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العلاقة بين تعرض المراهقين المصريين للاخبار يالتليفزيون ومستويات الطموح لديهم :
ابوسنة، محمد منصور كمال.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد منصور آمال أبو سنة
مشرف / فاتن عبدالرحمن الطنبارى
مشرف / مؤمن جبر عبدالشافي
مناقش / فاتن عبدالرحمن الطنبارى
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
274 ص. :
اعلام تربوى
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - معهد الطفولة - الاعلام وثقافة الطفل
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 274

from 274


That today’s television news has become a source of the most
important sources relied upon by an individual in the formation of
awareness of what was going on around them and what issues
exposed subjects in various political, cultural, social, economic and
religious ...... Etc.
Hence playing Mass Communication plays an important role,
where associated mass communication social phenomena and
political, cultural and economic, and plays a vital role in social
integration, political and economic terms linking individuals
community issues and Hristithm note what goes where the events
and issues creates a so-called social consciousness and political,
cultural and intellectual, media areplay an important role in modern
society and play socially for all categories of informing and
educating, as you by bringing different concepts between
individuals in their definition on everything related to this
community issues.
The increase in our present role of the media in the live coverage of
the political and economic events until it became public live events
first hand. The ambition of the most important features that led to the rapid
development of which the world has witnessed in recent times is
the motive, which is based on the kick and arrange ideas to
improve the quality of life of the stage to another advanced.
And the level of ambition feature of human personality in the
sense that they described can be found at virtually everyone, but
with varying degrees of severity and type in which she expresses
the aspiration to achieve the objectives of near or far future.
Problem of the study:
Research can identify the problem based on the first observation,
where the researcher noted that the Egyptian media in general in
recent shed light on current events in the community, which
include negative news, whether linked to the areas of political,
economic or social .. And others, can also identify the research
problem also from previous studies, where he noted researcher that
there is a shortage and clear in studies on the role of media in
addressing negative news in general, and the role of television in
particular, where lack Arab libraries to these kinds of studies
despite serious negative news and posed devastating effects on the
march of society, and is becoming increasingly important to
address this research problem in the light of the margin of freedom
rising, which enjoys the Egyptian media in recent times in the light
of the reform policies, which gave the media boldness and courage
in addressing many of the negative news in different processors,
and we find growing interest on the part of television addressing
issues of Egyptian society, reflecting prong various negative news
related to all areas and levels .. This requires study and analysis of
the effect that you leave this treatment on adolescents on this news,
no doubt that this kind of news impact on the levels of ambition
adolescents and therefore you should check levels this ambition
after exposure to such kind of news on TV, has been supported by a
sense researcher problem study also the results of the survey
conducted by the limited sample of television channels and space
as well as the survey conducted by a sample of university students
which gave scientific results show how attention publish negative
news on TV, and increased rates of publication of this kind of
news, along with the adoption of the public adolescents Television
in drawn his information about community issues and associated
them this kind of news, although a discrepancy between those
channels and some in the method and the size of the treatment, as
well as the variation size and motives vulnerability of adolescents
each of these channels, and then we can elaborate study problem in
answer to the question Next:
What is The relationship between the vulnerability of
adolescents to the Egyptian news Television and levels of
ambition matter vol?
The stems of this question several sub-questions, namely: -
1 - To what extent exposure to television adolescents?
2 - To what extent exposure to news adolescents television?
3 - What are the motives of the vulnerability of adolescents of
television news?
4 - What are the most important programs that get teens to his
information about news in the Egyptian society?
5 - What levels of ambition among adolescents?
6 - To what extent the impact of demographic variables (gender,
place of residence, socio-economic level, type of university,
specialization) at the level of vulnerability of adolescents to the
negative news that broadcast over news programs and the impact
on the level of ambition in adolescents?
7 - To what extent Iqbal teens to follow the news on TV?
8 - What is the level of vulnerability of adolescents to connect to
the profile on the news via television broadcasts?
9 - What the credibility of television among adolescents and their
assessment of his performance?
Objectives of the study:
The present study aims to identify the relationship between
adolescent exposure to Egyptian news by TV, levels of ambition
LED matter through:
1 - Get on the size of the vulnerability of adolescents for TV
2 - Get on the size of the vulnerability of adolescents of television
3 - to detect the exposure of adolescents motivated negative news
on TV.
4 - to measure the impact of demographic variables (gender, place
of residence, socio-economic level, type of university,
specialization) at the level of vulnerability of adolescents of
television news and then impact on their level of ambition.
5 - measuring the level of ambition in adolescents.
6 - Get over the vulnerability of adolescents to connect to the
profile on the news in the television during the study period?.
7 - to check the credibility of television among adolescents and
their assessment of the performance of the news service?
Type and the methodology of the study:
This study belongs to a comparative descriptive studies, and in the
framework of the researcher used survey method Media for a
sample of university students and comparative approach.
Variables of the study:
- First: the independent variable: The size of the exposure of
young people University of satellite channels and television, as
well as the size of their exposure to news in satellite television.
- Second: the dependent variable: The ambition is to
distinguish different types (high - medium - low).
- Third: intermediate variables: The demographic variables
(gender and Study hypotheses:
In light of the objectives of the study and its questions
and theoretical construction and building on the previous
view of previous studies study seeks to test the following
hypotheses: -
First assumption: There is a significant correlation between
the levels of statistical respondents’ views of TV channels
and different levels of viewing of television news.
The second assumption: There is a significant correlation
between statistical motivated respondents exposure to
television news and different exposure levels to him.
The third assumption: There is a significant correlation
between statistical level of exposure to television news and
levels of ambition among the respondents.
Fourth assumption: There is a positive correlation and
statistically significant between the level of active viewing of
the respondents to the television news, which displays
satellite and different levels of ambition to have.
The fifth assumption: There is a positive correlation and
statistically significant between the motives of respondents’
views of the television news, which displays satellite and
different levels of ambition to have.
The sixth assumption: There is a positive correlation and
statistically significant between the implications of the
respondents’ views of the television news, which displays
satellite and different levels of ambition to have.
Seventh hypothesis: different levels of exposure in young
university different levels of television news content ratified
the respondents
Eighth hypothesis: There are no statistically significant
differences between the mean scores of males and females
averages on a scale seen active for television news.
Ninth hypothesis: There are no statistically significant
differences between the mean scores of the respondents
living in the countryside and averages of respondents
residing in urban areas on a scale seen active for television
Tenth assumption: There were statistically significant
differences between the mean scores of the respondents on a
scale depending on the level of ambition of the different
demographic variables (type - residential - University Type -
the type of study - socioeconomic level).
And divides this hypothesis to five sub-hypotheses:
A - There are statistically significant differences between
the mean scores of male and female mean scores on the
measure of the level of ambition in favor of males.
B - no statistically significant differences between the
mean scores Mbhuthy countryside and the mean scores
Mbhuthy urban scale the level of ambition of urban
C - no statistically significant differences between the
mean scores of the respondents with specialization
theoretical and mean scores of respondents pragmatic
people with specialization on a scale the level of ambition
in favor of pragmatic specialization.
D - no statistically significant differences between the
mean scores of respondents to public universities and the
mean scores of the respondents in private universities to
gauge the level of ambition in favor of government
universities Mbhuthy.
E - no statistically significant differences between the
mean scores of the respondents on a scale depending on
the level of ambition differing socio-economic level.
The study population:
The population of the study in the academic youth of
males and females in the four school teams from the First
Division until the fourth year, is the opposite phase to late
The study sample:
Applied study on a stratified random sample strength (400)
students from the students enrolled in the faculties of the
University (Cairo - Egypt Science and Technology), students
from the four teams have been identified selected style random
sample is systematic representation of all variables of the study
were promised a representative sample of young university, has
been determine the sample rate (400) Single divided by (200)
Single each university, has taken into account the researcher in
that the ratio of male equal to the percentage of females, have
been withdrawn (200) Single from each university distributed
between 100 Single males in for 100 single females.
Has increased researcher sample size of 400 single and sufficient
to represent the community of 500 thousand people at the error
rate of 5% to (430) students, in order to avoid errors during the
data collection or dishonesty, or failure to complete the required
data, which achieves the highest sincerity possible in society
representation of the original study, has ruled out the researcher
(30) form due to incomplete statements or responses are
incomplete, or the lack of credibility Astmarathm after the audit,
therefore study sample consisted of basic (400) students from
three universities in Egypt by 200 students each university.
Time domain of the study:
Applied study during the month of November and
December, has chosen researcher this period even be gone
from complete theoretical framework for the study and make
use of it in developing questions questionnaire, and this
period is peak time for the presence of students at the
university where followed that period of examinations and
leave half.
Study tools and data collection method:
Data were collected current study through the tool survey and
measure the level of ambition, and style a personal interview with
the respondents, has passed the preparation of these tools stages
scientific accepted from target identification and data to be
collected and prepared in its initial and revised systematically and
scientifically through the group of experts and arbitrators in the
fields media and psychology and education and research methods
and the application of pre-test Pre test, as well as to ensure the
stability of the tool.
Measurement methods used:
1 - measure the rate of exposure to the satellite channels:
2 - a measure of exposure to television news:
3 - measure the motives of exposure to television news:
4 - Measuring seen active for TV news:
5 - measure the sincerity of news content to TV: (ratification
6 - measuring the impact of the news content to TV: (ratification
7 - measuring the level of ambition
8 - measure the socio-economic level
Statistical methods used in data processing:
To extract the results of the study, the researcher using statistical
software (SPSS) where the use of some statistical methods that fit
the nature of the required data such as:
1 - Mini duplicates and percentages.
2 - averages and standard deviations.
3 - analysis of variance-dimensional single One Way Analysis of
Variance ANOVA to study the statistical differences between
arithmetic means for groups in a study variables.
4 - dimensional tests Post Hoc Tests in a less significant
difference Least Significance Difference, known as LSD to find
out the source of the discrepancy between the groups that
confirms the analysis of variance of a difference between them.
5 - Pearson correlation coefficient Pearson Correlation to study
the intensity and direction of the correlation between the two
variables of the study variables.
6 - Test ”T” T.Test for independent groups to study the
differences between the actuarial averages for the two sets of
respondents to a study variables.
7 - Ca 2 test for compatibility tables to study the statistical
significance of the relationship between two variables of the
ultimate level.
8 - compatibility coefficient (Contingency Coefficient) which
measures the intensity of the relationship between nominal
variables in the table more than 2 × 2.
9 - weight percentage weight.
10 - Test ”. Test Z” to study the moral difference between two
percentage points.
11 - Mann Whitney test Yu Man - Whitney U to study the
statistical significance of the difference in the average
arrangements for the two sets of respondents in an ordinal
The most important findings of the study:
The study proved the following:
There is a significant correlation between the levels of statistical
respondents’ views of TV channels and different levels of viewing
of television news.
There is a significant correlation between statistical motivated
respondents exposure to children’s theater and different exposure
levels to him.
There is a significant correlation between statistical level of
exposure to television news and levels of ambition among the
There is a positive correlation and statistically significant between
the level of active viewing of the respondents to the television
news, which displays satellite and different levels of ambition to
There is a positive correlation and statistically significant between
the motives of respondents’ views of the television news, which
displays satellite and different levels of ambition to have.
There is a positive correlation and statistically significant between
the implications of the respondents’ views of the television news,
which displays satellite and different levels of ambition to have.
Different levels of exposure in young university different levels of
television news content ratified the respondents
No statistically significant differences between the mean scores of
males and females averages on a scale seen active for television
No statistically significant differences between the mean scores of
the respondents living in the countryside and averages of
respondents residing in urban areas on a scale seen active for
television news.