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Drug Dispensing process in the Employee Outpatient Pharmacy in Alexandria University Students Hospital/
El Sebaii, Doaa Farouk Abd el Monaiem.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / دعاء فاروق عبد المنعم السباعي
مشرف / باسم فاروق عبد العزيز
مناقش / محمد درويش البرجي
مناقش / أشرف أحمد زاهر زغلول
Health Administration and Behavioral Sciences. Drug- Employee Outpatient Pharmacy. Drug- Alexandria.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
73 p. :
الصحة العامة والصحة البيئية والمهنية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - المعهد العالى للصحة العامة - Heath Management, Planning and Policy
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The drug dispensing process is an important step in the healthcare system. The drug delivery needed by patients at the right time , in the right dose and the right quantity safely is not an easy issue. The dispensing process contains many steps that starts with receiving the prescription from the physician and ends by receiving the drug by the patient. These steps must be fulfilled in order to achieve best results and reaches the patient satisfaction with the service given at the end which our main concern .
Aim of the study:
To investigate the drug dispensing process in the employee outpatient pharmacy of Alexandria Students hospital .
Target population and Study sample:
A cross sectional study was carried .
The study sample consists of :
• 400 drug dispensing sheets.
• 400 patients attending the outpatient employee pharmacy.
• All pharmacists in the pharmacy (10).
The sample was chosen by systematic random sample technique.
Data Collection Methods and Tools :
1) Dispensing Observation Sheets:
It is used to asses the drug dispensing process steps in the employee pharmacy which works daily from 8 a.m. till 2 p.m. these steps have to be fulfilled by the pharmacist to be sure that this process is done effectively.
2) Prescription Data Sheets:
It is designed to collect patient information including name, age in years , sex and occupation of the whole target population . The sheets also contain other medical information including diagnosis, date of prescription , prescribed medication duration, doses, dispensed drugs and un-dispensed drugs.
3) Structured Pharmacists Self- administrated questionnaire:
It is designed to collect information about the obstacles facing the drug dispensing process from the pharmacists point of view.
4) Structured Interview Schedule :
Part 1 :
It is used to interview the patients about the obstacles they encountered during the dispensing process.
Part 2 :
It is designed to interview patients about their satisfaction with the dispensing process.
The results of the present study revealed the following:
1) The musculoskeletal drugs and the gastrointestinal drugs were the most prescribed drug categories for the patients in the hospital .
2) 255 drugs out of 458 ( 55,6%) prescribed drugs were not dispensed .
3)The appearance of discrepancy between the prescribed and dispensed drugs reached (50.8% ). The quantitative discrepancy constitute the majority (94%) .
4) from patients perspectives:
The prescribed drugs by the physician are not dispensed by the pharmacy and replaced by any other substitute if present .
5) from pharmacists perspectives :
• Drug unavailability
• Poor hand writing of the physicians.
• Confusing drug names .
• Intrusion of the assistants in the dispensing process.
The following recommendations were suggested:
1) Dispensing should be carried only by pharmacy professionals.
2) Pharmacies must have enough staff.
3) The physicians should prescribe drugs clearly and in a good hand writing.
4) Drugs with confusing drug names, packaging style, packaging color or even from the same company must be separated from each other.
5) Avoid noise and interruptions as possible in the pharmacy.
6) It is crucial that pharmacists provide counseling to the patients while requested or not.
7) A plan should be made to provide a permanent budget specifically dedicated to the pharmacy to avoid any defect in drug supply due to financial problems.
8) Continuous improvement of the dispensing process .
9) Provide medications continuously in terms of quality and quantity by collaborating with purchasing and supply departments ,