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هيئة الاعداد
مشرف / Mamdouh Mohamed Fawzy Abdllah
مشرف / Ahmed Abdelwahab Abdelhafez
مناقش / Shamel Ahmed Shanan
تاريخ النشر
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95 P. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - قسم المناطق القاحلة
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Germination is a way to improve agricultural productivity and it is known that the germination process generally improves the nutritional quality of seeds, not only by the reduction of antinutritive compounds, but by increasing the levels of free amino acids, available carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and other components, and also increasing the functionality of the seeds due to the subsequent increase in the bioactive compounds. The improvement is usually a result of breakdown of complex macromolecules as protein and starch into smaller and more digestible molecules. In particular, using some elicitors in germination for enhances the nutrition value of the seeds by sprouting. As the biosynthesis of several secondary metabolites in plants is usually a defense response of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses, their performance can be effectively stimulated by biotic and abiotic elicitors, making elicitation is one of the most effective strategies for improving bioactive secondary metabolite production in plant tissue. Yeast polysaccharide (YPS) is an efficient biotic elicitor for stimulating secondary metabolite production in plant cell.
For their highly metabolic activities after harvesting, radish and cowpea seeds were selected for performance of this study. The effect of using abiotic elicitor (saline water, by NaCl at different concentrations) and biotic elicitor (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on sprouting of radish and cowpea seeds have been investigated. After germinating radish seeds for six days and germinating cowpea seeds for five days using elicitors, chemical analysis and determination for phytochemicals contents have been carried out.
According to the best results of hypocotyl, radical, whole sprout length and weight of 10 fresh and dry sprouts, 2000 ppm NaCl concentration was found to be the appropriate concentration for performance the sprouting of both radish and cowpea seeds for making the chemical analysis and phytochemical contents.
Results showed a promising efficiency by sprouting whereas an appreciable increasing in the analysis comparing to dry seed for both radish and cowpea seeds.
Radish sprouts analysis:
1- Protein, moisture, ash, fiber, carbohydrates and energy have increased in the result of all treatments compared to dry seed.
2- Most of minerals (Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc) showed an increasing as compared with dry seed for all treatments.
3- Fatty acids, some of these fatty acids showed an increasing in sprouting samples more than dry seed like as linoleic acid, linolenic acid. Other fatty acids were less than 0.1 % in seed, sprouts by tap and saline water but showed a marked increasing concentration in sprouts treated with yeast as: Plamitioleic acid (C16:1w9), Lignoceric acid and Nervonic acid. Others were less than 0.1 % in seed but it appears increasingly in sprouts in all treatment as: Eicosaenoic acid and 11-Eicosaenoic acid.
4- Amino acids, most of amino acids are noticeably increased in radish sprouts for all treatment compared with dry seed.
5- phytochemicals analysis, germination has a positive effect to present some phyto-compounds which weren’t exist in the seed. Some of these compounds are flavonoids; other compounds are phenolic compounds or terpenoids. Also the compounds which appear only in sprouts are sulfur compounds. It can be said that sprouting radish seed could produce of various phytochemicals that improve health.
6- There were several compounds have different activity with saline water + yeast treatment. For example, Pentahydroxyflavone (flavonoid) was noticed to increase in yeast treatment with both tap and saline water. Some other compounds have obviously increased in saline water, with and without yeast, including phenols, sulfur compounds and flavonoids. That beside to some terpenoid which wasn’t present in seed but it exist in all sprouts and highly increased in sprout treatment with saline water and yeast.
7- Proximate analysis composition of mini pizza were made of 20%radish sprouts flour and control market flour either with tap and slain water or with and without yeast were higher than those in which use 10 % radish flour in protein, ash, total lipid and fiber. In contrast with moisture and carbohydrates
8- Sensory evaluation of mini pizza samples which used 10% radish flour either with tap and slain water or with and without yeast were better than other treatments that used 20% radish flour in odor and taste tests. Texture and color tests showed not noticeable significant differences in all treatment samples compared to control sample.
Cowpea sprouts analysis:
9- It was noticed some increasing in protein, moisture, and fiber in the result of treatments compared to dry seed.
10- Most of minerals: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and Zinc were increased in all treatments comparing with dry seed as a result of germination.
11- Some of the fatty acids had an increasing in sprouting samples more than cowpea seed.
12- As for amino acids, the amino acids results were noticeably increased for all treatment.
13- Several compounds have noticeably increased with germination process in all cowpea treatments. Most of these compounds are flavenoides, phenolic compounds and terpenoides. Some compounds were found to increase specially in sprouts treated with yeast elicitor in both tap and saline water like as: phytol & 4’,6-Dimethoxyisoflavone-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside.
14- It was found that germination had a positive effect to present some phyto-compounds which weren’t existing in the seed. This reflects the possibility of sprouting on development of new phytochemicals compounds.
15- The proximate analysis composition of control market flour and pies made of 20% cowpeas sprouts flour samples either with tap and slain water or with and without yeast were higher than those in which the 10 % radish flour and 100% market flour (Control) samples in protein and ash.
16- Pies which used 10 and 20% cowpea in all treatments showed higher results content than100% market flour (Control) in Moisture, total lipid, fiber, carbohydrates and Energy.
17- Sensory evaluation of cowpea pies, recorded that all samples which used 10% cowpea flour were better than other treatments that used 20% cowpea flour in odor, taste and color tests. Texture tests showed no significant in all treatment samples compared to control sample.
It was cleared that, under biotic and abiotic stress, plant physiology changes. These dynamic changes in metabolites during sprouting process induce organic compounds as flavonoids, terpenoides, organic acids and phenolic compounds with significant antioxidant and chelating properties to increase in sprouting especially with using yeast elicitor. The high content of bioactive compounds causes that consumption of sprouts strengthens body’s immunity. As a result, accumulation of secondary metabolites in plants provides health benefit foods
from the previous results it cleared that germination brought significant increases in the micronutrient, phyto-nutrient content of radish and cowpea seeds, thus proving that there is clear increasing in the nutritive value of the seeds on sprouting. Besides, clarification to some extent the behavior of natural and food-grade elicitor responses which is an important step towards the future development of value-added foods with elicited phytochemicals. This study could help in lays the basis for future research on improving the nutraceutical value of plant foods using natural elicitors.
This study, and similar ones, are an important step towards future development of innovative value-added food products with elicited phytochemicals which have beneficial effects on human’s health.