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Effect of Unsuccessful In-vitro Fertilization on Women’s Fertility-Quality of Life /
Rehan, Marwa Kamal Meligy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / مروة كمال مليجي ريحان
مشرف / إيناس قاسم علي قاسم
مشرف / سماح محمد الحمصي
مشرف / أميرة بخاطرة ا رشد
Microscopy Maternity nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
115 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - صحة الام وحديثى
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Child bearing is an important aspect of most or may be all
marriages so that infertility is a big life problem to all affected women.
Many infertile couples are able to conceive and establish a healthy
pregnancy by infertility treatment. One of the most used methods is
IVF and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). There are many
variables that cause IVF treatment to fail. The main are age of the
woman, quality of embryo, ovarian response, and implantation.
The majority of women suffering from infertility are not satisfied
with their life than normal women as infertility is not only a
gynecological issue but also a bio-pycho-social health problem which
negatively affect women’s quality of life. (Onat & Beji, 2012). Woman
with many IVF failures not only suffer psychosocial strain but also can
have negative effect on their relationships with others (Tao, Coates, &
Maycock, 2012).
The Purpose of the current Study is to identifying the effect of
unsuccessful IVF on women’s fertility quality of life.
The present study was carried out at El Nada IVF center in Benha
city, kalioubia governorate.
Descriptive design was used to assess the effect of unsuccessful
IVF on women’s fertility quality of life.
The target populations of this study are women who fulfilling the
inclusion criteria: women with female causes of infertility or combination
cause of infertility, women has two or more (ICSI) IVF failure,
undergoing another ICSI procedure during the course of the study and
agree to participate in the study. The sample size of this study was 142
Throughout the course of the present study; data were collected
using two instruments
 Instrument I: Semi-structured interviewing questionnaire:
designed by the researcher and was submitted to validity and
reliability tests by five qualified experts (Three experts from Faculty
of Nursing, two physicians from obstetrics and gynecology
department at Faculty of Medicine. Included the following parts:
- Part1: Socio demographic data (name, age, address, years of
marriage, occupation, couples level of education and income)
- Part2: Obstetric data (number of years of infertility, cause of
infertility, number of IVF and types of IVF )
Part3: Medical history (medications used to treat infertility, period
of treatment, history of genital tract infection and surgical
procedures in genital tract)
- Part4: Family history (history of infertility and cause of
 Instrument II: Fertility quality of life questionnaire (Adapted from
Boivin J, et al., (2011).
The instrument was modified by the researchers ”paraphrasing
some terms” and then submitted to the same jury
It is the first international valid and self-reported instrument that
can be used to assess quality of life of any woman with infertility. It is
available in many languages. The instrument includes 36 items that assess
core, treatment-related quality of life and overall life and physical health.
It includes two parts; core and treatment sections. Core FertiQoL consist
of 24 questions covering four subscales of QoL: mind & body, relational,social and emotional domains. The second part is the treatment module,consisting of 10 questions. The FertiQoL is a likert scale, and yields six
subscales with a total score ranging from 0 to 100. The higher score on
any subscale, the better fertility quality of life a woman have.
Approaches to ensure ethical issues were considered in the study.
Confidentiality was achieved by the use of locked sheets with the name of
participants replaced by numbers. All participants were informed that the
information they provided during the study would be kept confidential
and used only for statistical purpose and after finishing the study, the
findings would be presented as a group data with no personal participant’s
information remained.
It was found that the total fertility quality of life score of studied
women was 56.6%. While ideally; the total ranges from 0 to 100, the
higher score the better fertility-quality of life a woman have that
unsuccessful IVF negatively affected women’s fertility quality of life.
This means the current study findings succeeded in answering the first
study questions. Question 1: What is the effect of unsuccessful IVF on
women’s fertility quality of life?
There was a correlation between some socio-demographic
characteristics, obstetric variables and fertility QoL.
There was a negative correlation between age and fertility QoL.
There was a positive correlation between fertility QoL and: woman level
of education, husband level of education, residence and income. There
was a positive correlation between type of infertility, cause, type of
procedure used and fertility QoL. There was a negative correlation
between duration of marriage, number of IVF procedure and fertility
QoL. This means the current study findings succeeded in answering the
second study questions. Question 2: Is there a relationship between socio-
demographic data, obstetric history and fertility quality of life?