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Relationship between menstrual cycle pattern and body mass index among secondary schools pupils at Damietta city /
Abdel-Rahman, Hebat Allah Hossam El-Din.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / هبةالله حسام الدين عبدالرحمن عبدالسلام
مشرف / نادية محمد فهمى
مشرف / ناهد فكرى حسن خضر
مشرف / تيسير محمد فتحى
Menstrual cycle. Menstruation disorders. Menstruation Disturbances - Pathology.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
141 p. :
الأمومة والقبالة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التمريض - Woman’s Health and Midwifery Nursing.
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Menstrual dysfunction frequently occurs during the adolescence period; however it is rare to find a significant pathology to explain such dysfunction. The increasing rates of obesity, among Egyptian population, that is largely attributed to their lifestyles had been found to result in menstrual disturbances. Because the pattern of menstrual cycle has a significant impact on a girl’s reproductive life, which raises a concern for the patient and their families, the current study aimed to evaluate the relationship between menstrual cycle pattern and body mass index among secondary school pupils. Descriptive study design was used to conduct this study on 380 female students recruited from 5 secondary schools at Damietta city (Alshaheed Odaa secondary school, Om El moamneen secondary school, Omar Ebn Abd El Aziz secondary school, Alsayida Khadiga secondary school, Shehata secondary school), during the period from December 2014 to May 2015. The study subjects met the following inclusion criteria: 1. Aged between 15-18 years. 2. Single. 3. Started menstruation since at least 2 years. 4. Are not on hormonal therapy or drugs that may affect menstruation. Two tools were used for data collection; the first tool was a structured interviewing questionnaire. It entailed the patient’s socio demographic data and the student’s anthropometrics, while the second tool was the menstrual cycle questionnaire. It is a 19-item self-report questionnaire.