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A Study of measurement of cord blood selenium in preterm and fullterm neonates /
Anbar, Mohamed said.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد سعيد عنبر
مشرف / غادة محمد المشد
مشرف / زين عبد اللطيف عمر
مناقش / هشام المرسي
مناقش / غادة محمد المشد
Pediatrics. Selenium.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
125 p. :
طب الأطفال ، الفترة المحيطة بالولادة وصحة الطفل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - طب الاطفال
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Pregnancy is a period of increased metabolic demands and
deficiency of trace elements during pregnancy is closely related to
mortality and morbidity in the newborn. Deficiencies of specific
antioxidant activities associated with the micronutrients Se, copper, zinc,
and manganese can result in poor pregnancy outcomes, including fetal
growth restriction, preeclampsia.
Selenium is an essential trace element of importance to human
biology and health. Increasing evidence suggests that this mineral plays
an important role in normal growth and reproduction in animals and
humans, and Se supplementation is now recommended as part of public
health policy in geographical areas with severe Se deficiency in soil. In
many countries, Se dietary intake falls below the recommended nutrient
intakes and is inadequate to support maximal expression of the
selenoenzymes. Numerous reports implicate Se deficiency in several
reproductive and obstetric complications including male and female
infertility, miscarriage, preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, preterm
labor gestational diabetes.
So, the aim of this study was to measure cord blood Se levels in full
term and preterm neonates in selenium supplemented and nonsupplemented
mothers during pregnancy.
A prospective case control study was conducted on 80 neonates and
their mothers that divided into two groups:
group I: consists of 40 full-term neonates for supplemented and un
supplemented mothers by Se.
 group I a: 20 full-term neonates for supplemented mothers by Se.
 group I b: 20 full-term neonates for un supplemented mothers by Se.
group : consists of 40 pre-term neonates for supplemented and un
supplemented mothers by Se.
 group II a: 20 pre-term neonates for supplemented mothers by Se.
 group II b: 20 pre-term neonates for un supplemented mothers by Se.
Selenium doses for mother
1 μg/kg/day Se doses was taking 40 mother starting taken from 12
week of pregnancy
All patients were recruited from delivery room of the Pediatric
Department at Menoufia University hospital and Tala general hospital,
Egypt from the period of 25th November 2017 till 1st August 2018.
Inclusion criteria:
 Full term neonates (37wk-40wk)
 Preterm neonates <37weeks of gestation
 Vaginal and cesarean section
Exclusion criteria:
 Any babies with any congenital anomalies or any brain insult.
 Any babies of mothers have diabetes mellitus, hypertension or any
other medical problems.
Full history taking, full clinical examination and laboratory
investigations were done for all neonates included in this study as follow:
 Full history taking
 Full clinical examination.
 Measurement of weight, height and head circumference.
 C-reactive protein (CRP).
 Complete blood count (CBC).
 Measurement of cord blood Se.
The results of our study were:
- Full-term neonates had significantly higher GA, weight, and length
than pre-term neonates. While, Head circumference and mother age
were not significantly different between the 2 groups.
- Full-term neonates had significantly higher Se levels (72.67±10.26
μg/l) than pre-term neonates (58.41±11.60 μg/l).
- Maternal Se Supplementation had significantly affect serum Se
levels (71.18±10.47 μg/l) as compared non supplemented
(58.75±11.08 μg/l).
- Supplementation didn’t affect none of the clinical and laboratory
parameters as gestational length, head circumference, mother age
(years), CRP (mg/L), PLT(mm3) and TLC(mm3).
- Selenium level didn’t correlat with any of the clinical and laboratory
data as GA, length, head circumference, mother age, CRP, TLC and PLT.