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Effect of protein ’hair straightener” on hair shaft by scanning electron microscopy /
Ali, Wejdan Hassan Musa.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / وجدان حسن موسى على
مشرف / احمد عبد الوهاب صالح
مناقش / نادية جلال الحفناوى
مناقش / محمد صابر حسين
Electron microscopy technique.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
89 p. :
الأمراض الجلدية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية طب بشري - امراض جلدية
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Hair style is a human characteristic that may represent aspects of identity, ethnic group and health. Hair is one of the physical features easier to modify. Hair care industry has developed plenty products to provide beauty and modify some hair characteristics. Hair waving and straightening are procedures that change hair physical appearance, regarding shape, in a durable way (Kaliyadan et al., 2016).
There is an essential difference between these procedures and hair setting. Temporary straightening or waving requires physicochemical techniques such as dryer, flat iron, hot comb and lasts only until the next wash. Hair has to be wetted to break the hydrogen bonds of keratin, allowing a temporary opening of its original structure. Fast hair drying and mechanical aid maintain the flat or waved strand of the hair. Consequently, the new shape is moisture sensitive. Permanent hair straightening or waving requires changes in hair disulfide bonds (Serrano-Falcón et al., 2013).
These techniques involve manipulation of the physicochemical interactions that stabilize the keratin structure, through keratin softening, molding to the intended shape and providing a new geometry. This occurs through breakage of disulfide bonds between keratin filaments and their posterior rearrangement into the desired shape, affecting the structural integrity and hair cystine content (Alessandrini et al., 2016).
We aimed in this study to assess the role of scanning electron microscopy in hair shaft changes for female volunteers who frequently use hair treatment procedures such as straightening.
 Patients and methods
Our study included 70 female volunteers aged from 18- 45 years who divided into 1 control and 2 studied groups:
A. Control group: fifteen (15 females) normal volunteers who didn’t use straightener before.
B. Study group: thirty five (35 females) females used straightener.
Study group: twenty (20) females used dye.
Scanning electron microscopy: It had been used to assess the hair shaft condition in patients and two hair samples had been collected from patients group before and after using hair straightener.
 Results
In group A: hair straightener, there was a statistically significant difference regarding scanning electronic microscope findings before and after treatment (P-value <0.001), before treatment 51% classified as group 0, while after treatment 31% classified as Grade II. In group B: hair dye, there was no statistically significant difference regarding EMS findings before and after treatment (P=0.966). before treatment, 43.64% were grade 0, while after treatment 25.45% were Grade II. While the overall P value before and after treatment was (P<0.001).
 Conclusion
We can conclude that, EMS is a useful tool in assessing hair changes related to use of chemical agents.