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النقل البرى ودوره فى التنمية الإقتصادية فى منطقة الجفارة الليبية :
الزروق، محمد الزروق على.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد الزروق على الزروق
مشرف / منير بسيونى سالم الهيتى
مناقش / هويدا إبراهيم رمضان أحمد
مناقش / وفيق محمد جمال الدين إبراهيم
النقل البرى. جغرافيا النقل. النقل البرى - جوانب إقتصادية. الطرق البرية. الجغرافيا الإقتصادية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
274 ص. :
الجغرافيا والتخطيط والتنمية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية الآداب - الجغرافيا
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 274

from 274


Road transport is one of the oldest types of transport, as well as the oldest infrastructure sectors, or as the researchers call it the basis of economic construction, given the role played by this sector in the economic and social development, as well as its importance in enhancing the spatial interaction between economic activities, Boundless. The road transport and its various means are among the most important reasons for progress and the success of the development plans in the countries. This is evidenced by the fact that the transport sector is one of the important indicators for measuring the progress of countries and their progress, because the transport networks in any region are a reflection of the cultural and economic progress of that region. Libya is one of the developing countries, which is in dire need of such studies in various regions, in order to achieve the objectives of economic and social development. Therefore, land transport is an important aspect of economic activity. It is the link between the production areas on the one hand and the distribution and consumption areas on the other. As well as a complementary process of production and necessary for consumption; on the third hand, transport creates the spatial benefit of both goods and labor, because the transfer from the place of surplus to the place of disability or shortage increases its value, There is an acai desire In the economic and social development of this country. All this has increased interest in the transport sector by linking the regions to each other. The Libyan state has paid great attention to the land transport sector since the early start of the oil boom in the country in the early 1950s. Several roads linking the country’s areas have been established; the Jafara area is one of those areas where many roads have been paved Which linked its urban shops to other areas. As the population grew, the number of vehicles increased and the economies of the region grew and diversified, the roads stood helpless to meet this development.