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Soliman, Marwa Nasr Al Sayed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مروة نصر السيد سليمان
مشرف / هويدا حسنى الجبالى
مشرف / محمد صلاح الدين مصطفى
مشرف / رانيا سامي محمد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
208 p. :
طب الأطفال ، الفترة المحيطة بالولادة وصحة الطفل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد البيئة - العلوم الطبية البيئية
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The CNS (central nervous system) started to develop in the stage of embryogenesis, the neurodevelopmental process include: 1- neuron proliferation. 2- axon and dendrite growth. 3- Synapse formation, pruning, and function. 4- myelination. 5- apoptosis, and these stages is affected by selected nutrients, environmental pollutants and toxic agents can cause disruption of neurodevelopment and interfere with the role of neurotransmitters. Maternal prenatal health has impacts on neurodevelopmental process.
Demographic and socioeconomic factors impact developmental delays, Many studies revealed that there is a strong relationship between neurodevelopmental delay, neurodisability and malnutrition, many studies revealed that diets consumed by children plays an important role in the neurodevelopmental process. Some nutrients is important for CNS development such as glutamine, probiotics, iron zinc and folate.
Malnutrition is the most prevalent health problem among intellectual disabled children, Factors influence malnutrition impact are: the surrounded environment, interacting effects (exposure to stimulants), timing for nutrient deprivation , mediating effect , degree of nutrient deficiency and possibility of recovery.
There is a significant positive correlation between body height and volume of brain grey matter that in the prefrontal cortex and temporoparietal region these regions were responsible of intelligence quotient.
Intellectual disability is clinically defined as subnormal intellectual functioning level; in which individual is unable to face the demands established by society for his age group; and it has four degrees: mild, moderate and severe and profound. Many studies proved the higher prevalence of disabilities among children in low income countries.
Most prevalent health problems that is associated to malnutrition among intellectual disabled children such as: Iron deficiency in children causes anemia which is highly related to decrease in the cognitive, learning and behavioral development, vitaminB1 deficiency that causes beri beri, vitamin B3 deficiency that causes pellagra, lack of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is rare but it can be a cause of intractable epilepsy, iodine deficiency leads to impairment in the cognitive development of young children, on the other hand it has severe and may be irreversible effects on very young age children and hearing loss is another possible malnutrition-related disability.
This is cross sectional, observational clinic based study aimed to determine the nutritional profile among disabled children in order to detect nutritional problems and its reflection on growth and mental development.All subjects are children developmentally delayed and intellectual disabled of 3-6 years old underwent specified inclusion and exclusion criteria.All subjects were exposed to the following clinical assessment: history taking include: age, sex, onset and duration of disorder and family history.
Assessment of nutritional status using developmental nutritional questionnaire which includes: Demographic and socioeconomic data: age, gender. WHO anthropometric measurement protocol used: BMI were calculated as the weight in kg divided by the height square in meters (WHO, 1996) 24-hour dietary recalls were collected using the Multiple Pass Food Recall (MPR) method which is a 5-step approach, developed by the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) (Moshfegh A et al., 2008). Sheet of 24-hour recalls were collected for each participant. Full clinical examination was carried out. Complete blood count with differential leucocytic count, IQ test: using Stanford-bennet 5thedition were carried out.
Results of the present study shows: significant prevalence of intellectual disability (lower IQ) in the rural and popular residential than non-popular areas. Significant positive correlation between children height and their IQ. There is highly significant difference in the diagnosis between the two groups. There is highly significant variation between the two groups in the gross motor development. The relation between IQ and birth order is close to be significant, as the birth order increase the IQ level decrease. There is highly positive significant relation between orientation and IQ level, as the IQ increases the orientation increase. There is significant positive relation between IQ level and memory. The hyperactivity is more prevalent in the higher IQ group. There is highly significant difference in the TLC between the two groups as the IQ is inversely proportional with TLC.
The water intake is inversely proportional with IQ level. The caloric intake is inversely proportional with IQ level. According to food analysis the intake of protein, carbohydrate, fat, fibers, sodium, potassium, zinc and vitamin B2 is inversely proportional with IQ level of children. According to the multiple analysis Orientation is significantly related to the IQ of children by (48.7%) and zinc intake affect IQ by (33.3%), in the presence of the other factors.
from our results we conclude that Intellectual disability is more prevalent in rural and popular residential. As the birth order increase the percentage of lower IQ increase. The gross motor development is directly proportional with IQ. the total leukocytic count was higher value for low IQ children group. Dietary profile for Intellectual disabled children (of lower IQ) is regarded to be richer with dietary elements and vitamins than that for higher IQ children. According to the multiple analysis orientation is the most related variable to IQ level and zinc intake is the most effective variable on the IQ level.