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التفكير الناقد وعلاقته بالكفاءة الاجتماعية والذكاء الوجداني لدى عينة من طلبة الثانوية العامة /
علي, خلف الله خلف عسران.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / خلف الله خلف عسران علي
مشرف / اشرف حكيم فارس
مشرف / هناء أحمد شويخ
مشرف / هشام عبدالحميد محمود
الذكاء الوجداني.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
246 ص. ؛
علم النفس التنموي والتربوي
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعه جنوب الوادى - كلية الآداب - علم النفس التربوي
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 246

from 246


Today the Critical thinking considered as an important issue in the field of Education. Especially that we are at the age of globalization and information and caring for the good thinking as an important element for the successful life, where these changeable conditions requires new results as critical thinking, and thus it was considered as the goal of Education at schools (Saber Abu Mohadi, 201: 4). The aim of education is to provide students by a varied thinking skills , especially the skills of extraction, and the conclusion, and testing hypotheses, and evaluate the case of education, forecasting and prediction for suitable solutions without bias for the concluded results, it is necessary that our process to seek to provide these skills to our students , especially at Secondary schools and at college. Which considered as the fundamental pillar for the advancement of any civilized community (Lina Ezzedine Ali, 2011: 5). And the fact that there is a growing tension that the students at all levels does not give what proves anything about the advanced thinking abilities, especially the ability and the skills of critical thinking. That does not only affect the students results,but also on their lives when graduation and the beginning of their career (irfaner 2002: 3)
And the social competence considered as one of personal characteristics, as one of the manifestations of social force per one . The social force psychologically considered as an internal motivation for human which lies at the desire of self-preservation and to be confirmed by influence and controlling the others ( Ibrahim Mohammed Al Maghazi, 2004 :470) . It is a very complex social and emotional building.
. It must be developed in the early childhood or medium level to avoid the appearance of such behaviors as aggression, social withdrawal, which lead to adverse results at academic collecting besides to psychological problems, and the tendency to criminal behavior (burrows, 2005: 1) . Thus, social competence plays a vital role in the schools, by considering schools as a place from which to learn a lot of social behaviors at the future, through following a more systematic approach to some relevant skills of understanding for self-emotions and emotions for the others in social relations (mccluskey 2000 :on line)
Emotional Intelligence is considered as one of the forms of intelligence and it is an effective factor in the various human relations, whether his relation to himself or his relationship with others no longer work, friendship and other. The training on Emotional intelligence skills gives us the ability to deal with others and sympathy with them(Daniel Golman into 2000, 57 :58) . The Emotion contribute to the thinking rationalization, and thus the Emotional Intelligence considered as the latest development in the understanding of the relationship between the mind and emotion, and it is a turning point in the long conflict between intelligence mental concepts, and these traditional entrances at the field of impressions (Suhad Milli, 2010: 138).
Problem of the Study
The problem of the current study lies in answering the following questions:
1. Is there a statistically significant correlation between the total degree of critical thinking and both social competence and emotional intelligence?
2. Is there a statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of critical thinking (deduction, universals, inference, interpretation, argumentation) and both the social competence and emotional intelligence?
3. Is there a statistically significant relationship between the total degree of critical thinking and emotional intelligence dimensions (management of emotions, sympathy, regulate emotions, emotional knowledge, social communication)?
4. Are there statistically significant differences mong people with high and low degree of critical thinking and social competence and emotional intelligence?
5. Are there statistically significant differences between males and females in each of the critical thinking, and social competence and emotional intelligence?
6. Are there differences between the four subsidiary study groups (males and females with high and low degree of critical thinking and ) concerning social competence and emotional intelligence?
objectives of the study :
The current study aims to achieve the following objectives:
1. to investigate the relationship between critical thinking and social competence and emotional intelligence for secondary school students.
2. to investigate the relationship between the dimensions of critical thinking (deduction, universals, inference, interpretation, argumentation) and both the social competence and emotional intelligence.
3. to explore the relationship between the total degree of critical thinking and emotional intelligence dimensions (management of emotions, sympathy, regulate emotions, emotional knowledge, social communication).
4. to detect the differences regarding critical thinking, social competence and emotional intelligence according to the gender.
5. to investigate the differences among students with high and low degree of critical thinking and social competence and emotional intelligence?
6. reaching scientific recommendations that can be used in researches on the same variables in broader sense.
Importance of the study:
the importance of this study lies in the following:
Theoretical importance-1
1. identifying the importance of critical thinking and its relationship to both the social competence and emotional intelligence of their close relationship to individual success in scientific and practical life.
2. identifying the critical thinking, social competence, emotional intelligence, components, and the tools designed to measure them, and investigating deeply the concepts of the study especially because they are nealy used.
3. giving the researchers and those interested in the educational field information about the nature of critical thinking, social competence and emotional intelligence comprehensively.
2- Practical importance:
1. paying more attention to those concepts and work on their development in the secondary stage.
2. knowing the shortcomings that may be present among students and trying to avoid them.
3. directiong the teachers to deal with students with low levels in critical thinking, social competence and emotional intelligence.
4. giving recommendations for teachers to reach a high level in critical thinking, social competence and emotional intelligence.
Hypotheses of the study:
1. there is a statistically significant correlation between the total degree of critical thinking and both social competence and emotional intelligence.
2. there is a statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of critical thinking (deduction, universals, inference, interpretation, argumentation) and both the social competence and emotional intelligence.
3. there is a statistically significant relationship between the total degree of critical thinking and emotional intelligence dimensions (management of emotions, sympathy, regulate emotions, emotional knowledge, social communication).
4. there are statistically significant differences mong people with high and low degree of critical thinking and social competence and emotional intelligence.
5. there are statistically significant differences between males and females in each of the critical thinking, and social competence and emotional intelligence.
6. there are differences between the four subsidiary study groups (males and females with high and low degree of critical thinking and ) concerning social competence and emotional intelligence.
The current study has used the descriptive correlative methodology
limitations of the study:
1-sample: the sample of the study consisted of (110) students from the third grade students of secondary school in Samhood secondary school, Abu Tisht, Qena (58 males 52 females(.
2. Tools of the study:
-critical thinking scale designed by Watason Glasser ( translated by Jabber Abdel Hamid; Yahia Hendam (1995)
-social competence scale (Prepared by the researcher).
- emotional intelligence scale (Osman & Rizk (1998).
3. statistical techniques: to analyze the data of the study, the researcher used the following methods:
1-Correlation coefficient ,Pearson correlation coefficient.
2- Analysis of variance (ANOVA).
3- T- test.
4-Scheffe Test.
Results of the Study:
The current study concludes the following results:
1. there is a statistically significant correlation between the total degree of critical thinking and both social competence on the level (.05) and emotional intelligence on the level (.01) for the sample of the study.
2. there is a statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of critical thinking (deduction, universals, inference, interpretation, argumentation) and both the social competence and emotional intelligence.
3. there is a statistically significant relationship between the total degree of critical thinking and emotional intelligence dimensions (management of emotions, sympathy, regulate emotions, emotional knowledge, social communication).
4. there are statistically significant differencesbetweeen the mean scores of students with high and low degree of critical thinking and social competence and emotional intelligence in favor of those with high critical thinking.
5. there are statistically significant differences between males and females in each of the critical thinking and emotional intelligence in favor of males but there are no differences regarding the social competence.
6. there are statistically significant differences between males with high crititical thinking and females with low critical thinking regarding the emotional intelligence in favor of males with high critical thinking, and there are statistically significant differences between males with low critical thinking and females with low critical thinking regarding the emotional intelligence in favor of males with low critical thinking but thare are no statistically significant differences regarding the social competence.