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الميتافيزيقا التوماوية وتأثيرها علي فلسفة القانون عند فرانسيسكو سواريز /
عبد الواحد، أروى كارم محمود.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أروى كارم محمود عبد الواحد
مشرف / ابراهيم محمد ابراهيم صقر
مشرف / صبري عبدالله شندي محمد
مناقش / صبري عبدالله شندي محمد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
223 ص. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الفيوم - كلية الاداب - الفلسفة
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 284

from 284


This study is considered a philosophical attempt - aiming to
show a philosophical personality that did not fulfill its right to
philosophical research, as the researcher, in her pursuit of searching for
this character, found only one book translated into Arabic; It is a book
by Frederick Cobblestone entitled: “History of Philosophy from Occam
to Suarez” - Volume Three. As this work shows aspects of the main
personality of the research, while it is mentioned in other books as a
representation, while many foreign works explain the philosophical
aspects of Francisco Suarez, a Spanish philosopher born in the late
fifteenth century, who is considered one of the philosophers of the
European Renaissance. Suárez wrote many books, and it is mentioned
here that he provided twice the scientific output that Aquinas had
previously provided.
Hence, in her current study, the researcher tries to explain the
important philosophical aspects of Suárez’s philosophy, relying on the
most important influences on which Suárez relies, according to what
the philosopher mentions in his writings. That Aquinas is the god father
of suarez in his philosophy so, Aquinas is reference in Philosophy - a
philosophical reference not only in the middle Ages and the
Renaissance, but its philosophical implications also extend to modern
and contemporary philosophers.
Hence, the researcher seeks to uncover the truth about the
existence of a philosophical intellectual extension that emanates from
Aquinas' philosophy and affects the structure of Suárez's philosophy.
At the same time, the researcher tries to analyze the differences
between the two philosophers in order to give the final word between
them. The word - defines the nature of the relationship between the two
philosophers: Aquinas and Suárez, and it is the idea that reveals the
relationship that binds metaphysics as pure thought with law as
principles and realistic organizational rules.
Thus, the starting point at Suarez is determined in two respects,
The first - the study of metaphysics by determining its nature, its
stages of development, its general characteristics, and the most
important foundations on which it was built in order to move to
knowledge of God, though, clarifying the relationship between
existence and essence, then moving to knowledge of his creatures; The
clarification of the being - makes Suarez have a better view of
existence and its general characters, which are represented in three
main characteristics, namely: First - cognitive properties that are
evident through the principle of truth. Secondly - ontological
characteristics - which are evident through the principle of unity, third -
moral characteristics - are clear through the principle of goodness.
The second - Suárez’s thought moves from metaphysical and
existential characteristics to an understanding of relationships in the
created reality as a whole. That is, the reality that includes man and
other beings; where these relationships are based on the study of
human existence and human values, which justifies the importance of
searching for the foundations of the metaphysical relationship, and the
general principles of these relationships.
Consequently, this metaphysical view - according to Suarez -
provides a different understanding of human beings and the world, as it
is not considered a special study of the existence of many different
spatial topics, but rather goes beyond these matters in order to think
about the deep relationships that bind them, which leads to the study of
the importance of the moral dimension of the philosopher. Especially
when this dimension shapes the way people interact with one another.
Hence, for a person, this world is the place in which he achieves his
goal of seeking the supreme good and the ultimate happiness, which is
represented by divine bliss.