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تقويم برامج التدريب المهنى فى مواجهة مشكلة البطالة لدى الشباب الخريجين
”دراسة مطبقة على مركز التدريب المهنى بمديرية القوى العاملة بمحافظة أسيوط”=
أحمد, الهام خليفة سليمان.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / الهام خايفة سليمان احمد
مشرف / رشاد احمد عبد اللطيف
مناقش / محمد رفعت قاسم
مناقش / ايمان احمد عبد العال
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
256ص. ؛
العلوم الاجتماعية (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الخدمة الاجتماعية - تنظيم المجتمع
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 266

from 266


ملخص الدراسة باللغة الإنجليزية.
1- The problem of study:
The issue of development is one of the most important issues that the world is witnessing now, because it focuses on the need for countries to achieve economic and social progress, through a conscious and organized community effort supported by government efforts. Therefore, the process of integrated human development is the concern of specialized scientists interested in developing the human element through the Participation of community systems and systems, and at the forefront of these systems is the educational system, in which the various branches of education operate to participate in the development process, as education is an important area of social development, through which it is possible to contribute effectively to the development of human wealth in society.
One of the most common problems faced by young people in Egyptian society is unemployment, as unemployment remains a major challenge for the Egyptian government, as it is one of the disadvantages of the economic reform policy that began ten years ago. There is a big gap in the Egyptian labor market, where demand is not balanced with supply and the government estimated the size of the unemployed. About one million and 440 thousand, while other economic agencies estimated it about 4.5 million unemployed, and the dangerous thing is that job seekers are increasing annually. Egyptian universities graduate about 160,000 graduates, and the number of graduates of upper-intermediate degrees reaches 600,000 in addition to 350,000 school dropouts expected to enter the labor market. Annually, unemployment rates in Egypt have reached 12% of the size of the workforce in Egypt.
Accordingly, it can be said that human resources are the means and the goal of development and growth, and growth depends The socio-economic health of societies is largely dependent on the effectiveness of resource development systems The humanity of these societies, of which technical and vocational training is one of its main components. Although the strategic importance of human resource development is recognized, it does not occupy this position An advanced position within the national priorities, especially in countries with limited resources that are facing over There are always difficulties in defining their long-term and short-term priorities in their national development plans Socio-economic, and often there is a feeling of the need for quick returns in these plans And directly and that investment in human resource development does not lead to that.
Hence, technical and vocational training is considered one of the main pillars in building society and a necessity It is urgent to keep pace with development and progress in order to achieve a comprehensive development whose arms are human forces, where it tends Education experts are now advising young people about TVET as a magic formula for finding work In the future, it is seen as a key to poverty alleviation, social convergence and a leap towards development and dependency. This shift is increasing the trend towards blue-collar recruitment Technical and vocational training reflects the high return on investment in the workforce, where workers are considered workers Skilled workers are the backbone of the expansion of the current economy, as in China, where one in three graduates High school enrolled in vocational schools. But on the other hand, there are many countries as in Egypt is struggling to create a bridge between TVET and the labor market and income generation Therefore, technical and vocational training is now not a choice, but an urgent necessity.
Social work as a profession that has its own developmental perspective that is in line with societal changes, whether economic, social, or cultural. The profession must pursue its interests by seriously participating in solving problems facing development in all its fields, especially those related to youth because it is self-evident to say that achieving development in the desired manner needs to be done. Solving the problems facing young people and working on their participation in development programs, especially that the profession of social service is one of the humanitarian professions that seek to help the inhabitants of societies to organize themselves to gain more capacity for the desired change.
The method of community organization is one of the methods used by social service to achieve its goals, which began to appear in social service as a temporary necessity to address different social conditions, and the various problems that resulted from these societies in a variety of growing problems that achieve development and progress for society, and it has become one of the responsibilities of the method of a community organization to contribute to bringing about the required change. It is directed in the trends, policies, and systems to drive the human community towards progress and prosperity.
Through the above, the study problem can be identified and based on the researcher’s specialization, which is the community organization that aims to bring about tangible changes in the human and environmental element to achieve the desired goals. The researcher has in mind questions, which are:
A- The effectiveness of vocational training programs in facing the problem of unemployment for young graduates.
B- The extent of the efficiency of the vocational training programs in facing the unemployment problem for young graduates.

2-The importance of the study:
A- Identifying the extent of the contribution of the outputs of the training process in creating job opportunities and confronting the problem of unemployment among young graduates and seeking to develop work mechanisms in order to raise the professional level.
B- The study helps the researcher in proper planning and optimal direction of the programs and policies of the vocational training institution in which she works.
C- The steady increase in unemployment among young people, as the Central Agency for Public Mobilization added, in its report on Sunday, that the unemployment rate among young people between the ages of (15-29 years) reached 27.3% of the total work force in the same age group, while the unemployment rate reached Among male youth is 21.0%, and among female youth 46.8% of the total labor force in the same age group and 19.9% the unemployment rate for the age group (15-19 years) and 25.7% the unemployment rate for the age group (20-24 years and 31.3%) The unemployment rate for the age group (25-29 years and 36.1%) is the unemployment rate among those with qualifications from 15-29 years old.
D- Vocational training is the basis for human resource development, and these resources are the central link in comprehensive development, Organizing the labor market and seeking to harmonize the supply and demand of the workforce is totally linked to planning vocational training programs, on the basis of comprehensive development components.
E- The link between the outputs of vocational training and the requirements of the labor market and the balance between them represents the first step for improving the level of employment, facing the challenges of unemployment and moving on the path of development, The General Administration for Vocational Training at the Ministry of Manpower is working on this goal, which is to qualify skilled technicians to put them in the labor market, so what is the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the vocational training programs in the centers and their ability to meet the requirements of the development process in terms of expertise and competencies?
F- Day after day the requirements of the labor market increase, its needs from the manpower vary, and the challenges increase for those looking for a job opportunity. The search for that opportunity does not bear fruit without a university or professional degree. Therefore, they had no choice but to break the barrier between them and the professional work which is part of the It is an integral part of social work and one of the links with the labor market, as it plays a pivotal role in economic and social life, and therefore vocational training was one of the main tools in creating an advanced industrial generation that contributes to economic growth and in the fight against poverty and unemployment.
G- This study may be considered a clear scientific evidence of the importance of vocational training and that it is the key to entering the labor market in all its specializations and facing the problem of unemployment and following up on the outputs of training is very important to identify gaps and avoid them, which is an important factor in the public and private sector, and the study also determines the extent to which the graduate’s experiences are consistent with the requirements of the labor market Consequently, in the event of a shortage of expertise in a specific field, the Ministry shall develop curricula and programs or create new professions that suit the movement of supply and demand in the markets. The Ministry also communicates with the graduates to find out their conditions in terms of their integration into the market or not to know the extent to which they benefit on the ground and in the workplace from the experiences and information they received during the training period, and what are their proposals for developing curricula and programs in case there is any shortage of expertise, so the Ministry is keen not to be a theoretical study In one valley and practical implementation in another valley.
3-Study Objectives:
The objectives of the current study are represented in several objectives, which are:-
A- Determining the level of effectiveness of vocational training programs in contributing to solving the unemployment problem from the viewpoint of young graduates.
B- Determining the level of efficiency of the vocational training programs in contributing to solving the unemployment problem from the viewpoint of officials and service providers.
C- Determining the contributions of vocational training programs to facing the problem of unemployment among young graduates.
D- Determining the difficulties facing the vocational training programs in facing the unemployment problem from the viewpoint of both young graduates and officials and how to overcome it.
E- Reaching out a proposed future vision from the perspective of the method of a community organization to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of vocational training programs in facing the problem of unemployment among young graduates in the Egyptian society.

4-Hypotheses of the study:
The study is based on the following assumptions:
The first assumption:
It is expected that the level of effectiveness of vocational training programs in facing the problem of unemployment among young graduates from their point of view is high.
This hypothesis is tested through the following indicators:
A- The vocational training programs correspond to the actual needs of the graduates.
B-The ability of vocational training programs to develop youth knowledge to face the unemployment problem.
C-The ease and simplicity of procedures for young graduates to benefit from the efforts of the Vocational Training Center.
D-The ability of vocational training programs to bring about change in the patterns of behavior of the beneficiaries towards work.
E-The program activities meet the actual needs of young graduates.
The second assumption:
It is expected that the level of efficiency of vocational training programs in facing the problem of unemployment among young graduates from the point of view of workers is high:
This hypothesis is tested through the following indicators:
A- The center’s ability to achieve its goals.
B- The center’s ability to organize its internal business.
C- The center’s ability to provide material resources.
D- The availability of human resources in the center.
E- The ability of the center’s officials to coordinate with the labor market to reduce the unemployment problem for young graduates.
The third hypothesis: It is expected that there is a statistically significant relationship between the demographic variables of the beneficiary youth and workers and their estimate of the level of effectiveness.
The fourth hypothesis: It is expected that there is a statistically significant relationship between the demographic variables of workers and their estimate of the level of efficiency.
- 5-Study concepts:
The researcher dealt with several concepts in the course of her study, namely:
A- Evaluation.
B- Effectiveness and efficiency.
C- Programs.
D- Vocational training.
E- The unemployment.
6- Methodological procedures for the study:
A- Study type: An evaluation study.-
The method used: This study relied on the two types of social survey method, a comprehensive social survey for officials and a sample social survey for educated youth.
B- Study tools:-
Effective measurement form for young graduates of vocational training programs form for measuring the competence of those responsible for vocational training programs in facing the unemployment problem.
C- Fields of study: The fields of study are defined as follows:-
1- Spatial domain: the vocational training center of the Manpower Directorate in Assiut.
2- The human field: The study was applied to a sample of young trainees who graduated from the Vocational Training Center from 2015 until 2019. And those responsible for the programs in the organization.
3- The chronological domain: the period the study took, both theoretical and practical.
7-Results of the study:
The current study reached a set of results related to the study variables, which are:-
A- Proving the validity of the first hypothesis of the study: “It is expected that the level of efficiency of vocational training centers in facing the problem of unemployment among young graduates is high,” at a level of (2.93), which is a high rate.
B- Proving the validity of the second hypothesis of the study: “It is expected that the level of effectiveness of vocational training programs in facing the problem of unemployment among young graduates is high,” at a level of (2.64), which is a high rate.
C- The results of the study concluded that the third hypothesis of the study is incorrect: “There is a statistically significant relationship between some demographic variables of officials and their determination of the level of competence of vocational training centers in facing the problem of unemployment among young graduates.
D- The results of the study concluded that the fourth hypothesis of the study is incorrect: “There is a statistically significant relationship between some demographic variables of youth and their determination of the level of effectiveness of vocational training programs in facing the problem of unemployment among young graduates. ”