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Motivation and Quality of Work Life among Staff Nurses /
Mohamed,Nashwa Salah EL Dien.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Nashwa Salah EL Dien Mohamed
مشرف / Rabab Mahmoud Hassan
مشرف / Hemat Abdel Azeem Mostafa
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
القيادة والإدارة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - إدارة التمريض
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The success of organizations depends upon how it motivates its employees. Thus motivation act as a catalyst in achieving Quality of work life, organizational productivity and portability. On one hand it helps to reduce job insecurity, stress, increasing job satisfaction, commitment and creating work life balance. Quality of work life is becoming a popular concept in last times. It has been evolved as an important aspect in every organization because it affects organizational efficiency and productivity (Sushil, 2013).
The present aimed of the study was to investigate the motivation and quality of work life among staff nurses through: measuring motivation level among staff nurses, assessing staff nurses perception regarding quality of work life and finding out the relationship between motivation and quality of work life among staff nurses.
This study carried out using descriptive correlational design. Furthermore, the study was conducted at Nasser institute for research and treatment hospital the study subjects consisted of 240 staff nurses out from 471.Data of this study was collected by using two tools namely; motivation scale and quality of work life questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that:
 The majority of the study staff nurses (95.8%) had low motivation level regarding job security. While more than one quarter of staff nurses had high motivation level regarding supervision.
 The highest mean for motivation was hospital policy domain. While achievement domain was the lowest.
 More than two thirds of staff nurses (67.5%) had low perception level regarded quality of work life regarding work life/home life; on the other hand majority of staff nurses had high perception regarded work design.
 Two thirds of staff nurses had low perception regarding quality of work life.
 There were statistical significant relationships between staff nurses age, marital state and years of experience and their total perception regarding quality of work life.There is a statistically significant positive correlation between motivation and perception of quality of work life among staff nurses.
The main recommendations can be summarized as follows:
 Conduct a periodic assessment of the quality of working life among nurses and address deficiencies, if found.
 Hospital management should develop strategies to motivate nurses.
 Quality of work life should be assessed periodically, promote fair incentives system hospitals have to staff nurses.