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برنامج إرشادي قائم على الذكاء الوجداني لخفض الشعور بالخجل الاجتماعي لدى عينة من الأطفال المتأخرين دراسياً /
معن، أسماء محمد يسري عيسى.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أسماء محمد يسري عيسى معن
مشرف / سيد محمد صبحي
مشرف / أشرف محمد عبد الحليم
مشرف / حسام الدين عزب
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
227ص. :
علم النفس التنموي والتربوي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التربية - قسم الصحة النفسية والإرشاد النفسي
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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Affective intelligence plays an important role in the individual’s success in life compared to academic or cognitive intelligence. In 1995, the book Emotional Intelligence was issued by Daniel Golman, which was highly appreciated in scientific and applied circles and on the foundations Which was introduced by Gollman, Pam Robbins and Jane Scott designed the tool to convey Daniel Gollman’s scientific facts to daily practices that the teacher can offer to his classmates.
Affective intelligence is an invitation to the eradication of emotional illiteracy, an invitation to address the cultural pollution that envelops people in its circles so that those who cannot cope with it.
Affective Intelligence appeared for the first time in a series of articles written by Mayer & Salovey (1990-1993), and after two years 1995, Goleman confirmed this by publishing his book, Affective Intelligence, stating that it is more important than normal intelligence, and Epstein 1998 sees that we work with two minds: a mind. A rational and conscious mind which is relatively unemotional and can be routinely controlled and an expert automatic mind that is closely related to emotions, conscience and ancient experiences and works at the level of the unconscious and the logical mind works according to the logical reasoning which is an intentional feeling and the expert mind includes practical intelligence, emotional intelligence and social intelligence and all behavior is determined by the unifying effect of the two minds ( Epstein, S 1998) then Goleman developed the concept of emotional intelligence and composed a number of books and articles on the success of the individual in life that does not depend on mental abilities only, but what he possesses of capabilities called intelligence.
Children who are late in school lack much emotional skills and suffer from social shyness, low self-confidence, social withdrawal, social shyness, introverted shyness, and the tendency to be isolated ,but able to work efficiently and successfully if the individual is forced to do so.
During the current study, the researcher seeks to design a program based on affective intelligence to reduce the sense of social shame in a sample of children who are late in school
2-problem of study
The problem of the current study is determined by the weakness of the emotional skills offered to students in the basic education stage, the emphasis on practical and academic aspects, and the lack of attention to the emotional aspects, especially children who are late in school and suffer from social shyness and social withdrawal of children who are late in school. Especially children who are late in school.
3-Aim of study
The current study aims to determine the effectiveness of a program based on affective intelligence and to reduce the feeling of social shyness in a sample of children who are late in school.
4- importance of study
The theoretical importance: In enabling the student to express his feelings and emotions and manage his relationships with others in different situations in which the student’s fear and anxiety appear, which makes him shy to speak in the classroom and thus his level of achievement is lower than his peers, and this leads to his academic delay.
Applied importance: Educators, psychologists and social workers may benefit from the program prepared in this study with children with an academic delay.
5- Study hypotheses
a-There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the control and experimental groups in the post-measurement on the social shyness scale.
b-There are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group in the pre and post measures on the social shyness scale on the social shyness scale.
c-There are no statistically significant differences between the scores of the experimental group in the two dimensional and tracer measures on the social shyness scale.
6- Study procedures
Methodology : Method of the current study is the experimental method.
The Sample: The study sample consisted of 20 students and pupils of primary school age group (9-12) and was divided into 10 students in the experimental group and 10 students for the control group Tools.
a-measure of emotional intelligence (Bar-on).
b-Measure of social shyness (researcher preparation).
c-Counseling program based on emotional intelligence (researcher preparation).
Statistical methods used: The researcher used the non-parametric method
a- Mann-Whitney test to denote differences between independent groups.
b- Wilcoxon test to denote differences between related groups.
c- T-Test to indicate differences between group averages.
d- Pearson correlation coefficient
Accordingly, the formulation of the study problem can be determined in the following main question: How effective is a program based on emotional intelligence in reducing the feeling of social shyness among a sample of children who are late in school.
The researcher tries to answer the main question through the study questions:
a-Are there differences between the experimental group of children who are late in school before implementing the program and after applying the program on the social shyness scale?
b-Are there differences between the experimental group of children who are tardy in school than the control group of children who are tardy in studies after applying the program on the scale of social shyness?
c-Will the experimental group members continue to improve in the post and tracer measures on the social shyness scale?.