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Ali, Adel Said Hassan.
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مشرف / أسامة أحمد على البحيري
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150 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - معهد الدراسات العليا والبحوث للزراعة في المناطق القاحلة
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The main constrains for improving and developing animal production in Egypt is the reduction in local feedstuff resources. In semi-arid areas, nutritional stress is a major constraint to ruminant livestock production in dry season .Industrial investment and animal production suffer from different problems due to the requirements of human crops and competition with adequate animal feeding requirements. Thus, one-third of the world’s total cultivated area is cultivated with crops used for animal feed. In this regard, efforts must be made, and new solutions sought to counter this competition (El-Deeba Mona et al, 2009). Therefore, it is believed that inclusion of some agricultural by-products to replace a part of diet for animals become an obligation (El-Tahan et al, 2003; Abdallah et al, 2014 and Deraz, Hayam et al, 2015).
In Egypt, rice and wheat hays reaches about 12.1 million tons (Agric. Statistics, 2009). Few attempts were tried to improve quality of wheat and rice hay to be used as an animal feed, these include addition of ammonia (Mason and Owen, 1985) and growing grain with hay (Ibrahim et al., 2001), and Abdallah et al., 2014).
Also, faba bean and Egyptian clover hays reaches about 2.5 million tons residues in Egypt (Agric. Statistics, 2016). These residues are high in crude fiber and low in nitrogen, which affect the amount of animal diet nutrition and digestion. These attempts lead to getting rid of crop surplus by-products and providing feed with better quality without need to grow any crops that will use a cropping area. Using seed sprouts to improve nutritional value of these hays will lead to increase the rote of utilization in future (Sneath and McIntosh, 2003; Mohammadi and Abdullah, 2007; Abdallah et al., 2014 and Deraz, Hayam et al, 2015).
The hydroponics green fodder is a well-known technique for high fodder yield, year round production and least water consumption (Tudar et al, 2003; Al Hashimi, 2008 and Al-Karaki, 2011). This technology may be especially important in regions where forage production is limited (Mukhopad, 1994 and Buston, et al, 2002), but there are some arguments about the technique to compensate the feed resources for animals (Rajendra et al, 1998 and Tudor et al, 2003).
Limited research has been conducted to determine the value of sprouted barely grains, however, (Chung et al, 1989) measured 9.4% decreased in dry matter of sprouted barely grains over 5 days, while (Abdallah et al. 2014 and Deraz, Hayam et al ,2015) found 15% loss for 7 days.
On the other hand, sprouted barley grains on rice straw revealed significant improvement in CP and TDN g /kg body weight (Helal, 2012; Fazaeli et al., 2012 and Abdallah et al, 2014). Moreover, (Deraz, Hayam et al, 2015) reported.
The results of this study were conducted in the Department of Horticulture at the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University in the years 2015-2016.
This study aims to study the effect of some seeds on some types of hays using tap and salted water on the nutritional value of the product compared to the fodder found in the markets. In the dark atmosphere on the environment of agricultural residues to conserve the energy and water used in the production of fodder produced by hydroponic crops. The experiments of planting the seeds were carried out in cloth bags mixed with rice, wheat, faba bean and Egyptian clover hays weighing 100 g raw hay before soaking. The cultivation densities of barley and Egyptian clover seeds were 10%, 20% and 30% of the raw hay weight before soaking.
The barley grain and Egyptian clover seeds were soaked for 12 hours before they were mixture with rice, wheat, faba bean, and Egyptian cloves hays in boiling water and soaking before boiling for 24 hours. No irrigation was observed during the growth period. The final feed was collected with samples of sprout barley and Egyptian clover after 4 days of agriculture, was estimated weight of fresh and dry sprouts and crop fodder output.
Samples of the resulting fodder yield were dried and analyzed by the Regional Center for Food and Fodder to estimate the components of the complete chemical analysis. As well as the percentage of fiber derivatives.
The cost of the system and the resulting feedings were estimated as the unit of production carried out by one worker with an area of 30 m2 of which 20 m2 x 5 shelves and its cost of burlap bag was estimated at 12000 LE consumed for a period of 10 years. The unit produces its fodder products for a period of 4 days leaving the room for sterilization one week all two months, a fee 415 LE worker per course. Moreover, considering the public enough to produce about 81 cycle in year. And the price of tons of barley grain 4500 Egyptian pounds and the seed of Egyptian clover 25000 Egyptian pounds and the price of tons of the growth environments (wheat hay about 1750 pounds and the home of rice hay 600 Egyptian pounds and the adoption of the faba bean hay 2000 and the adoption of Egyptian clover hay 1750 Egyptian pounds). The feed value of each type and each seed density was compared with those commonly used in the Egyptian market, such as alfalfa and corn silage, as well as with the hydroponic barley for the production of barley grown in the Local market (2017), and Sprouted green barley on rice straw (100%) Deraz, Hayam, H. (2015).
The results of the trials concluded that:
1. Growing conditions of the system can produce between 12.79to 38.38 kg of fresh fodder and 3.18 to 9.10 kg of dry fodder from one kilogram of dry barley grains compared to 13.22 to 38.46 kg of fresh fodder and 3.17 to 9.46 kg of dry fodder in from one kilogram of dry Egyptian clover seeds in 4 days of Agriculture.
2. Results showed about 22% loss in DW from the original seeds after etiolated sprouting for a period of 4 days.
3. Cultivation of barley and Egyptian clover seeds to improve the quality of feed grown on rice, wheat, faba bean and Egyptian clover hays, where protein and carbohydrates increased by increasing the density of cultivated seeds compared to raw hay.
4. The shortage of fiber derivatives (NDF, ADF, and ADL) was by increasing the intensity of cultivation of barley and Egyptian clover seeds.
5. The value of fodder (RFV) increased by increasing the density of cultivated seeds as a result of increasing the amount of fodder that the animal could eat daily as well as increasing the digestion of dry matter.
6. The lowest loss in the fodder block was with rice hay 18.47% and the highest lost was with the adoption of the faba bean hay 27.21% with the barley-etiolated sprouts.
7. The lowest loss in the fodder block was with wheat hay 14.26% and the highest was lost with the adoption of the faba bean hay 28.70% with the Egyptian clover etiolated sprouts.
8. The expected price per ton of dry feed (DM) as well as the ton of energy from it (TDN) of barley feed grown in this system, especially in the high concentrations of seeds grown on rice hay, was economically acceptable, similar with the price of alfalfa hays, and less than the prices of barley cultivated with hydroponic barley. Except for the protein that showed the lowest prices in common feed, especially in alfalfa hays.
9. The feed cost increased when the Egyptian clover seeds were used for fodder production .Therefore economically speaking, we can recommended for Do not use clover sprouts where there was a rise in the cost of the product as a result of the high price of Egyptian clover seeds, which amounted to (25 pounds/ kg seed), which caused the increase in costs compared to Corn Silage, Alfalfa, Hydroponic. Barely is it economical of DM and TDN than hydroponic barley and alfalfa .Barley grows less in production costs than green hydroponic barley with less than addition to its advantage on saving agriculture.
10. In the case of the current conditions of the country, we must take advantage of any product at a lower cost and give the same efficiency or less efficiency, but provides something else, such as water or land and others
11. Reduce pollution by using agricultural residues in a scientific manner to produce feed instead of burning it and increase environmental pollution.
Finally, the study concluded the new barley feed technique, which was grown on rice, Egyptian clover, wheat and faba bean hays, was obtained. Fresh high quality feed was obtained in a small area throughout the year and could be recommended as a cheap energy source (TDN) compared to the hydroponics and Egyptian clover and barley. The provision of agricultural land for the production of strategic crops such as wheat and maize can be produced and developed on roofs in a smaller area. In conclusion, the idea of producing barley sprouts is accepted from the technical point of view, especially barley etiolated sprout mixture with rice hay by using 30% seeding density . Due to absence of natural forage and these fodder high prices.