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Home Unintentional Non-Fatal Injury Among Children Under 5 Years Of Age In A Rural Area /
Abd El-Aziz, Noha Salem.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نهى سالم عبد العزيز
مشرف / أحمد عصمت شومان
مشرف / دينا نبيه كامل
مشرف / عزة محمد حسن
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
144 p. :
الطب (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - طب الأسرة
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nintentional injury is major health problem with lack of sufficient data. It is predictable and preventable when proper safety precautions are taken. They are not accidents and not including injuries that result from harm being inflicted on purpose, such as those sustained in suicide attempt, child maltreatment or among children with special needs who may require different set of injury prevention strategies.
The objective of the study is reducing the occurrence of unintentional home injury among preschool children and its impact on the child.
To determine the proportion, the characteristics, and the outcome of the most unintentional non-fatal home injuries among children under 5 years of age at the rural area.
To identify the related socio-demographic factors of the most non-fatal home injuries among pre-school children at rural area.
To assess KAP of mothers towards unintentional home injuries and first aid management to those injuries.
A cross sectional study was conducted in family health unit in Hegazy district in Shoubra Elkhima in Qalubya. The catchmentment area of this unit serves about 26.000 persons and visitors it was carried on 255 mothers of pre school children with inclusion criteria:
1. Children between 1-5 years.
2. It there is more than child to the same mother choosing the youngest one.
And exclusion criteria:
1. Child abuse.
2. Mentally ill child.
Along period of four months from November 2015 to February 2016.
Tool and techniques
Data was collected through an interview questionnaire, the used questionnaire was adopted from several studies. Consisted of three parts:
Part I included: (sociodemographic characteristic for mother and children as mother’s age, educational level, occupation, child age and gender.
Part II included: questions about home safety measures, type of unintentional home injuries, frequency of injury occurrence and its outcome.
Part II included: question about mother’s knowledge and practice toward injures and first aid measures.
Pilot sample of 12 participants had also been taken. Helped in necessary modification of the study tool.
The study findings can be summarized as:
Mother’s age Ranged between (17-40) years old by mean±SD (28.62 ± 3.59), the majority of mothers had secondary education or university degree 193 mother represented (75.7%) while 3 mothers were illiterate represented (1.20%).
The majority of mothers were house wives (not working for cash) represented (87.80%).
It also shows the majority of fathers had secondary or university degree 211 represented (82.8%) while 2 fathers were illiterate represented (0.80%).
According to mother’s social status (94.5%) were married while (5.5%) were either divorced or widowed.
Family size variation according to number of living persons in the same home it ranged (3: 15) with mean and SD 4.68± 1.32, family income varied but the majority were 152 (59.6%) from 1000 to 3000 pounds.
The presence of unsafe enviromental characteristics presented in the studied homes. The results revealed unsafe medication storage and easily accessibility (25.90%).
Unsafe detergent storage and easily accessibility with (9.00%), windows accessibility with (69.40%), liability of exposure to electric current (10.60%), accessibility to sharp objects as knives (6.30%).
Occurrence of accidental home injuries among children under 5 years during last year before the study represented (18.50%), more in males with (74.46%) than females (25.53%), in child age (at time of injury) with mean ± SD (3.02 ± 1.16), burn was the major injury by (37.00%) then fall (32.60%) then hit (17.40%).
Most of injuries resulted in scars by (34.80%) then scalds (23.90%) then bruises (15.20%), (92.20%) of mothers had background about first aid by (78.80%) from television, (98.40%) of mothers interested in getting first aid courses.