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Implication of using low quality water on soil and plants grown in east delta region /
Ali, Mahmood Abdullah.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمود عبدالله علي
مشرف / أبو النصر هاشم عبد الحميد
مناقش / إيهاب محمد فريد عبد السميع
مناقش / محمد حسن حمزة عباس
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
120 p. ;
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - لغة انجليزية
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Water shortage is one of the important issues of the current and the coming centuries. Thus, many countries are forced towards using non-conventional water sources such as wastewaters. Egypt country is one of the countries located in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Scarcity of water in Egypt became more pronounced nowadays and is expected to be a problem of life and death, especially after the construction of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Therefore, usage of alternative sources of water became of high importance. Using wastewater in complimentary irrigation became an obligation; however, compared with fresh waters, treated wastewaters usually contain higher contents of plant nutrients beside of some heavy or undesired metals and metaloids. Belbais drain is the main drain of Cairo. It carries lot quantities of waters that can be used for complimentary irrigation. To assess the implications of using wastewater of Belbais drain for complimentary irrigations of wheat, ten locations along the drain were selected for water sampling. Soil and wheat samples were also collected from the nearby farms at the aforementioned locations. There were no specific trends or distribution patterns detected for contents of each of NO3-N, P, B and As along the drain. NO3-N in water had a slight to moderate degree of restriction on use. Also, P-content exceeded its normal range in irrigation water. In spite of that, contents of N and P in wheat were within the normal range in shoot and grain. Content of B in water had a slight to moderate degree of restriction on use, but plants did not exhibit B toxicity symptoms. Contents of As in water of many locations exceeded the permissible level of 0.1 mg As L-1. Contents of As in soil (2.1 - 3.7 mg As kg-1) did not exceed the permissible level of 10 mg kg-1, but As in grains exceeded the permissible level of 1 mg kg-1 for food stuff. The calculated elemental grain/shoot ratio varied between 0.5439 and 0.8299. Individual practices of farmers on lands nearby Belbais drain are most certainly behind the increase in contents of the investigated elements in water of the drain. Efficient management of irrigation using wastewater of agricultural Drains in Egypt cannot be attained without increasing farmers’ awareness of the negative aspects that may arise due to the unmanaged agricultural practices.