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Frequency, Pattern of Distribution and Associated Risk Factors of Dismorphologic Congenital Anomalies in the Newborn in Damietta General Hospital :
Ahmed, Amir Soliman.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / أمير سليمان أحمد
مشرف / عمر السيد الشوربجي
مشرف / ايهاب محمد عيد
مشرف / مايسة نصر فريد
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
149 p. :
طب الأطفال ، الفترة المحيطة بالولادة وصحة الطفل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية الطب - الدراسات الطبية للأطفال
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Congenital anomalies are structural or functional anomalies including metabolic disorders that are present at the time of birth, a better understanding and increased awareness about the epidemiology of children suffering from congenital anomalies is of high priority because of the maternal and child health indicators in healthy people, Congenital anomalies can be discovered before birth (prenatal), at birth or even long time after birth (postnatal), they include minor physical defect, severe defects and combinations of other abnormalities affecting numerous parts of the body. Diagnosis depends on family and personal history, examination and investigations.
The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence, pattern of distribution and risk factors associated with dysmorphologic congenital anomalies.
The study was conducted at Damietta general hospital in the period from 1/June /2015 till 31/May/2016, 50 cases of neonates borne with dysmorphologic congenital anomalies and 50 control neonates were included in the study, Mothers of cases and controls were interviewed face to face, the pre-performed structured questionnaire was used, information were collected about families socio-demographic characteristics, life style, habits, history of chronic illnesses, long term medications, exposure to expected risk factors (toxic substances, industrial hazards, environmental factors), consumption of certain foods, thorough general and systemic examination for included cases and controls, some investigations were done when needed.
Results showed that the number of babies borne with dysmorphologic congenital anomalies in Damietta general hospital during the period from 1/June/ 2015 till 30 May 2016 was 50 cases out of 1823 deliveries (1063 cesarean deliveries and 760 vaginal deliveries), this means that the prevalence rate was 2.7%
Systemic distribution of these anomalies was: digestive system anomalies 30% (the most common diagnosis among studies cases was tie tongue representing 28% of cases), musculoskeletal anomalies 20%, skin anomalies 14%, eye, ear, face and neck 10%, cardiovascular system anomalies 10%, genital organs anomalies 8%, cleft lip and palate 4%, chromosomal abnormalities 2%.
The study showed that there is an increased risk of dysmorphologic congenital anomalies as: Parental Smoking (active paternal and passive maternal) (OR= 5.78), frequent fish intake (2times and more / week)(OR= 4.89), high tendency to: legume intake (OR= 19.12), Canned foods intake (OR= 6.52), frozen food intake (OR= 6.52), Fast foods intake (OR=3.08), parental consanguinity (OR= 9.33), Residence near coal production facilities (OR=1.43), Exposure to furniture painting materials (OR= 2,23).
The study recommends to put plans and strategies for prevention and early diagnosis for congenital anomalies involving rural and urban areas, implementation of educational programs for improving public awareness about congenital anomalies and its possible risk factors.