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Patients’ Self Care for Side Effects
of Cancer Chemotherapy /
Zaki, Azhar Taha.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Azhar Taha Zaki
مشرف / Salwa Samir
مشرف / Howyda Ahmed
مناقش / Howyda Ahmed
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
234p. :
الطب (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - Nursing Sciences
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 234


Cancer is the most important causes of morbidity and
mortality in the world, including approximately 14 million
new cases and 8.2 million deaths in 2013. It is expected
that the number of cases of cancer increases about 70%
over the next two decades (NCI, 2015). Five sites most
cancer among men, which are lung, prostate, colon,
stomach and liver cancer. but women are breast, colon,
lung, and cervical and stomach cancer, One-third of cancer
deaths occurred due to five major risk factors are
behavioral and nutritional as increasing body weight, not
eating fruits and vegetables enough, lack of physical
activity, tobacco use and alcohol abuse (Stewart & Wild,
Chemotherapy is a group of drugs that are used to
eliminate the cancer cells to stop their growth and limit
their spread, it may cause some side effects that did not
know the patient how to deal it, which leads to the
deterioration of the patient’s physiological, psychological,
social and spiritual. Thus patients they need sufficient
information to enable them to properly deal with the side
effects of chemotherapy and improve their physiological,
psychological, social and spiritual (Ralph, 2012).
Summary 
Aim of study:
 To assess patients’ self- care for side effects of cancer
Research question:
 What are the self -care for side effects of cancer
Research design: A descriptive design was used.
Research Setting:
The present study was conducted at outpatient & in
patient department of Radiation Oncology Nuclear
Medicine Center and Hematological Oncology units at Ain
Shams University Hospitals.
Subjects’ size and characteristics:
Sample size: flow rate of patient with cancer
undergoing chemotherapy during the year (2012-
2013) was studied (150 patients).
Criteria of selection:
All available patients undergoing chemotherapy aged
from 30-60 years old, from both gender, regardless their
cancer types and cancer stages. They are willing to
participate in the study.
Summary 
Tools of data collection:
Two types of tools were used for data collection
related to this study:
[1] Structured interviewing questionnaire tool, which
consists of three parts.
 Part (1): socio-demographic data characteristics
that include (patient age, gender, educational level,
occupation, income, cost of treatment, residence, and
marital status….etc.
 Part (2): it was included past and present history of
diseases including previous operation, complaints of
patient on admission.
 Part (3): it was designed to assess patients’
knowledge about cancer, chemotherapy and side
effects of chemotherapy.
[2] Patient assessment needs’ tool and self -care activity.
This tool divided in two parts:
 Part (1): it concerned with assessment of self-care
activities for side effect of chemotherapy.
 Part (2): It is concerned with the Assessment of
social psychological, religious needs and activity
of daily living.
Summary 
The important findings from the study can be
summarized as following:
 More than one third of patients under the study (38.7%)
was (50-60 years).
 In relation to sex, it was revealed that the half of patients
under study (54.7%) were females. More than three
quarters of studied patients were married (77.3%) and
lived in urban areas (78.0%).
 In relation to cost of treatment (60.7%) of patients were
treated by government and majority of patients (77.3%)
had no enough income for treatment.
 Concerning the duration of illness, more than third
(44.0%) of studied patients complaint symptoms of
cancer from two years and more than two third of
patients (69.3%) started chemotherapy from more than
one years ago.
 More than half of studied patients (55.3%) had
unsatisfactory knowledge about cancer, side effects of
chemotherapy and how to manage these side effects.
 As regard level of independence in daily living activity
more than third of patients (46.0%) were partially
Summary 
 In relation to psychosocial needs, of the studied subjects
(87.3%) had financial burden and nearly two third of
patients (61.3%) were need to reassurance to copping
with illness.
 There was highly statistically significant between self -
care activity and Daily living of activity.
Based on finding of present study, it can be concluded.
More than half of studied patients had unsatisfactory
knowledge about cancer, chemotherapy and level of self -
care activities. As regard loss of appetite, nausea vomiting,
bleeding, fatigue, hair loss and dry skin). The patients had
satisfactory level of self -care activities regarding
constipation and diarrhea .It was detected that most
affected systems were GIT system and dermatological
system. However the majority of patients were independent
toward walking, dressing, toileting and feeding, but more
than two third needed assistance toward ability to handle
finance, shopping, housekeeping, food preparation and
travelling. In relation to, psychological, social and religious
needs, the majority of studied patients need for financial
support for treatment, as well as improvement of body
image, coping with illness, reassurance and encouragement.
Summary 
The following recommendation were inferred from the
 Educate cancer patients and their families on common
symptoms of cancer and adverse effects of chemotherapy
treatment and provide them with strategies for
 Develop educational program for patients and their
families on how to deal with side effects of
chemotherapy to improve the physical, psychological
and economic condition.
 Follow up care should be available for patients with
cancer through phone call.
 Further researches are needed to focus on studying
factors affecting self -care for cancer patien