowledge related to teaching modalities as its types, advantage, disadvantage and uses.
C. The studied students’ knowledge related to studying skills as time management, active reading, writing, concentration and memory.
D. The studied students’ knowledge related to factors affecting studying skills of technical nursing schools as cognitive, physical, psychological, family, social, ……….etc.).
2- Structured students’ opinionnaire sheet post implementation of the program that was adapted by the researcher and guided by Mohamed (1997); Debourgh, (2003); Chengtung and Chaochang, (2008): (Appendix 4 - B). It was covering the following items:
A- Student’s opinion as regards to program such as aim, objective, content, design and program management.
B- Student’s opinion as regards to instructor such as instructor explanation, instructor’s teaching method, evaluation methods, motivation of participants and feedback.
C- Student’s opinion as regards to class environment.
3-Formative & summative evaluation sheets during & post implementation of the program designed by the researcher: (Appendix 4 - C). It was involved:
A - Formative evaluation sheets
It consisted of two parts as follows:
1- Theoretical evaluation (presentation, quizzes and midterm exam).
2- Clinical evaluation (assignment, case study, clinical areas scores and midterm lab exam).
B - Summative evaluation sheets
It consists of three parts as follows:
1- Theoretical evaluation (final written exam and final oral exam).
2- Clinical evaluation (final clinical area exam).
3- Total scores of formative evaluation.
Field work:
The actual field work was carried out from the first of February 2013 up to July 2013 for data collection and implementation of the program. The researcher was available 3 days /week (Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday) from 1 o’clock to 3 o’clock P.M at the previously mentioned study settings, the students were interviewed and assessed in small group using the study tools, the researcher introduce herself to students, explain the purpose of the program with a simple explanation and its expected outcomes to students.
The total number of sessions was 12 sessions; each session was 2 hours divided to one hour theory and one hour practice to apply the knowledge of session. Methods of teaching were through cooperative learning group, brain storming, role play and group discussion. Suitable teaching aids were prepared and used as power point, video films, pictures and models of maps, hand out, colored pen and flow chart. Learning activities were done in students class inside the building of faculty of medicine.
The most important findings of the current study can be summarized as the following:
 The mean age of the students was 17.9±1.4 years and 18.1± 1.7 for study and control groups respectively. Whereas the majority (96.1, 90.9%) of the studied students were single in both study and control groups respectively. Regarding to the living condition it found that the majority (98.7, 84.4%) of the studied students were living with their families in both study and control groups respectively. As well, 39% and 45.5% of the students in both study and control groups were ranked as the second order. Meanwhile, more & less of half (50.6%, 48.1%) of study and control groups were working in health setting respectively.
 The majority (93.5 and 81.8%) of study and control groups were living in urban areas. Meanwhile most (87 and 84.4%) of the studied students were living at independent houses. Meanwhile more than half (54.5 and 58.4%) of the studied students were having 3 rooms. More than half and two thirds (59.7, 68.8%) of the studied students were having three to five family members respectively. Less and more than half (45.5%, 55.8 %) of both the study and control groups family income was 1000–1500/LE/month.
 The mean and stander deviation of parents in study and control groups was 41.4 ± 3.4, 41.1±3.3 for mothers and was 40.4 ± 12.9, 44 ± 1.9 for fathers. More than one third (33.8%) and less than one fifth (18.2%) of the fathers were able to read & write. The same percentage 29.9% of the mothers in the study & control groups were able to read and write. As regards to the employment of fathers of the students in study & control groups.
 There was improvement of knowledge in the study group post implementation and follow up program regarding teaching modalities mean and stander deviation 9.5±2.7 post, and 10.8±3.3 at follow up program in study group compared to 9.9±2.7 post and 6.5±2.4 follow up in control group.
 There was an improvement of knowledge in the study group post implementation and follow up program regarding studying skills as mean and stander deviation was 24.5±5.6 post and 20.7± 4.9 follow up program, compared to 12.1±5 post and 10.2±7.7 follow up in control group.
 There was an improvement in the studied students’ knowledge in the study group post implementation and follow up regarding studying habits mean and stander deviation was 35.9±9.3 post, and 31.8±13.3 at follow up program, compared to 13.8 ±7.1, post and 11.6±9.2 follow up in control group.
 There was an improvement in the studied students’ knowledge in the study group post implementation and follow up regarding factors affecting their studying skills mean and stander deviation was 10.9±2.3 post and 11.8±1.1 at follow up, compared to 7.1±3.5 post and 9.3±3.6 follow up in control group.
 Less than three fourths (70.1%) and more than half (58.4%) of the studied students in post program and follow up were having good knowledge regarding to teaching modalities, studying skills, studying habits and factors affecting their studying skills, compared to the minority (1.3%) of students in post and follow up in control group. These findings reflected that, there was high statistical significant difference (X2 = 98.1, 97.1 at P<0.01) between study and control groups regards as students’ total knowledge in post and follow up implementation of the program.
 There was a statistically significant difference (p˂0.01) between the study and control groups regarding characteristics of visual and audio learners post implementation of educational program and there was a statistical significant difference (p >0.05) between the study and control groups regarding characteristics of kinesthetic and visual learners in follow up the implementation of the program.
 There was a statistically significant difference (χ2 =98.1, 97.1 at P<0.01) between the study and control groups regarding to the total student’ knowledge (teaching modalities, studying skills, studying habits and factors affecting the studying skills) after implementation of the program and follow up.
 There was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between the study and control groups regarding formative and summative evaluation of the students in pediatric nursing course.
Based on results of the current study, it can be concluded that, educational program had a positive impact on the studied students’ knowledge regarding teaching modalities, studying skills, studying habits and factors that affect studying skills.
In the light of the current study, it can be recommended to:
 Create an integrated program for students including basic skills in how to study by modern teaching methods.
 Conduct workshops for students about studying skills at the beginning of each term of the academic year in order to motivate them to study and to improve their academic level.
 Implementing the programs of guidance and counseling that help students to develop their studying skills.
 Provide the students with psychosocial & academic support, and help them to overcome the problems and difficulties they face during their studying.