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” المشكلات المرتبطة بأسر سجناء الثأر ونموذج مقترح للتعامل معها من منظور التدخل فى الأزمات”=
محمد, أسماء محمد إسماعيل .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أسماء محمد إسماعيل محمد
مشرف / عبده كامل سلامه الطايفى
مناقش / عبداللاه صابرعبدالحميد
مناقش / أحمد ثابت هلال
خدمة الفرد.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
235ص. ؛
العلوم الاجتماعية (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الخدمة الاجتماعية - خدمة الفرد
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 243

from 243


Second: Study Summary in English
Title Study: The problems associated with the families of prisoners of revenge and a suggested model for dealing with them from the perspective of intervention in crises.
The study aimed to identify the problems that revenge wives suffer from, including the following: (social problems - economic problems - and psychological problems) from a proposed model for dealing with these problems from the perspective of intervention in crises, and the study clarified the social problems of the wife of revenge prisoners after imprisonment Her husband suffers from social isolation, the wife loses control over the children, an atmosphere of disputes prevails between the children, and one of the most important economic problems that the prisoner’s wife suffers is that she finds it very difficult to provide the basic needs of her children, the exit of one of the children from school to work, and one of the most important psychological problems Also, the prisoner’s wife has an atmosphere of tension and anxiety, as time passes for a long time after the imprisonment of her husband, and the results of the study came that the highest percentage of the study sample for the wife of revenge prisoners falls in the age group (25-30) with a percentage of (57.5%), and that The highest percentage of the study sample is illiterate, neither reading nor writing, with a percentage of (62.5%), and the total score for social problems (69.5%), and the degree for economic problems (71.2%), was the The college score also for psychological problems (78.3%) for the study sample.
The study reached to set a model from the perspective of intervention in crises to alleviate the problems that the wife of a prisoner of revenge suffers from.
key words: Revenge, prison, the prisoner’s family, the model of crisis intervention.

1-The problem of the study:
Social problems, such as natural phenomena, are a constant fact that we must search to know and understand before we try to influence them by modification and reform - that is, before embarking on reform we must first come to extracting laws that regulate the life of society and the idea of accessing these laws is the first step in the scientific search for social problems.
The social problem is the results of the social interaction and social life of individuals of any society, and it is also a manifestation of social change, and it is expressed as a particular condition, circumstance, or social situation or undesirable position.
Among these problems is the problem of revenge, which is an old custom in human history, despite the increasing urbanization and increasing rates of urbanization in all societies. However, revenge may constitute a social system in some societies, especially rural and tribal societies, and revenge is usually a punishment against a murderer, but revenge is not a requirement that it be. And many qualitative studies have shown that the practice of revenge is an integral part of the personal, emotional, cognitive and mental factors that drive an individual in his desire for revenge.
Luken bill also indicates that the murder is usually the result of reciprocal factors between the offender and the victim and even spectators in many cases. Intentional and premeditated act by the aggressor, knowing that there are certain patterns of homicides, which are mass murders (killing numbers of people at the same time) that require an interpretation that differs from the interpretation of individual murders.
Among the murders is retribution and are the penalties for assaulting servants or for attacks in which the right of servants is often. And retribution means equality between what is actually committed by the offender and the consequent punishment, and the crimes of retribution for his parents as reported in the books of Islamic jurisprudence five, namely (intentional killing, semi-intentional killing, wrongful killing, and felony on the subjects of self intentionally, and felonies on the subjects of the wrongly). Intentional killing without exception involves a violation of internationally recognized human rights and international humanitarian law.
The conflict between the tribes is an important humanitarian issue that the tribesmen, their sheikhs and rulers cannot overlook; Because it is related to issues of violence and killing, and it requires a distinguished and wise administration in resolving these disputes. Failure to control these conflicts leads to fighting, destruction, ruin, and emigration.
The phenomenon of taking revenge is one of the most extreme types of crimes, and it is one of the worst and most dangerous phenomena, if it spreads in a society or spreads in its environment, it gives its people the source of death. Life leads to a series of assassinations on the massacres of family companions, as revenge spreads in tribal societies, and is associated with a set of customs, traditions and legacies that support quality in these societies as one of the regular daily habits, i.e. that the inhabitants of these societies are accustomed to, and it spreads remarkably in Egypt, Especially in the Upper Egypt region.
Vengeance in Upper Egypt is a value and a social practice with its components and traditions; As it is stable in most parts of Upper Egypt and is the other side of the family’s prestige and dignity within its society, and that the family with all its members is responsible for taking revenge.
The family in Upper Egypt occupies a place higher than any other affiliation. It comes before the individual and before the state, so the family is the main reference for its members, regardless of the economic and employment status. It is noted that the family in Upper Egypt refers to belonging to the father only and not the mother, unless the family itself is, just as the family in Upper Egypt collects small branches, so the family is belonging to the great grandfather and has one obligations towards the family with the same degree of direct closeness, where the family is in the only reference authority that Relationships such as marriage, land and housing purchase ... and others.
And the act of taking revenge is almost like a firm doctrine inside the conscience of every member of the Sa`id family, regardless of its scientific or cultural level. The trilogy of custom, customs and traditions is the main motive for the continuation of this crime.
2- The study Objectives:
This study seeks to achieve two main objectives:
1- Identify the problems associated with the families of prisoners of revenge
We derive from it three sub-goals, namely.
A- Identify the social problems associated with the families of the prisoners of revenge.
B- Learn about the psychological problems associated with the families of prisoners of revenge.
C- Learn about the economic problems associated with the families of prisoners of revenge.

3- The study Concepts:
i. Families of prisoners.
ii. Revenge.
iii. Intervention in crises.
4- The study Questions:
This study seeks to achieve two main questions:
i. What are the problems related to the families of the revenge prisoners?
Three main questions emerge from this main question
ii. What are the social problems related to the families of the prisoners of revolt?
iii.What psychological problems associated with the families of prisoners of revenge?
iv.What are the economic problems associated with the families of prisoners of revenge?
v. What is the suggested model for dealing with the problems associated with the families of the prisoners of revenge?
5- Methodological Procedures of the study:
A. The Type of study:
This Present study is related to The type of Descriptive analistical study.
B- used Method:
Social Survay.
C-Study Tools:
An inquiry into the wife of the revenge prisoner about the social, economic, and psychological problems experienced by the wife of the revenge prisoner after the imprisonment of the head of the family.
D- Study Fields:
• The Human Fields:
This Field is chosen according to the following:
The study is applied to the wives of revenge prisoners in Minya Governorate, whose number is (40).
E. Spatial Field:
The locus of this study is represented by three villages of (Mallawi - Dermawas) in Minya Governorate, and it is represented in the Tindah Village of the Mallawi Center and the villages of Badran and Dilja, which belong to the Dermawas Center.
F. The Time Domain Field:
its the Period of study application the Theoretical &the fielding where in 16/4/2019 till 10/7/2020.
G. Study Results:
The results of the study reached to:
The results of the study came that the highest percentage of the study sample size for the wives of revenge prisoners falls in the age group (25-30), with a percentage of (57.5%). The total score for social problems was (69.5%), and the score was for economic problems (71.2%), and the total score was also for psychological problems (78.3%) for the study sample.
The study found a model from the perspective of intervention in crises to overcome the problems that the wife of a vendor prisoner suffers from.