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فاعلية التعلم التعاوني الحاسوبي في تنمية القوة الرياضية لدى طلاب المرحلة الإعدادية بمادة الرياضيات /
وسيم محمد عبده محمد الغرقي،
الفرقي، رسيم محمد عبده محمد.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / وسيم الغرفي
مشرف / فريال عبده
مشرف / أبو الفتوح مختار القراميطي
مشرف / أبو الفتوح مختار القراميطي
الرياضيات - طرق التدريس.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
290 ص. :
المناهج وطرق تدريس الرياضيات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة دمياط - كلية التربية - قسم المناهج وطرق التدريس
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 317

from 317


This time is characterized by a lot of knowledge and technology changement, so it is necessary to make individuals able to face these knowledge’s.
The mathematics is the mother of science, a language of technological age, and without its different branches for us a list towards progress and prosperity, and without which the grateful including enjoy its modern technologies and amenities and entertainment, where it is one of the basic sciences that are not indispensable any individual in the community, a measure progress of civilizations, it is also important materials that have a significant impact on the student’s academic march and collected course, the show also important by hiring students basic arithmetic and mathematical concepts and skills students the basics of mathematics and mathematical thinking.
Mathematical power occupies a central place between the aspects of student performance that must be done evaluates, where he was the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in his (the standards and principles: school mathematics) that the basic criterion for student learning of mathematics is that they have the skills power sports and which are intended to students’ ability to discovery and reasoning and coherence sports and creative and critical thinking, in addition to the use of mathematical knowledge and methods to solve problems effectively unfamiliar sports and non-routine, Mathematical power is the maximum number of mathematical knowledge and that students can be employed to think and communicate mathematically and in his life.
Therefore the development of mathematical power is a necessity imposed by the times cognitive informational each vocabulary and requirements of the individual and society, and between what it takes from the individual excellence, not only at the local level but at the global level, and mathematical power is made a part of this excellence, which enables the communication mathematical formulation linkages knowledge and understanding relationships and identify problem situations and mathematical reasoning by which realizes the reasonableness of what he makes, and finally set up an individual possesses the elements of self-confidence and self-realization, and this is what seeks humanitarian approach in teaching to achieve it.
Given the importance of the development of power sports for students in middle school, seeking the current study to use cooperative learning software for the development, as the collaborative learning software seeks to reach students to the level of excellence and the formation of a good image of themselves until they reach a level of self-fulfillment through their sense of success, and the learning computer Cooperative achieve effective communication between students and the development of their social skills, as it helps them to discover mathematical ideas themselves, which makes them feel pleasure curiosity to study mathematics, it also achieved through the principle of lifelong learning, which is seeking to force sports as well.
The research problem;
The problem with current research is the low level of mathematical power among middle school students and because of the limited teachers in assessment only on the side of the achievement and the omission of the rest of the mathematical power.
So we can form the research problem in the following main question:
What is the effectiveness of Cooperative Computer –Assisted learning on developing mathematical power in Mathematics for the second stage of Preparatory students?
from the main question the following sub-questions emerge
1-What are the dimensions of Mathematical power which included in Algebra for second-year preparatory students?
2-What is the proposed form to activate Cooperative Computer –Assisted learning strategy on developing the mathematical power for second-year preparatory students?
3-What is the effectiveness of Cooperative Computer –Assisted learning on developing mathematical power in Mathematics for the second stage of Preparatory school students?
Search terms:
(1) Cooperative Computer Assisted Learning:
And introduce procedurally in the current study as : One of the strategies of cooperative learning which use computer and its multimedia like: text and image and motion and graphics through a computer program to connect the members of each group of cooperative learning, where students of each group together and cooperate to learn computerized program for learning together.
(2) Mathematical Power:
The student’s ability to employ his mathematical knowledge( conceptual knowledge,procedural knowledge,proplem solving) in mathematical processes (communication,connection,reasoning )and measured by the degree student test designed for measuring mathematical power for the unity of the real numbers for students at the second preparatory.
Aims of the study:
1- Provide a procedural model for using Cooperative Computer Assisted learning in developing the mathematical power of second-year preparatory students.
2-Measuring the effectiveness of Cooperative Computer Assisted learning which include knowledge abilities (conceptual knowledge,procedural knowledge,proplem solving) and mathematical Processes(communication,connection,reasoning ) for the second-year preparatory students
Significance of the study:
1- students: where the use of Cooperative Computer Assisted learning provides students with an opportunity for social interaction through some interactive questions and learn computer skills and each student can benefit from the expertise of the members of his group and exchange ideas, mathematical knowledge with them.
2-Teachers: where Cooperative Computer Assisted learning is one of modern teaching methods that merges the computer and cooperative learning and both of them in itself provides a teacher’s time share and makes the teacher mentor and directed during learning and not a source of knowledge.
3- Supervisors of planning and development of curricula: Include Cooperative Computer Assisted learning into teaching strategies in preparing lessons and also include some of the skills and activities that develop the mathematical power and enrich mathematics curriculum with ideas associated with the lessons of the unit.
4- Cope with modern scientific trends to assess students in mathematics using mathematical power test as the fundamental criterion for evaluating students in math better than regular achievement tests.
5- Interest in modern methods of teaching a Cooperative Computer Assisted learning which merges computer with cooperative learning because it’s a development of using the collective learning which represented in cooperative learning and elimination the disadvantages of individual learning which represented in the computer.
Search Methodology:
The researcher used the following:
1-Descriptive analytical method: in the preparation of the theoretical framework and literature.
2-semi-experimental approach: in conducting the experiment and application of research tools.
Limitations of the search:
The present study was limited to:
1-Sample of students at the second preparatory :( girls institute of ezbet elgameea and girls’ institute of elrahamna in elazhar of Damietta) in year 2011/2012
2- Unity of real numbers in the book of mathematics for second-year preparatory students.
3- Measure the effectiveness of this unit using a test of mathematical power cognitive (conceptual knowledge and procedural knowledge and problem-solving), mathematical processes (mathematical communication, connection, mathematical reasoning).
search Instruments :
Researcher prepared the following instruments:
(a) Experimentation instruments:
(1) Educational software designer using a program (Flash Macromedia)
(2) Mathematics teacher guide in a unit of real numbers for the second preparatory.
(b) Measuring instruments:
Mathematical power test: which included three tests of time: Mathematical communication, connection and reasoning.
Research procedures:
To answer research questions and verify its hypothesis the researcher followed the following procedures :
(1) Referring to literature and studies related to a Cooperative Computer Assisted learning in learning mathematics and mathematical power.
(2) Constructing the proposed treatment of lessons using a Cooperative Computer Assisted learning strategy.
(3) Introducing the proposed treatment to a group of specialists and jurors to adjust it.
(4) Constructing the study instruments (a test of mathematical power) and submit it to a group of experts and specialists.
(5) Constructing the final form of the instruments according to the specialists’ opinions.
(6) select a sample of students at the second preparatory schools Damietta
(7) Pre-application of the tools of the study on both experimental and control groups.
(8) Teaching the proposed unit to the experimental group.
(9)Post-application of the study instruments on both the experimental and the control group.
(10)Tackling results statistically.
(11)Discussing and interpreting results.
(12) Introducing recommendations and further suggested studies
Hypotheses of the study:
1- There is a significant statistical difference between the mean scores of the experimental group and control group in the post application of the cognitive abilities test (conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, problem solving) in favor of the experimental group.
2-There is a significant statistical difference between the mean scores of the experimental group and control group in the post application of the mathematical processes test (mathematical communication, connection, reasoning) in favor of the experimental group.
3- There is a significant statistical difference between the mean scores of the experimental group and control group in the post application of the mathematical power test in favor of the experimental group.
4- There is a significant statistical difference between the mean scores of the experimental group in the pre / post application of the mathematical power test in favour of the post application.
5- Cooperative Computer Assisted learning strategy is effective in developing the mathematical power for Preparatory school students.
Results of the study
The following results were highlighted by the study:
1-The effectiveness of Cooperative Computer Assisted learning in Developing the cognitive abilities of Mathematical power for the preparatory second-year students
2-The effectiveness of Cooperative Computer Assisted learning in Developing the mathematical processes of Mathematical power for the preparatory second-year students
3-The effectiveness of Cooperative Computer Assisted learning in Developing the Mathematical power for the preparatory second-year students.
Recommendations of the study:
The present study introduces the following recommendations:
1- Emphasis on evaluating students in middle school in mathematical power as a requirement of requirements of achievement.
2- The necessity to train teachers to use a variety of teaching strategies for the development of mathematical power.
3-include Cooperative Computer Assisted learning strategy within the teaching strategies used in the teaching of mathematics and to focus on.
4-prepare computer rooms with different computer programs in mathematics which allows students to practice the various activities that take into account their interests and needs, intelligence and provide them with greater opportunities to learn.
5- The need to focus on the assessment on the skills of the mathematical power rather than focusing on knowledge, concepts and skills because mathematical power skills include aspects of different learning levels.
6- Preparation of further software inhalers in mathematics for grades which take into account the different needs and interests and requirements of students and emotional aspects and put it on the Internet to benefit from it the greatest number of teachers of mathematics.
Suggestions for further research
The present study suggests the following further studies:
Conduct a similar study of the current study on other branches of mathematics in the ranks and other educational stages.
2- Conduct a similar study of the current study uses Cooperative Computer Assisted learning strategy on special categories such as (talented - latecomers classroom - deaf and dumb - with learning difficulties - slow learning - the blind).
3- Using Cooperative Computer Assisted learning strategy in the development of different styles of thinking relevant to teaching mathematics, such as mathematical thinking and innovation and critic.
4- Conduct a similar study of the current study take into account other dependent variables such as:) directions, and the ability to solve problems, and the sense of sports, and the survival of the impact of learning, and reduce the math anxiety).
5- Use integrative approach between mathematics and science, technology and knowledge of its impact on the development of mathematical power among middle school students.
6- Use other strategies for cooperative learning to develop mathematical power included a strong strategic work to interest in a variety of dimensions of the